Finawwy! I've twicked the food bean and founded a way to on the compoooter!
I'm still missing mine Mummy woads and woads.
Darn....I weawwy hope Juwy comes quickwy!
I've been taking wike 5878975845656 naps and teweported to mine fwiends' pwace ziwwions of times, but Mummy still doesn't come home!
Mummy called home though, and I gotted to say MEOW to her.
One thing however, Mummy told me she couldn't access mine bwog fwom over there!
She could get to post, but for some weason or other, they seem to bwock people fwom weading mine bwog!
Darn! Now Mummy cannot wead about what I have to say over here!
Ok, this is just to say hi to all mine fwiends and I hope you guys haven't forgotten me.
I do hope I can fool the food bean again soon, so I get to bwog again.
I better go soon, I think I hear the food bean outside the woom!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
pawed by
10:55 AM
Labels: China, mummy away
I was too busy snuggwing with mine Mummy that I didn't weawise it until today.
I was nominated for the thinking bwogger award by Jeter Hawwis!
Arh! Finawwy....appweciated for mine genius thoughts!
Thank you Jeter!!
Now the wule of the game is to have to nominate 5 other thinking bwoggers.
Oh mine.....evewy nice kitty's bwog makes me think genius can I choose who to nominate??Ok, here goes.
- Daisy because she makes me think about fashion. Being the genius me, I seldom think of fashion, so Daisy was one of the first ones to make me think of that. Here's to Daisy!
- Kimo and Sabi because the way they talk on their bwog makes me waugh, and sometimes makes me wish I've gotted a bwother or sister as well.
- Nicky, Kaia and Stewwa's bwog because I wove their photos! And because they're meezers. Mummy says I've got meezer chawactewistics because I'm always so chatty. But that's because I'm a genius and I feel wike I've got to share some of mine genius with Mummy! Don't you think so?
- Grr, Midnight & Cocoa's bwog because....uhm...oh...I wove bwack kitties! And of course because wove their bwog too!
- Final one! Pippy's bwog! Because he's weawwy so funny!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mummy is back!!!!
She walked in when I was taking about 5234 cat naps and when I woke up and saw her in fwont of me, I thought I was still dweaming!
Mummy says she's back for something called a wecital, and she'll be fwying off again tomowwow evening after the wecital.
But I think she's bwuffing. I think Mummy came back because she misses me too much.
Don't you think so??
I'm so happy when I finawwy gotted to use the compoooter again when Mummy came back and I saw soooo many of mine fuwwy good fwiends missing me so much.
I'm so gwad you guys didn't forget me!
Oh, and I'm sad to say, genius me didn't find a way to get to the compoooter while Mummy was away. But no fears, I shall keep twying.
A genius cat wike me won't give up so easiwy!
Meanwhile I'm going to go wook for Mummy and snuggle with her now.
pawed by
10:35 AM
Labels: compoooter, genius, mummy away, Mummy back, nap, wecital