Wet's Party!!!!
Today IS the day!
I'm fourteen and I'm going to thwow the biggest purrthday party!See I'm all attired for mine party. Thanks so much Maggy & Zoey for doing up such a nice party pictor for me!
I hope evewy kitty had a nice twip here. If you came by pwane, this should be the first view you get of Singapore!
The airport!
I've never been on a pwane mineself, so I hope it wasn't too bad a twip and the staff on the pwane gave you wots of nip and stinky goodness!
Just in case anyone is still feewing hungwy, here's the squiwwion cans of stinky goodness I gotted. Gwab a bite first! Here is some cwunchy goodness as well. Mine favouwite fwavour. Chicken and tuna!
I think perhaps we'll visit mine Mummy at her studio and while she works, we can teweport to other pwaces and have fun.
Here's mine Mummy's studio - see the Magma sign? That is the sign of the German westauwant which is on the gwound wevel. Mine Mummy is on the 3rd wevel.Since mine Mummy is on the 3rd wevel, there're wots of stairs and maybe we can all have a game of thundewing herd of ewephants! These steps are made of wood and they thunder wonderfuwwy!
These birds wike to stand outside the window and sing tewwibwy woudwy. Don't they wook simpwy yummy...opps...cute?
Ok, perhaps we shall weave mine Mummy there and go somewhere else. What about going to the Juwong Bird Park? There are squiwwions yummy...oopss...cute birds there!Penguins!
Now after the bird park, what about going to the zoo? Here are some awesome kitties!
Tired out? Wet's head home.
I hope all of you will wike mine toys. I haven't got much but we can all share. Kitty cwack mousies!
Kiwwing stwings is a good game too.
The white fuwwy thing with the tail, in case anyone wants to nap on it.
Mine percussion box.
The humongous paw.
And mine cwazy Mummy just gotted another one a few days ago. A much smawwer size as compared to the humongous paw, but still bigger than mine paw.
If you guys get tired of the percussion box, you can pway with the basketball as well.
Arh, this is the best part!
BBQ pork!
PSSST...I just weawised, mine Mummy's toes are sticking out at the bottom wight side of the pictor! Eeeekkkss!!!Here am me, testing to make sure it's just wight for all of you. Do twy a piece! It's simpwy heavenwy!
Woah! I hope all of you have a gweat time!
Here's mine bed. Have a squiwwion kitty naps before going back ya!
I had a gweat time with all of you! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as me!
This is the wonderfuwwest purrthday I've ever had!
Oh Boy you certainly have a great place here! Wow, I can't wait to play thundering herd of elyphants on the stairs! It'll be so very loud. Everything looks wonderful.
*hugs Boy* Happy Birthday buddy. I'm very glad we're friends. How about sharing a can of stinky goodness first and then we'll play with some of your awesome mouse toys!
Happy Birthday and thanks for inviting us! Its look like you got so much planned for us to do that we just cannot wait! We think a game of thundering herd of eleypants followed by the mousies and percussion box will be fun! We're going to get a quick bite of some stinky goodness so we'll be ready! Great party!!
Happy happy happy Birthday, Boy!!! Thank you so much for inviting us to your party. We brought out catnip bubbles and some jingle balls to share. You are a very excellent (and genius!) host!
Titus, Tazo, & EG
I cannot believe you are 14! This is a lovely party!
Happy Purrthday and a squillion more, Boy. Wow, stinky goodness and BBQ pork, thundering herd of elefants and all those tasty, er, pretty birds. Yoo sure have a lot fur us to do, this is gonna be so much fun!
WHEEEEEEEEEE!! Stinky Goodness,stairs, birdies, KITTY CRAAAAACK! YAHOOOOS! Happy Purrfday Boy!! What an awesome party! We's furry glads to be here wif yoos! :: thundering herd of elephants up and down the stairs, then right up the wall onto the ceiling :: CEILING CONGA TIME!!!!! Come on everybody!!
Wowie what a fun adventure this has been. Boy thank you for inviting us to your wonderful party! And we hope you had a great time too. YOU were a wonderful guest host and we really enjoyed ourselves. Just wait til we get back and tell Momma all about our trip.
Abby,BOO, Ping, Jinx and Gracie
Happy Birthday, Boy! You don't look a day over 4!
Mmmmm, BBQ pork!
