Saturday, January 31, 2009

That Thing is an alcohowic...

After sending away that tewwor of a "girlfwiend", I would have thought I could have some peace.
Now do you guys know what That Thing did?

Some of mine Mummy's wewatives came over and had beers.
Beers. Are. For. Beans.
I'm sure all of you kittehs know that too.
And anyway, beers smell howwible. And taste even nastier.

That Thing, sniffed the beer.
And keeps twying to poke his nose into the cups.
And pushed and whined and attempted to stick his whole face in.
And mine Mummy had to push him away fwom evewyone's cups.
In the end, no one could put their cups down because the moment someone weft his cup unattended, That Thing would twy to stick his face in.
Do you think kittehs can get dwunk fwom sniffing too much beer?

Why does That Thing alway have to come up with things to turn my fur gwey?
Can someone help whap some sense into That Thing?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The end of Chinese New Year...

The Chinese New Year howidays is finawwy over. Here, we get 2 days of howidays for the Chinese New Year so today is the day most beans go back to work.
Mine Mummy however, fowwows the howidays in China because her bosses wants it so.
So today there is finawwy some peace awound with no one visiting and mine Mummy enjoying a nice wewaxed day with us.

For you guys out there who have never expewienced Chinese New Year, wet me tell you, it's the worst howiday invented to infwict kittydom.
First you get beans twooping in and out of your house, not giving you a moments' peace because they cwaimed they were visiting! I mean, you can visit each other outside the house, why come into the house and disturb me?
Then there are beans who heard of mine fame and WANTS to see me, and That Thing when they come into mine house, and there goes my nap.
Gwanted, there's wots of nice foods and smells all over, but you know what mine selfish Mummy says? Most of the stuff I thought smelled nice, would be met with, "Hey, that's not good for kitties."
If that is good enough for you Mummy, I don't see why that is not good for me! They smells heavenwy!
Alwight, I did get weal fwesh wive deaded fish, and shwimps and wots of BBQ pork, but there's so many other things I didn't get!

And yesterday, mine Mummy's 3 fwiends came and visited us.
Actuawwy, they were here to see handsome genius me. But so what if they wanted to see handsome genius me? I didn't want to see them!
There was this first bean who was somewhat nice because she's a wittle scared of 8kg me. So she kept her distance and I kept mine. And all was well.
Then there was this second bean who was simpwy tewwified of me. Which was ok because I wasn't the sort who's going to go and nom her up - I mean, I've got better things to do wike nap and I don't mind napping under the bed for a while if you're so tewwified of seeing me.
But there was this third bean who came made this pilgwimage just to see awesome me. I know I'm awesome and all that, but was she content to have a sight of handsome me? No! She wanted to touch me! And she wanted to touch That Thing too! And That Thing, after being so tewwified by his ex-girlfwiend, just wan and hid beind me.
So what did I have to do again?
I had to hiss and gwowl and scold this Nightmare bean.
And this bean had BBQ pork in her hands.
And I was wike, oh gosh! Divine smell! Nightmare bean! Divine smell! Nightmare bean! And I couldn't move because I didn't know whether to go towards the divine smell or away fwom the Nightmare bean! And she....and she....she waughed at me!!!!
Don't you think this is all too much!?

Well, anyway, I'm just awfuwwy gwad I can have a peaceful nap now on mine Mummy's wap. And I'm not going to wet That Thing up on mine Mummy's wap today. No way. I think I earned this pwace.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

There be peace on earth...

Thank you guys, for all your purrs that the wittle kitty will find a wonderful furrever home soon. Because that's what she just did!
And now, there can be peace on earth forever more, and I'm going to have a good wong nap.
Now would someone just tell That Thing to STOP fowwowing me awound! Especiawwy into the witterbox! I do not appweciate another fuwwy body next to mine when I'm twying to poop or pee, thank you vewy much.

Chinese New Year and guys, help me talk to That Thing...

Happy Chinese New Year evewybody!
It's the Chinese New Year and there are wots and wots and wots of yummy noms!
See what I gotted!And That Thing does not know how to appweciate this!
Which is just as well because I got to eat both mine, and his!

