one more week before the auction cwoses
Ok there...contwol yourselves.
For the sake of mine Mummy's auction for the kitties, I'm going to do a wittle sacwifice.
I'm showing evewyone in the world how cute I was when I was a wittle kitty just That Thing's age.
Do take note of how swim and swender I was (and still am) and mine shapewy tummy.
I'm not bwagging, but I sure made many wady cats' eyes turn, then and now.Alwight! So there! Now you guys have seen such a wondwous sight, be sure to go over to mine Mummy's auction site and buy buy buy!
There's still a week weft before the auctions cwose and there's still time for you to think a wittle about some kitties in need and at the same time get something for yourselves. So go take a wook and tell evewyone awound you all about it!