This is great, it is our first trip to Singapore! Empress has flown before but not me. The zoo is so cool you are very luck to have such neat cats near by. We have never had BBQ before yummy! You are a wonderful host! So many places to visit and toys to play with. Such good food too... We are worn out! Thanks for the invite! We had a great time!
~Queen Snickers & Empress
Wowie what a party!! fanks for inviting us!
Hi Mr Hendrix and Zippy and Sadie and Speedy and Gemini too and all you others what a party. Did you too like the zoo? we loved it!
Lets play thundering herd of elephants! Woooohoooooo.........
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 14th BD Boy!!! And many, many moooooore!!! Wow you have a great place and the food is delicious. Thanks for inviting us! We want to play Thundering Herds of Elephants with Mr. Hendrix!!
Your FL furiends,
Hi Samantha and Tigger, good to see you too! Fanks for inviting us to Florida for napping in the sun and warming up it was great!!
'comon lets play thundering... Weheeeee...............
I'm coming Kashim & Othello! Let's play!!
Happy Birthday Boy!! What an impressive party you put together, I'm so exhausted after all of the wonderful things we did and saw!! We're going to have to spend the night.
Chase, Kaze, & Latte
Come on over any time Kashim and Othello!! Thundering herds is such fun!! Watch out Mr. Hendrix! So sorry didn't mean to run over you. Your home is so nice Boy and Singapore is beautiful. It's our first time here!
Happy Purrthday, Boy!!
Wow, this is a great party, we're havin' so much fun!! We love to play Thunderin' Herd!!
Happy, happy purrthday!!
What a wonderful tour of Singapore. We love to play on stairs and Misty would like to play with the mousies and Tipper & Max want to try some BBQ pork. I'll just take a rest on that small paw for a few minutes. That was a long way to teleport!!
Watch out Hendrix!! ::Othello running down the stairs jumping over Hendrix head::
Hey Sam and Tigger watch out I am going to catch you!!!
Happy Birthday, Boy! You sure know how to throw a great party. I was hoping and hoping that you would have the Giant Paw to play with. And BBQ pork, too! Woohoo! I think I might have gotten a little bit overexcited. But this is so much FUN! Thanks for inviting us to your party, Boy!
Happy Happy Birthday, Boy! Thank you so much for inviting all of us kitties. You are having such a great party! Mousies are my favorite toys. You are so nice to let me play with them! Thanks for all of the yummy food and the games and the napping! I enjoyed it lots!
Happy Birthday Boy!!!
You are the same age as me now :)
You have a good selection of food.Let's explore,I like to do that!!! Ooooo,look at all the kitties here! Hi Guys!!!!!
Oh we loved the party. Singapore is an awesome place... and the BBQ pork, you're Chef Extraordinaire. Now we know why they say you're a genius... happy happy 14 on 15.
Happy Purrfday Boy!! This is a awsome party!!!
that giant paw is Freaky though!
Happy Purrthday! What a great party!!! We wanna try the BBQ pork. Don't worry about your mom's toes being there - we brought the kittens and they LOVE to pounce on toes!
Happy Day to you BOY! Mommy let me come over because I seemy MICKEY is also here! She knows he will take good care of me while I am in your beautiful country!
I want to go to the German Restaurant please! My mommy is from Germany and wants me to bring her a Jager Schnitzel home:)
I think I will nap on your pretty pad with the tail so I do not get too tired...after I have some of the yummy pork!
Oh I am glad to be here!
Love Miss Peach
This party is totally great Boy! The pork is fantastic. Watch out for your mommy's toes. Those kittens are on the attack! ha ha ha
Happy Birthday, Boy! What a great party! Singapore is absolutely lovely and that's so nice you have all this food ready for us. Oh, and look there is that huge giant paw you showed us before!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
Hey, Boy, Happy Birthday to you! Aren't birthdays fun??? This is a great party you're throwing today. I'm so glad that I was able to come visit on your birthday.
Hey, can we all play thundering herds again????? That's my favorite game to play at home but this will be more fun with more cats to play with. I was practicing this morning by myself, hehehe.
Purrrrrrrs, Willow
This is a super great fun party.
Congratulations on turning the big 14!!
It is a great age to be!
This has been such a special day to spend your birthday with you!
The BBQ pork was tasty-yumyum
I had a reewy gwate time at yer berthday pawty, Boy -- I hope yoo had a gwate time, too!!!! Singpore is a vawy byootiful pwace!
