That Thing peed on himself...
You know what?
That Thing peed on himself at the V-E-T!!!!
He keeps on denying it and said it was because the V-E-T kept him in the cage and didn't wet him out to go to the toiwet and he kept scweaming that he had to go but evewyone ignored him.
Do you think I bewieve him?
He peed on himself!
Well, anyway, he peed on himself and I think you can imagine how he smelt wike when he came home.
I wanted to be a gentleMANcat and give him heawing wicks, but I think even gentleMANcat have their wimits.
I do not wike to wick someone's pee.
He twied to walk past me but evewytime, I whapped him in the face. Not on the head, no, he wikes whaps on the head. I whap him in the face.
See, this is the cwosest I am staying to That Thing until he goes and have a nice good bath.
(Somehow in this pictor, That Thing wooks as huge as me! Do you guys think he's going to gwow up huger than me??? The onwy thing is he gotted himself weighed that day and he was 3.35kg. I am about 8kg. So That Thing still has quite a wot of catching up to do. But what if one day he weawwy gwows to be bigger than me???!!! Do you think I can still whap him then?)