Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mummy better come back soon!!!!
I've been taking to wying on Mummy's bwanket the entire day.
The food bean thinks I'm not feewing well, but darn, I'm just missing mine Mummy!
Even fishy goodness doesn't taste that nice.
Someone tell me, is Juwy ever going to come soon????


The Feline Sextet said...

Yes Boy, Meowmy says July is here furry soon, only about 2 more weeks! We wish we could cheer you up, we can't imagine how much you must miss your Meowmy :(
Purrs, Headbutts, nip and favorite things,

The Furry Kids said...

July will be here soon. I know you miss your mom, but please eat something. Not eating will get you sick and you don't want to be sick when your mommy comes home.


Anonymous said...

july is almost here, boy!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Boy ... Hang in there, dood! July is just days away and I'm sure that your mom will be furry happy to see you! Tell the food bean to change it up a bit and to give you some treats. It sounds like you're in a bit of a funk.

Daisy said...

Boy, July will be here before you know it! I feel very sad that you are missing your Mommy because my Mommie went away just overnight and I got very sad. Please be sure to eat so you stay big and strong.