Oh, and if yoo give me yer addwess, I'll send yoo a berthday card! Emale me at:
skeezix AT skeezixthecat DOT com
Happy Berthday, buddy!!!!!
Happy 14th Purrthday, Boy! I've never been to Singapore - it looks very interesting. ((HUGS))....
Mom said I might have to bring BG (the d-o-g) later but right now I think I will try your BBQ.
Happy Berthday, Dood!!!! Way to go --- Nice party!!!! I'll try not to eet so much stinky goodniss that I puke it up.
Boy, the BBQ is AWSOME!!!! i loves it!!
this is the bestest party!!
Four cats slide into the kitchen and bounce off the wall.
"Hey, Boy! Glad to meet you in person (catson?). We weren't sure we were going to make it.
Lets PARTY!"
They all run off in different directions, leaving Boy confused.
Happy birthday! Thanks for the invitation. A great party you have here, so much food - the BBQ pork is delicious - and toys to play with. Penguins in Singapore????? your napping mat is wonderful, I might just give it a try later.
Oah Boy, Happy Happy Birthday~!!! I love your party~!!!!!!
I also make a birthday card for you, please come and pick it up~!!!
I love going to the zoo, there are so many big cats, I always image I were those big cats, hehehee~~
The humongous paw is interesting, very very cute, and so much fun, I am so happy I could play with you, and wowww, BBQ!!!?!?!?!!!!! What a wonderful wonderful treat ever~!!!
Thank you so much~!!!!
Adan * michico
Hope we didn't miss the party. We brought niptinis for all the kitties that want one.
Hey Ms - I'll have one of your niptinis. Thanks....
Wow!! So many of you guys here! That's wonderful! This is the first time I've pwayed thundewing herd of ewephants with so many kitties! Woah!
Do eat more BBQ pork. I'll send mine Mummy to get somemore and maybe all of you can take some home with you!
Come on! Where's the kitty cwack mousies? Wet's party!!!
Happy birthday, Boy! I think I missed your party but it sure looks like everyone had fun. And you're a lucky boy to have gotten some BBQ pork to celebrate your special day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOY!! Wow, 14 but you still look so young and so active! The BBQ Pork is pawesome! We hope you had a gurreat birthday!
~Donny, Casey, Marie
Hey now Boy, Happy Birthday from all us Good Cats! We all wish you many more as well. Now let's get this party started! Thanks for inviting us... Caitie's going after the kitty crack, Lizzie's looking for the food, Nicky's flirting with the lady cats, and me,... yawn... that teleporting really takes it out of a guy.. and that white thingy looks so soft and sleepable... think I'll just grab 40 winks there.
Happy Purrthday Boy. Let's party!!
Singapore is a very different place. Mum says she knows a few people through work who live here.
Happy Birthday Boy! Wow! 14! I'm only 11!!! What a great party, sorry we're a little late! Persephone brought her nip-stash if anycat wants some!!
What a nice place Singapore is! My OTW is SOOOOO jealous of us!! Especially now that we have SNOW already at our place!!!
Happy Birthday!
~Jack and Persephone
Oh, Boy ... Happy Birthday! I don't think that I've ever had such a wonderful trip ... or attended such a fun party! Playing "Thundering Herd" with a bunch-o-cats is so much more fun than playing with only the Feline Americans: And we don't have stairs!
Yay! Thanks for inviting us to Singapore. Mom had a student from Singapore a couple of years ago. What a beautiful country! We'll have to teleport over more often ...
just popping in to say happy birthday
Happy 14th Birthday, Boy!!
I am sooo sad, and sooo disappointed in my staff. There were gone all day and came back home late in the evening. When I came here, the party was over, not one piece of BBQ pork left... Also it was too dark to see something of your place.
I HATE my staff!! I want their computer password or I leave!
(((birthday hugg)))
PS - I hope you had a WONDERFUL day!
What a great place and a great party! Thanks for inviting me, and happy birthday!
Happy Purrthday Boy! Wow, yoo got some grate goodies there. Fanks for invitin us.
That tail thing is really cool!
Oh oh, there goes Mini after the BBQ pork! hehehe
We brought you some super nip too! Hope you like it :)
I'm so furry excited that you invited me to your party! I'm sorry I'm late, but I hope efurrycat had a great time!
Happy purrthday, Boy! You look so young for your age!
