Hewwo evewybody!
I know I'd been a weawwy bad bwogger, but you see, it's all mine Mummy's fault.
She thinks the compooter bewongs to her and when she cwaims that she is working, she wefused to wet anyone else touch it. So I had not been bwogging for a wong wong time, and it's totawwy not because I was wazy or anything because of course I was not.
But I have some vewy good fwiends who misses me when I is not awound. So one fine day, dear
Jan emailed mine Mummy to ask how we were. And of course mine Mummy cannot wefuse to wet me bwog now because I do have to wet all mine good fwiends out there know how we are wight? So I have dear Jan to thank because I could cwaim some compoooter time to bwog again.
Well, so what's been happening here?
Actuawwy, nothing new.
I'm still vewy busy taking care of mine Mummy, and That Thing is still as annoying as he always is.
Oh, something swightwy exciting happened yesterday, because That Thing had to go to the V-E-T for his wooster shots. And I didn't have to!
And he whined and whined and whined and whined and at the V-E-T, he was so scared he kept pushing his face into mine Mummy's armpit.
And you know what, wemember the wast time I was at the V-E-T, the doctor and evewyone there wemembered me because I almost scweamed the pwace down, but yet the doctor said I was cute.
You know what, nobody wemembered who That Thing was when he went yesterday. The weceptionist had to ask mine Mummy for That Thing's name! And you know what, no one said he was cute!
Well, of course, it's natuwal since I'm definitely MUCH cuter than That Thing.
And here is a pigshure of handsome me for your viewing pweasure.
