Today is a HOWWIBLE day.Earwy in the morning, after I had mine second bweakfast and is waiting patientwy for mine Mummy to turn away so that I can nom That Thing's bweakfast, mine Mummy took out the haversack/kitteh carrier.
Today is a HOWWIBLE day.Earwy in the morning, after I had mine second bweakfast and is waiting patientwy for mine Mummy to turn away so that I can nom That Thing's bweakfast, mine Mummy took out the haversack/kitteh carrier.
Sowwy for being away for so wong, I'm finawwy back.
But I come back with some awful news to bwing you all again, sigh...
Mine Mummy, she is going off to Hong Kong again on 10th June. And after that she's going to go to Yunnan in China.
Mine Mummy says she is so wooking forward to going, but has she spared a thought for handsome genius me?
Bwegh! I'll have to stay home, wight here, with That Whiny-Stinkybag-Thing! Bwegh!
And mine Mummy is going to be gone all the way until Juwy!
I am totawwy so not happy!
pawed by
5:18 PM
Labels: China, Hongkong, mummy away, That Thing, upset
Sigh......See what this is?
Mine Mummy went out for a jog this morning.
She usuawwy jogs all the way to where mine evil V-E-T is and back.
And if you guys wemember, on the way to the V-E-T, there's a wot of vegetation and no beans awound, and there are also BIG BAD woofies wunning wild there.
And while mine Mummy was jogging thwough there, this wittle thing came out and meowed at mine Mummy, and fowwowed her.
And mine Mummy petted her.
And when mine Mummy petted her, she found....goodness me....woofie bites on this wittle thing!
Bites in a wot of pwaces!
And this wittle thing is so thin one side of her tummy is wike sticking to the other side.
And mine Mummy knew she ought not weave this wittle thing there at the mercy of those woofies, especiawwy after wooking awound and weawising this wittle thing is all awone. No signs of her mama or any other bwothers or sisters.
And those bites need to be taken care of.
And it was just as well it was quite near the V-E-T.
So mine Mummy cawwied this wittle thing to the V-E-T and gotted her cweaned up.
The V-E-T cweaned up the wounds and thank goodness, found that they were mostwy superficial. And gave mine Mummy a huge bottle of antiseptic cweam.
Well, so far so good.
I do appwove of what mine Mummy did so far; I mean, I would have done the same, and I would have expected evewyone else to do the same.
That is...until...
mine Mummy decided to bwing this wittle thing....HOME!!!!
Arh...this is where the pwobwem wies.
I DO NOT appwove of this final part in what mine Mummy has done.
After all, it's MINE home too and she ought to have sought mine appwoval first!
I've alweady put up with That Thing for cwose to a year (did mine Mummy seek appwoval for That Thing? NO!) and I think I've been fairwy genewous! But one more wittle thing? NOOOO!!!!
So there! I am not at all happy today.
And what does That Thing think? He thinks mine Mummy speciawwy bwought a girlfwiend home for him! *snickers*
*PS fwom the Mummy: I'm looking for a real kind soul to adopt this little cutie pie since as you can see from my dear kitties' blogs, that I am away quite a lot, and I really don't think I'm going to have the time for another little one. And anyway, dear Boy is really unhappy about this whole arrangement and I don't want to traumatise him further. Although little 'Oven would probably be heartbroken for a while that I give his sweetheart away, he'll get over it very soon. And he'll be happy to know that his sweetheart is in a nice forever home.
pawed by
1:10 AM
Labels: That Thing, upset, wittle thing
The Thing came back fwom the V-E-T!!!
Why didn't the V-E-T keep him there?
And do you know what?
After 2 days of being shut in the woom with the compoooter wooky at what happened!!!
Now I've got to share the compooooter too!
I am not happy!!
This is way too much.
First mine Mummy goes out for squiwwions of hours and weaves me all awone at home.
Then she comes back, smewwing of
She ate fish and never even bwing a tiny bite home for me?
I think I'm going to sulk the whole of tomowwow!
pawed by
12:51 AM
Labels: fishy goodness, mummy, poop-worthy, upset
I'm going to zap you with mine waser eyes!!
You know what mummy did to me today???