Wow, you're 14? You look much younger! I hope I age as good as you.
The crunchies are yummy! ~~ Sanjee
Happy happy birthday!!! You don't look a day older than 5!!! It is nice to see Singapore, we want to go to the German restaurant with Miss Peach!!! How come the party is already over - it is still November 14th here in Tucson Arizona....
But it is was and will be one great party!!!
Here's a gweat big HI to all those who's just awwived.
I'm not sure about all those time zones thingey but I guess Singapore's time is way earwier than many other pwaces. But no wowwies. I'm going to party 2 stwaight days so no one will miss anything!
The party has just begun! And it won't end before evewy single kitty has enough!
Oh my lovely Gree is here too!!
I think I am gonna nap a little next to her me is really tired after playing thundering herd nearly all night....
Zzzzzz Zzzzzz Zzzzzzz
Happy 14th Birthday, Boy. I am so glad that you invited me. I love the BBQ pork. Watching all these cats play Thundering Herd of Elephants is great fun.
Happy Birthday Boy! :) Your party is wonderful! You have lots of great toys and goodies for us. :)
I hope you have a wonderful birthday! As we say in German: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! :)
We're here! Happy Birthday! What a great party place you have here! This is going to be great fun. Our Mom has to go work soon so we're going to stay all day. Thanks for inviting us.
Happy Purrfday Boy. We teleported here as kwik as we cud. It's a grate party and yoo haf got the bestest nip we've had in a long time. Now we're going to join in thundering herds of ellyfants. It's our faverit game.
Hi Boy,
"Wow" this is great and the BBQ pork
is delicious.Your toys are so cute especially the big paw. I'm having so much fun thanks for inviting me.
Silly Me I forgot to say Happy Birthday.
Mommy had to sleep some, but we thought we'd come back and say Happy Purrthday again. And maybe get some more BBQ and stinky goodness. Then maybe a nap on the white furry thing with a tail. It looks comfy and we can get lots of black fur on it. hehehe
Party time! Did Mao bring the niptini's???
I've tagged you for a meme visit my page to get it!
Happy Birthday, Boy! Yur a furry cute kitteah.
this has been the greatest party ever Boy! The trip to the zoo, the percussion box, the big paw to nap on. Wonderful. The foods were also fantastic. I love that BBQ Pork. nom nom nom
Thank you so very much for inviting me. I'm having a blast!!
Happy Purrthday, Boy! Wow, wif the time change, yur purrthday was at the same time as mine Mom's, efun tho hers is the 14th an yurs is the 15th! Kewl! Now I HAS to sing you my purrthday song:
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Boy,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... and many more!!!!!
Oh, I hope you had a wonnerful day! Purrs!
Happy Purrthday, Boy! Wow, wif the time change, yur purrthday was at the same time as mine Mom's, efun tho hers is the 14th an yurs is the 15th! Kewl! Now I HAS to sing you my purrthday song:
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Boy,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... and many more!!!!!
Oh, I hope you had a wonnerful day! Purrs!
Whoa, dis is so much fun! We think we might need to do a nap pile...Speedy, stop washing kittens yoor gonna lick all der fur off...
ooo nap pile!! ferst I haf to see if there's anymore of that delishus bbq pork - Miles
I woved pwaying thundewing herds of ewephants with all of you guys! It's so much more fun than pwaying it all by mineself. I think mine Mummy has never heard such a HUGE herd of ewephants on her stairs before.
It's so fun to jump over Mr Hendwix, and oh Wiwwow is weawwy good at this game! No wonder, he pwacticed before he came over!
Wow! Thanks evewyone who bought nip over! I was afwaid I didn't get enough nip for evewyone, but now there's more than enough to go awound! Yay!
Haha...I think the white fuwwy thing with the tail is getting wots of bwack furs! Cool! Now it'll start wooking wike mine cowour!
BBQ Pork. yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum. Great Party!
Happy Happy Purrthday Boy! This is a great pary - food, toys, da zoo . . . so much to do and see - AND EAT! Thanks fer inviting us - hope you had a great day!
Very Happy Birthday Boy! Your party was delicious. There was so much to do and now all I can think of is nap time! That BBQ pork was something else. Thanks so much for sharing! Sleep well, 14 is a lot of years.
