Friday, November 9, 2007

moo in G#

Mine Mummy says she's so busy she hardwy has time to bweathe again.
Once more genius me says, why bother to bweathe since she's so busy. She should just stop bweathing and use the time she's saved on bweathing to switch on the compoooter for me to bwog.

Well anyway, she never wistens to me and so I onwy have time for a short post today.

I've ever so many things to tell evewyone of you but I can onwy tell you one of them today. See these pictors bewow!
Yeap! Mine Mummy boughted him speciawwy for me!
His name is called Moo-in-G#-major but I think I shall just call him Moo.
Obviouswy mine Mummy wasn't the one to name him or he'd simpwy be known as Fish.

Mine vewy own Moo!
I'm so fuwwy excited I think I can't sweep tonight!
And do you know why mine Mummy gotted him for me?
Wet me tell you a secwet.
A vewy important event is coming up in 5 days' time!
Can anyone guess what it is?

I'm going to make sure mine Mummy stops being so busy in 5 days' time and we're going to do something fuwwy exciting! Do stay posted because I want to invite all of you guys!


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Moo G#m looks very tasty --erm, I mean peppy... yeah, and cute. I think this might be a very exciting event for you to get a fish.

Do not tell your mom to stop breathing, we heard somewhere that could be dangerous... but Blinking, maybe she should just stop blinking her eyes.

Thanks for sharing Moo with us.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Ooops, Moo is a G#M instead of m...ooopsie

LZ said...

Is it your birthday coming up??? Oh we're really excited! I like the fish's name, We probably would have named it D flat or something.


The Furry Kids said...

You are soooo lucky! We want a fishie. Moo looks like a super cool friend. Does he like to play?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Fish, fishfishfishfish...Moo's furry pretty (and prolly tasty too) We'z bet yoor purrthday is coming up...and mom sez not breefing is furry bad fur humans and cats alike.

Daisy said...

Moo is very pretty! Or, I guess I should say handsome. I love his pretty blue-green colors.

Um, what happened to your Sea Monkeys? Here is a secret: mine all died. Every last one.

Hot(M)BC said...

Wow, your furry own Moo. How neato!
We knows how it is bout bizzy mommies. They should just be our staff and nefurmind anyfing else, rite?

Monty Q. Kat said...



Temtashun asplosion?

What is it?

Anonymous said...

I hate it when My Lady is "too busy". I get neglected.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Wow, Boy! Your Moo is furry pretty an' looks a whole lot like the one that my momma has in a little tank at school 'cept Mom's is a girl an' can be in a tank with other little fishies. It looks like your Moo is a boy. He has to be alone. Sigh ...

Take good care of your very own Moo!

Anonymous said...

Sorry your mom's so busy.Delicious err...I mean cute fishie :)

Mickey's Musings said...

Gee, a fish called Moo.Hmmmmmmmm.
A big event? Can't wait!!!!!

Lux said...

Very very pretty, Boy!

Tiger Lily said...

Oooooh a Beta! Mom says we used to have one named George but I've never seen one in person.

I'll try to be patient for a few more days Boy.

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Moo Moo Moo you have a cow fish hehehe. He or she is very cute. Does he like to play?

We can't wait to see what is happening! Purrs