I didn't have a good nap today
I know I have been a vewy bad bwogger wecentwy.
There are so many things that keeps me busy and mine Mummy being the world's waziest mummy doesn't help things.
But just wook at what happened today!
While I was bwissfuwwy asweep, That Thing pushed his head wight up to mine!!!!
I weawwy do not appweciate sweeping with mine head touching his!!
Don't you think he's a bit too much? Give him an inch and he takes a foot, no, a mile, no a squiwwion wight years!
First it was shawing mine bed, then touching mine paw, mine butt, and now this!
That is the way little cats are I fear.
I agree--little cats will horn right in when given half an opportunity!
We believe you just want us to think you don't like Oven. Good to see you blog again.
He really is very fond of you Boy.
Little brothers! ::rolls eyes at Harley::
Awww I think it's sweet :)
I'll bet he is just trying to be like you. Maybe if you make him your friend he will listen to you better and bug you less. Ya think?
I think he just really likes you, Boy.
I bet your head was lovely and warm though !
Just fur the rekerd, I think my Food Lady is the waziest.
Boy, we're afraid you'll just have to get used to it. Little kittens like Oven look up to big, genius cats like you, and they want to hang around with you.
It is very sweet of Oven to keep your head warm for you.
We've been bad too but would love to hear how you are. FAZ
I just think he likes you. Little brothers do stuff like that. Happy Birthday, Boy!
Happy Purrthday, Boy!
Happy 17th Birthday, Boy! We hope you and Oven and your human are all doing well. We have missed you.
Hey, Boy. The CB tells us this is your Burrthday today.
So Happy Burthday, kittie, with many more to come.
Happy Purrthday Boy! We miss yoo...
Happy birthday, Boy!! Hope you are all well.
Merry Christmas! I hope that you are all doing well.
Karen Jo and Herman
Happy New Year 2011!
Dear Boy and da ting,
We sure hopes youse guyz is OKeedokee.
Happy Newz Year to you all & may it be filled wits peecez of fishy & lotsez of fun.
Love Dr Tweety, Maximillian, Iris, delilah, & da Auntie Stinkie
They look so cute sticking together like that... We have two rabbit hutches in the house but my rabbit prefer to stay in one place. I suppose rabbits just love doing the file up thing and cats too.
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