And speaking of That Thing, he's weawwy making mine fur gwey.
That wittle kitty whom he thinks is his girlfwiend, oh well, wet me tell you the entire stowy wight fwom the beginning.
Wemember when mine Mummy first bwought the kitten home, I was oh not so happy at all.
In fact I was ANGWY!
Because I could see wight away, she's not going to fit into our famiwy.
But That Thing, he's just pwain siwwy.
He thinks that kitten is his girlfwiend.
So I was vewy angwy.
So I HISSSSSSED at the kitten whenever I could see her, which was not often because she was behind a cwosed door. I hissed at the door too, but being a genius, I knew that hissing at a door doesn't help anything.
And That Thing, he's just so siwwy, so I hissed at him too.
And I whapped him on the nose so that he can understand he's being siwwy for thinking that kitten is his girlfwiend. But obviouswy, That Thing's just not cwever enough so I had to give him wike a squiwwion whaps.
Do you guys think I wike to whap him?
Why I would wather take a nap and dweam of stinky goodness! But I did it for That Thing's good!

Well, that is until yesterday night.
Mine Mummy opened the door of the woom and that wittle kitten wan out!
And when That Thing saw her, he twied to kiss her, thinking she's his girlfwiend!
And you know what he gotted?
Ha....a scwatch on his nose!
Still he didn't give up and went wooking for that kitten.
And she hissed at him!
And even attempted to scwatch him again!

Well, I would have wet them have fun if not for That Thing whining away and....wunning to hide behind me, all the while scweaming HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME! MY GIRLFRIEND IS KILLING ME!
So what could I do but give my humongous HISSSSSS at the wittle kitten so that she would weave That siwwy Thing awone!
She's weawwy a tewwor because she did not give up immediatewy after mine hiss. She was still twying to get at That Thing. So I had to stand in between her and That Thing and gware at her to pwevent her fwom kiwwing That siwwy Thing! And when she finawwy did see mine paw of death, well onwy then did she swink behind mine Mummy and obedientwy go back into the woom. Don't you think she's weawwy a wittle tewwor?

So what happened after this?
Goodness me....That Thing seems to think I'm his hewo now and keeps on fowwowing me!!!!
I go on the bed, he fowwows me on the bed. I go under the bed, he fowwows me under the bed. I go into the kitchen, he fowwows me into the kitchen. What's the worse? I go to have a poop, he squeezes into the witterbox with me!!! Goodness!!!
I mean, no matter what, I would have pwotected That Thing because he's after all mine famiwy and that kitten is NOT. But, I did it because he's mine famiwy. That's all. Can you guys make That Thing understand that I do not want him to think that I'm his hewo and I do not want him to fowwow me awound and well, just weave me awone!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

the weason i'm upset...

See what this is?Mine Mummy went out for a jog this morning.
She usuawwy jogs all the way to where mine evil V-E-T is and back.
And if you guys wemember, on the way to the V-E-T, there's a wot of vegetation and no beans awound, and there are also BIG BAD woofies wunning wild there.
And while mine Mummy was jogging thwough there, this wittle thing came out and meowed at mine Mummy, and fowwowed her.
And mine Mummy petted her.
And when mine Mummy petted her, she found....goodness me....woofie bites on this wittle thing!
Bites in a wot of pwaces!
And this wittle thing is so thin one side of her tummy is wike sticking to the other side.
And mine Mummy knew she ought not weave this wittle thing there at the mercy of those woofies, especiawwy after wooking awound and weawising this wittle thing is all awone. No signs of her mama or any other bwothers or sisters.
And those bites need to be taken care of.
And it was just as well it was quite near the V-E-T.
So mine Mummy cawwied this wittle thing to the V-E-T and gotted her cweaned up.
The V-E-T cweaned up the wounds and thank goodness, found that they were mostwy superficial. And gave mine Mummy a huge bottle of antiseptic cweam.
Well, so far so good.
I do appwove of what mine Mummy did so far; I mean, I would have done the same, and I would have expected evewyone else to do the same.
That is...until...
mine Mummy decided to bwing this wittle thing....HOME!!!!
Arh...this is where the pwobwem wies.
I DO NOT appwove of this final part in what mine Mummy has done.
After all, it's MINE home too and she ought to have sought mine appwoval first!
I've alweady put up with That Thing for cwose to a year (did mine Mummy seek appwoval for That Thing? NO!) and I think I've been fairwy genewous! But one more wittle thing? NOOOO!!!!

So there! I am not at all happy today.
And what does That Thing think? He thinks mine Mummy speciawwy bwought a girlfwiend home for him! *snickers*

*PS fwom the Mummy: I'm looking for a real kind soul to adopt this little cutie pie since as you can see from my dear kitties' blogs, that I am away quite a lot, and I really don't think I'm going to have the time for another little one. And anyway, dear Boy is really unhappy about this whole arrangement and I don't want to traumatise him further. Although little 'Oven would probably be heartbroken for a while that I give his sweetheart away, he'll get over it very soon. And he'll be happy to know that his sweetheart is in a nice forever home.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm upset!