Wemember the nice box that came with Mimi's sorbet & mine book and mummy's cd?
Well, mummy THWEW MINE BOX AWAY!!!!!
It was such a nice box...and...and....SHE THWEW IT AWAY!!!! For no weason!!!
I'm going to stay in bed the whole day today to sulk.
You know what?
I just founded out fwom mine cousins that their mummy went to China too!
And she had been there for more than 10years!!!!
And when their mummy went over to China, they went to stay with their mummy's mummy!
And they thought that their mummy would come back soon, but she went and she never came back! (Oh, she did, but it was for onwy a short while evewytime, and then she went back!)
But that's not the worst!
You know what's the worst?
The worst was, mine cousins founded out that their mummy gotted a new kitty over there in China!!!! Their mummy even boughted a pictor of the new kitty back home to show them!
Another kitty! Without mine cousins' appwoval!
Do you think mine mummy would do that too????
I think I can't stop cwying tonight.
I'm still keeping a vewy cwose eye on mummy, making sure she doesn't wun away and weave me all awone.
Mine mummy's going away to China, though I don't know where in the world China is.
If it's not something that can be eaten, then it certainwy isn't a good thing.
Mine mummy's a moo-zick-tion and the ensemble she's pwaying with is sending her to China to wearn more things. But mine mummy alweady knows how to cook nice fishy goodness for me and how to be a nice mummy to snuggle to; what more does she need to wearn? She alweady knows all the important stuff!
Mummy says it's a gweat thing for her and they paying her and all her fees as well! But how is that a gweat thing if they never invite me awong? How can they not ask mummy to bwing me awong? I'm moo-zick-wy tawented too - just ask mummy how well I can sing!
Anyway, I better stop bwogging and continue keeping mine eye on mummy.
pawed by
1:39 AM
Labels: China, fishy goodness, moo-zick, mummy, mummy away, snuggle, upset
I don't know when Apwil is, but I'm not wetting mummy out of mine sight fwom now on.
That way she can't weave without me!
I'm going to force meself into mummy's bag someway or other.
Mummy cannot desert me!!!
Here am the kitty on the wookout. Mummy's not getting out of mine sight!Even if I'm not wooking, mine paw's still here!
Mummy....you're NOT going anywhere without me!I weawwy hope this will work!
Mummy comes back and announces that she WEAWWY is weaving me for 2 months!!!!!!
She'll be gone the wast week of apwil and she won't be back until the end of june!
That is an ETERNITY!!!!!
Who will give me mine fishy goodness??
And there will be no one to switch on the compoooter for me to use!
And no mummy to snuggle to at night or sing to in the morning!
No mummy to stuff my wittle nosy up her nostwil.
No mummy to cuddle me up or give me scwatches when I ask for them!
No mummy to talk to!
What will happen to me these 2 months??????
Do you think mummy is weaving me for good???
But I haven't been a bad kitty!!!!
pawed by
1:51 AM
Labels: cuddle, fishy goodness, mummy, mummy away, scared, scwatches, snuggle, upset
This is waaaayyy too much!
First they don't sweep half the night.
Then they pwayed something with white tiles that makes a whole wot of noise.
But when I want to pway with those tiles, they chased me away!
And to top it off, they bwought noisy sticky wittle beings into MY house!
MY BED!!!!!!!!
I am sewiouswy ANNOYED.
pawed by
6:59 PM
Labels: annoyed, sticky beings, upset
After so much encouwagement fwom my fuwwy-good fwiends, I did it!
I ordered something for MYSELF!
The vewy first thing I gotted for myself after finding out how to hack into mummy's cwedit card account!
And then.....
*** We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to the country you selected. You can enter a different shipping address above, or you can remove the item from your order by changing its quantity to 0, then clicking the Update button. ***
Not to mention the weaf cd I wanted to get for mummy....can't be gotten either.
Doubly DAMMIT!
Someone comfort me! NOW!
ok....watest update.
I finawwy found out why they don't ship.
And I managed to get them to ship.
Heh.....genius kitty I am.
Ok, now for the difficult part!
Waiting for my own pwesents!
PS: I think this is more fun than kitty cwack!