Love, Tyler
We just wanted to say Thanks Boy, for inviting us! We had a wonderful time and the BBQ pork was the best ever. We had a lot of fun playing Thundering elephants with everyone and seeing all out furiends and Singapore is beautiful!! Your giant paw and mini me paw was the funnest thing! See ya next year!
Your FL furiends,
We Ballicai are here! I can't wait to play thunderin herd of eleffants -- I love that game! You live in such a kool place, and alla the foodies are so great! Happy Burfday, Boy! You are such a wunnerful and sweet and fun kitty. I hope you're havin a wunnerful and superdupersuperDUPER day!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Happy Fourteenth Birthday, Boy! Wow, you've got a great place, and you are an excellent host. We Ballicai brought some catnip to share, and some boxes so we can all play Box Wars!
Rumbly purrs and floofy headbonks from Brainball.
WHEE! Thundering Herd of Elephants, Thundering Herd of Elephants! What fun! And what wonderful food, what primo catnip.... ahhhhhhh! (rolling around on my back with paws in the air) This party ROCKS, thank you so much, Boy! Happy, Happy Birthday -- I'm singing to you and squeaking with joy!
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Boy!
Happy Birthday to you!
What a delightful party you have going here, and thank you so much for inviting us Ballicai! I have brought tuna puffs for everykitty to share... and bottles of bubbly tuna champagne!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
hehehe, Marilyn brought bubbly, but yuppers, I brought NIPTINIS! Everykitty.... DIG IN!!
Whatta great paw-tay, Boy! And I see my sweetiepie Ariel is here... I'm gonna go give her a kissie! And Dorydoo's makin a beeline fur Earl Grey -- she wants to play earthwormie with him inna blankie!
Happy Purthday to Yooooooo Happy Purthday to Yoooooooo Happy Purthday Happy Purthday Happy Purthday to yooooooooo. Wow. Wif all dat wonnerful stuff yoo has dis party could go forever.
Hey, Boy,
Have you seen the card I made for you on my blog yesterday?
deer boy,
i had da gratest time at yer partee. da food wuz delishus ... an doze birdz owtside yer mom'z stoodeeo were delishus ... um ... i meen lovelee to look at, too!
happee birfday mi frend.
u alwayz make me smile!
Hello Boy,
Thank you so much for inviting me to your party. The BBQ pork was just terrific!
I had a great time playing with your giant paw!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Purrthday Boy! You have some awesome toys and we had a great time at your party! Thundering herd of elephants is one of our favorite games! Thanks so much for the stinky goodness and crunchy goodness! Hope your purrthday was a blast!
Goodness, all you kitties are still partying. What a blast! I think I'll have a couple of Marilyn's tuna puffs. Anykitty want some scritches?
Wows sounds like you hads a great bifday!! Fanks for visitings us at our bloggie. :) Yeah, fea medicins no fun!!!
It's morning.
Radcliff wakes up with his head in a litter box. He groans, and groggily teleports home.
Allie and Ozzie slowly open their eyes, and realize they are at the bottom of a kitie pile, hugging each other. They both recoil and frantically start talking about the weather. They say their good-byes to Boy, and teleport away, never quite looking at each other.
Luna is still going strong, looking for more BBQ pork and some kittie crack to get her day started right.
(To Boy: Feel free to send Luna home when you want some peace)
Happy birthday Boy!!! Very happy 14th purrthday to you (and your lucky human).
"Kitty crack mousies" - HA HA HA!
with love from the Museum -- Curator and the staff (Elizabeth, Sally and Bac')
Another happy birthday Boy. Lynettea got sick and couldn't watch me having a good time. I think she was jealous. When I get back homeI am going to try to catch a lot of geckoes to catch for you as a thank you treat.
Boy, Happy Birthday! You had a great day! I hope you have a bunch more excellent birthdays!
Dear Boy, I caught one gecko for you. It dropped off its tail, but I had finished it off and was curing it to pack, but when I showed it to Lynettea she refused to send it to you. She said I will have to send imaginary geckoes instead. She said just go 'waft waft' Diamond and tell Boy to imagine that he has received them.
I have to tell you she is not a very considerate human at times.
Dear Boy, I caught one gecko for you. It dropped off its tail, but I had finished it off and was curing it to pack, but when I showed it to Lynettea she refused to send it to you. She said I will have to send imaginary geckoes instead. She said just go 'waft waft' Diamond and tell Boy to imagine that he has received them.
I have to tell you she is not a very considerate human at times.
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