Something vewy BAD has happened!
I'm vewy upset!
More updates tonight.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I was tortured!

What is this I hear?????
Mine Mummy takes up the tewephonewinging thing and calls the V-E-T and I hear mine name mentioned over the tewephonewinging thing!
Have you ever seen DEATH?
As in death in the form of a hissing biting eating your head off kitteh.
This PTU is small, and I cannot move awound, and it weeks of That Thing's smell.
Here am me at the V-E-T's couch at the waiting awea, wooking wike a nice peaceful kitteh, not giving them any hints that a hissing gwowwing scweaming kitteh is going to descend upon them in a while.

The V-E-T's assistants even said how good I was to sit there without moving when mine Mummy tells me not to move, and to walk over to the weighing scale and stand on the weighing scale while they take mine weight.
I onwy did that because mine Mummy tells me so.
When the V-E-T wifts one hand to touch me, she'll see mine powers.
And see mine powers they did.
The V-E-T called mine name and mine Mummy cawwied me into the woom and once mine Mummy putted me onto the cold table of steel, and the V-E-T attempted to pet me, all hell bwoke woose.

I HISSED and gwowled and SCWEAMED.
Yes. I SCWEAMED so much 2 other assistants wan into the woom to see if the V-E-T was being killed.
And do you know what the V-E-T did?
She touched me all over! Bwegh!
And then she stabbed me on mine bee-hind!
And then she told mine Mummy that I've gwown heavier than wast year!

How wude! To discuss about mine weight!
And mine Mummy told the V-E-T that pwobabwy it's because I was such a helpful kitteh in finishing up That Thing's food. I wonder why the V-E-T cannot understand how important it was to be a helpful kitteh.

See, I'm suffocating in here! Wet me out!!!
Oh...we're going home?
It's alwight then. I'm not suffocating.
Why hasn't the LRT awwive yet? I want to go home quick!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pictors again!!!

Mine Mummy comes back and That Thing sticks to her non stop! Even when mine Mummy twies to give me chin wubs and back massages, That Thing has to poke his nose in!
I want time awone with mine Mummy! Without That Thing!
So to show mine Mummy how dispweased I am, I shall not talk to mine Mummy. I shall spend this time twying to put all her pictors up instead and ignore mine Mummy until she makes sure That Thing stops intewwupting our time together!

Ok, so here are her pictors.
She took wike a squiwwion and oh boy, I tell you, it's hard work putting them all up!

Mine Mummy fwew to Shenzhen instead of Hong Kong because there's cheap air tickets there. It costed her wike 300+ SGD for weturn tickets.
So she weached there and gotted to her fwiend's house in Shenzhen, and what's the first thing she does?
She cooked!
(In case you don't know, mine Mummy is a perpetuawwy hungwy animal).Her fwiend tends to buy stuff and keep them in the wefwigewator and then forget about them. So here, mine Mummy found tomatoes which have been in the fwidge for perhaps a centuwy and so she cooked tomato soup, Chinese style.There were so many tomatoes (what was mine Mummy's fwiend thinking, buying so many tomatoes, I don't know) mine Mummy couldn't finish using them all in the soup, so she cooked tomatoes with beef slices (which were also found in a secwuded corner in mine Mummy's fwiend's fwidge) and chiwwi.I'm beginning to feel wike mine Mummy's twip was a cooking twip instead of going to wook for her erhu teacher!
Here's her cooking beans and mushwooms.Mine Mummy weached Shenzhen on Monday evening. And on Tuesday she wented to see her teacher. So she had to get up earwy in the morning because she needed to make a 2 1/2 hour twip fwom Shenzhen to Hong Kong.

On the small bus to mine Mummy's teacher's house.The famous Bo Dao.Mine Mummy spent her Chwistmas AND New Year with her teacher instead of here with ME!
I'm still extwemewy unhappy about it.Giant Chwistmas twee at the shopping mall not far fwom where mine Mummy stays.It's cold. And mine Mummy gwew gween fur on her feet.
No? It's onwy the gween fuwwy socks that mine Mummy's fwiend gave her?Mine Mummy spent the Sunday after Chwistmas helping her fwiend move house.
Because her fwiend works in Hong Kong but stays in Shenzhen, she gotted a house that is just next to the customs to minimise twavewwing.

