this is discwimination!!
Mine Mummy has been inspired by dear Storm's mama and has decided to check out whether she could get something called insuwances for us.
Well, she checked out this first insuwance company (a huge company in our countwy here though I shall not name names) and they do have insuwance. But their insuwance covers wike $50 for each cwaim.
I mean, mine Mummy wants insuwances for us so that should anything happen to us, she wants to feel fwee to give us the best possible tweatments instead of having to be in a diwemma because she might not be able to afford the tweatments.
$50 would be enough for uhm...some cough and cold medicines?
Of course, to be fair, the pwemiums is weawwy vewy wittle.
But mine Mummy is willing to pay a wittle more for us, just so she could feel at ease to give us whatever is needed. But, they do not have any other choices for us.
So fine, mine Mummy checked out this other insuwance company, which is also a huge name not onwy in our countwy but in other parts of the world too (though I shall not name names too).
Oh gweat! They have good powicies for pets. Which would cover us thwough any unfortunate illnesses and whatnot.
And so mine Mummy inquired further.
And guessed what they said?
They said the insuwance powicy is onwy for PUREBWEED PETS!!!!!
I mean, I may not wemember who mine weal fur mummy or daddy is, but does that mean we aren't awwowed the best possible tweatments avaiwable should we fall sick?
Just because we are not purebweeds????
Oh gosh! If I could sue them for discwimination, I would!
You see mine expwession?Yes, this is what I think of them!
Are we wess important just because we're not purebweeds???
Well, Mummy, I guess you would have to work harder and save all your marnies in a piggy bank for us instead of getting any insuwances then.
That is discrimination!!! How rude!
That is so rude!!! Storm inspired us to get health insurance too. I guess we were very lucky to have good Pet Insurance here, we are covered up to $10,000 a year. Its OK though, your mom will take the best care of you no matter what!!
That is sooo unfair - every kitty needs insurance. We hope your Mummy finds a better company to get you insurance!
That is unfair and frustrating. Even if you can get insurance, do the Vets take it?
It is very unfair and wrong to only cover purebred cats!
That doesn't seem at all fair. Mom once checked into getting insurance for Ninna, but she's too *old! The insurance would have been through the roof!
What?????? That is crazy! It is wrong :( Those people are too rude.You are just as good as any purebred cat and so am I!!!!
I will purr that you do not ever get sick!
Purrs Mickey
that is discrimination! no wonder you're so upset. we are just as good as any purebread kitty. no fair!
we purr and purr none of our friends ever needs to use their insurance!
Thats awful! Thanks for telling us about this scandalous practice. We are all worth just as much as purebreds! Harumph.
Unfair, discriminitory! Notify da CCLU, da Cat Civil Liberty sez dey don't egzist. What da...well, mom sez maybe put a few money papers away every week for "just in case".
That is upsetting and discriminatory, indeed!
Purrrrrs, Willow
This is truly unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U iz a berry hansome kitty kat cause u lookz sumpin likez ME! OK?
Our mommie tinks she knows who the insurance companies are, and they are all crappy!
U're rite, saving monies in ur piggy banks would be better, Boy!
Dennis says this may be a Cat rights violation! Dennis will call his lawyer.
We don't get health insurance. Because we live in the US. And even if we would buy health insurance - as soon as we'd get sick they kick us out anyways. That's how insurances work here.... At least the human health insurers - so we figure it would be the same for pets...
Wut is inshoorinse? Is dat like a baff?
Oh dat's disgustin diskriminashun!
Well, that is just awful! How dare they discriminate against us!
Oh, no! We tried to take out an insurance policy on Jan, but she isn't a purebreed either. Well, she does know who her mommy and daddy were, but she says they were middle class citizens and she's poor. So we had to give up the idea of insuring her since only the rich (human purebreed) are allowed coverage.
Humans sure are confusing!
Yes, this is definitely a case of mixed breed discrimination. I recommend hiring an attorney and sue that company!
$50.00 in VET bills here in the US wouldn't even cover an office visit.
That's furry annoying! And deffinitely discriminatory.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
KC said...
Oh, yes, I sees your face and sees you means biziness.
And I don't blames you one bit. Such horrible noos.
Mom has said that she won't get the insurance because it is "woefully lacking" ... I guess we'll be taking our chances an' hoping not to bankrupt Mom should catastrophe strike.
I understand mom couldn't get insurance for me either.It's very unfair as all of us kitty's are important and special :)
hmphffff! we're as important as any pure bred kitties out there.
here's to good health and long lives for all of us!
I think we should all go and poop on their business chairs!
Mom gots insurance fur me cuz it was offered thru her werk. It's a furry big company wif a logo of a dog eating a cat's head! EEEK!
They wouldn't cofur Bonnie cuz she was ofur 10 years. Dat's AGE discrimination. I just had E. Kay Gee listen to mine heart murmuring an Mom says dis bill will test whether the insurance helps at all.
That is just so unfair and discriminatory! Mixed breed cats are worth just as much as purebreeds to the people they live with. It's disgusting.
That's not fair! But insurance companies are like that. My OTW can't get insurance for me either, because I have pee problems, so they won't cover them, because we already know about them. And that was before I grew up to be 11!
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