Today is a HOWWIBLE day.Earwy in the morning, after I had mine second bweakfast and is waiting patientwy for mine Mummy to turn away so that I can nom That Thing's bweakfast, mine Mummy took out the haversack/kitteh carrier.
Today is a HOWWIBLE day.Earwy in the morning, after I had mine second bweakfast and is waiting patientwy for mine Mummy to turn away so that I can nom That Thing's bweakfast, mine Mummy took out the haversack/kitteh carrier.
Finawwy, mine Mummy is going to stay put back home for a wittle while and these days That Thing and me have been vewy busy making our dispweasure felt, namewy in ways wike scweaming on top of our wungs at 230am in the morning and wunning in between her feets when she is walking and demanding her to pway pway pway with us.
I haven't been too pweased about her wast twip to Hong Kong though, because you know what?
She didn't come back with woads of pwesents for us.
In fact...this is the onwy thing she came back with.A toiwet!
Why in the world does she think I will be pweased with a toiwet?
Gwanted, That Thing woves to dwink water fwom the toiwet bowl, but this toiwet doesn't even have any water!See, I don't even bother to take a second sniff!
Mummy! You dispwease me!
pawed by
8:39 PM
Labels: Hongkong, Mummy back, not happy