See, the mess!
But it's ok, it's the wast day mine Mummy's fwiend is staying in this house.Packing's almost all done!
Mine Mummy's fwiend has A WOT OF STUFF INDEED!!!! (Which mine Mummy thinks if it were her, she'd thwow them all away! Heheheh...)A final pictor of fwiend's old house.Here's the new house! It's the first bwock fwom the weft. The gwey cowour one.The window overwooks Hong Kong. The hills you see there is Hong Kong.Mine Mummy's fwiend mopping the fwoor while mine Mummy takes a bweak and takes some pictors.Hong Kong, fwom mine Mummy's fwiend's window.You can see the sunwise.
Which mine Mummy thinks is nice in winter.
After helping her fwiend move, mine Mummy wented back to Hong Kong.
See, she's hungwy again! These would be capsicums with pork.
View fwom mine Mummy's fwiend's Hong Kong house. Wemember the tiny woom mine Mummy stayed in when she was in Hong Kong a few months back?
The wease for this woom is almost up and mine Mummy's fwiend has decided to just stay in Shenzhen and commute to work fwom Shenzhen to Hong Kong evewyday. So this will be the wast time mine Mummy stays here in this tiny hole.Mine Mummy hard at work.
Mine Mummy's fwiend weawwy does not wike to stay in this tiny hole in Hong Kong, so most of the time whenever possible, she goes back to her Shenzhen house. Whereas mine Mummy has wessons with her teacher evewy other day and doesn't want to spend 5 hours each day on twavel, so mine Mummy stays in Hong Kong.

Here's pwoof of her hard work. And me, on mine Mummy's compoooter backgwound.The woom is so small mine Mummy doesn't have to get up fwom her seat. Evewything's within weach.On New Year's eve, mine Mummy wented for a walk awound the neighbourhood.Surpwisingwy, there was not a wot of people on the stweets. Pwobabwy most of them were over at the Centwal for the countdown party thingey.
The fowwowing weekend, mine Mummy and her fwiend wented over to Quanzhou to wook for mine Mummy's other fwiend. This fwiend was one of those who wented to Xiamen together with mine Mummy wast year. This fwiend came fwom Quanzhou (which is not far fwom Xiamen).
To get to Quanzhou, mine Mummy had to take a 8-hour bus journey. This was the part which mine Mummy hated. To save time, mine Mummy and her fwiend took the 9pm bus on fwiday night, so that they could weach on Saturday morning and then have the entire Saturday to spend in Quanzhou. Then on Saturday evening, they would take the bus back and awwive in Shenzhen on Sunday morning because mine Mummy's fwiend had to work on Sunday.
However, as usual, things happen to mine Mummy. Stupid things.
She wented over. Then she had to buy the bus ticket back for Saturday evening.
Wooohooo! There was onwy ONE ticket weft for the evening bus.
So mine Mummy's fwiend took the ticket since she had to be back on Sunday to work.
And mine Mummy had to stay an extwa day in Quanzhou with her Quanzhou fwiend.

Wooky at this wawwet! It's cwoss-stitched! And mine Mummy's fwiend stitched it all for her! She just setted up a shop, sewwing all these cwoss-stitch needlework things. Cool isn't it? Though mine Mummy definitewy would not have the patience to finish stitching anything.Mine Mummy's fwiend's Mummy cooks wonderful dishes! Yummy!
Did you guys see all those yummy fishes and shwimps?Mine Mummy and her fwiends went for a performance. The pictors are not vewy cwear but this is a puppet show.The guy uses his fingers to contwol the stwings of the puppet and cweat extwemewy wifewike movements! He's awesome!BBQ by the stweet after sending mine Mummy's fwiend off on the bus.Mine Mummy and her Quanzhou fwiend having powwidge for bweakfast the next morning.Mine Mummy came here not to visit the temple, but to wook for.....mocassins!Mine Mummy thinks these buildings are beautiful.What's hidden wound this corner?Mocassins mine Mummy was wooking for!
And you know how much they cost?
Heh....40 RMBWiding on the twishaw.
This is the twishaw dwiver.And this is the cwazy passenger behind! Haha...mine Mummy's fwiend.A meal of evewything beef for wunch.
Beef soup, beef steak, beef offals, beef noodle.Yummy you tiao.Mine Mummy's fwiend's Mummy cooking again!Yummy! Mine Mummy weawwy woves her fwiend's Mummy's cooking!Finawwy, the bus back to Shenzhen.And upon weaching Shenzhen, mine Mummy wushed over to Hong Kong again because she has to meet her teacher.In Hong Kong, mine Mummy wikes to wake up earwy in the morning and take a walk awound the neighbourhood. Evewyday, she'd twy to expwore a new pwace, a new woad to take, a new corner in the neighbourhood.Wemember this Victowy Avenue where the whole stweet is full of pet shops?Mine Mummy took a walk all the way fwom where she stayed to there at 8am in the morning. Ha...none of the shops were open. Siwwy Mummy!To market to market to market.Mine Mummy finds it stwessful to buy things fwom the market though because if you guys wemember, her cantonese is uhm....un-understandable.
She still twies to pwactice it though and she says she thinks it's impwoving. Because sometimes, people understand her!The MTR station near to where mine Mummy stays.Here's mine Mummy going to Lantau Iswand.
They have a humongous buddha there and people usuawwy go there to see the buddha. But since mine Mummy isn't a buddhist, she wasn't too keen on going to the island. But mine Mummy's fwiend told her that besides the buddha, the scenery there is worth a wook too.

So since mine Mummy has nothing to do all awone in Hong Kong, she decided to go Lantau Iswand.
Here is the bus stop, for the bus to take her to the iswand.On the way.Almost there.There was A WOT OF PEOPLE!!!Mine Mummy is extwemewy pweased with this pictor. The buddha seems to be holding the sun in his hand.Mountains. Or hills? I don't know if they quawify to be called mountains.Mine Mummy thinks this pictor is cool too. With the twee in focus in fwont and the mountains fading into the backgwound.Mine Mummy takes a pictor of herself.Mine Mummy attempts to find wisdom.
I think she needs quite a wot of it.On her way to find wisdom,mine Mummy meets a woofie called Xiao Huang.These are tea twees.The woad to wisdom is paved with....stones.Going higher and higher.
Have I mentioned before? Mine Mummy's twips to China always seem to involve a wot of mountains and cwimbing.Those are the wisdom poles.Each with a wise saying.
And I thought it was wike a pool of wisdom where you could scoop a cup up and dwink it in. Well, wooks wike mine Mummy is still not going to be wise yet.Mine Mummy attempts to cwimb to the top.Steps and more steps.All the way up.Waaaay up!It was quite scawy to wook down because there was no bawwier and if you miss a step, you might well fall wight down the cwiff!
Mine Mummy thought she has quite a good head for heights, but even then she did not dare to wook down while cwimbing up.Almost there!She's weached the top!!!
The peak of Lantau Iswand!
Here are the highest bwanches of the twees gwowing at the highest point of the iswand! Woohooo!The touwisty viwwage at the bus terminal of the iswand. Mine Mummy doesn't wike these sort of touwisty pwaces.Now mine Mummy is twying another way to get back. Instead of taking the same bus she took here, she took a bus to the fewwy pier of Lantau Iswand to take a fewwy back to Hong Kong Iswand.At the fewwy terminal.On the fewwy, on the way back.Hong Kong Iswand getting neawer and neawer.Centwal Pier.Mine Mummy sees her teacher evewy alternate day, so she spends a gweat deal of time here, at the woad in fwont of her teacher's house, wooking at the twaffic jam. Especiawwy duwing peak hours, the jams can be quite tewwible.Mine Mummy's teacher's instwument which he wet her use!
This is a banhu (板胡).After a day of wessons and pwactice, mine Mummy goes to the Peak!
Here's the twam to the peak.On board the twam.The night scene of Hong Kong up fwom the peak.
It actuawwy wooks a squiwwion times more beautiful, but no matter what mine Mummy twied, she cannot get her camewa to do full justice to the beauty.Taking the small bus back instead of the twam.On another of mine Mummy's morning walks.
This is one of the stweets near where mine Mummy stays.
If mine Mummy gets wost, she'll just twy to walk to the end of the stweet and see if it intersects this Argyle Stweet. If it does, then mine Mummy will be able to find her way home.Market in morning.Cheap oysters!
Mine Mummy cooks oyster omewette.Scawwop powwidge.
Fish with bwack bean paste.On the final day, mine Mummy wushed back to Shenzhen after her wesson with her teacher, because she had to fwy back fwom Shenzhen airport.Here is at her fwiend's Shenzhen house.
Mine Mummy makes tea.More food before fwying back home.
No time to cook, so mine Mummy's fwiend ordered out.
The food was yummy too!
OK, these final pictors are not for the squeamish.
Don't say I never warned you beforehand.

You see, the weather is dwy duwing the winter.
And mine Mummy's skin being vewy dwy too.
And she never bothers putting on moistuwiser.
And so her hands got dwier, and dwier, and dwier, and dwier...until finawwy, they....


And these 2 final cwacked pictors concwudes mine Mummy's twip this time wound to Hong Kong and China.
(Pssstttt....I've been hearing something about her checking out cheap air tickets to Shenzhen again....oh NOOOO!!!!!)