I think That Thing is turning into a Woofie!
Help! I think That Thing is turning into a woofie! I woke up yesterday wondewing if a herd of woofies have invaded mine bed! Then I weawised, That Thing wying next to mine Mummy is exuding an extwemewy stwong doggy smell!
Mine Mummy thinks it's funny That Thing smells wike a woofie who's been out in the wain, but I do not think it funny at all! I do not want to share mine bed with a woofie! (pardon me all mine woofie fwiends out there; I wove you all, but if I were to have a woofie shawing mine bed, at weast it has to be a woofie I appwove of.)
So because I kept hissing at That Thing, mine Mummy has to give him a bath. And do you know what? He woves it!
But that is not all! After his bath, That Thing has to poop, and then step into his own poop! So what happens? Half an hour after his bath, he needed another bath!
And who enjoyed it the most? It was That Thing!See mine pictor here, it's not vewy cwear, but you can see mine expwession. I just don't know what to say!
Oh dear--you mean he like the bath? Is that what I am reading?
I am speechless.
It is very, very strange that little Beethoven liked getting a bath! Maybe he stepped in poops on purpose so he could have another bath.
Boy, I fink I finally agree that That Thing has psychological problems! No cat in his or her right mind would like two baths in one day! You will have to show him how to be a good little manCAT!
That's crazy, the Thing likes baths?! I mean, I like water, but that's crazy!
I think That Thing might be crazy!
I agree with Lux: I am speechless, too.
Poor Boy~!
You know what? My brother Lego also smell stinks~!!
How come every younger brother smells so badly, I just can't understand!
Definitly a stwange cat dat one. Butiful but stwange !!
Well, if he likes baths, he can have all of ours! None of us like them. But we sure do smell nice after one. The kitties don't get baths, though, just us woofies.
Oh how weird that THAT THING likes a bath.
Very strange, indeed.
Oh my! Everything in my house smells like woofies since Zeke and Sushi live here but That Thing smelling like a woofie is just strange. I think Ruckus might not mind a bath but I am pretty sure she would not like 2 of them in one day.
Hmmm. We don't know why he would purposely step in his own poop if he didn't want another bath. That is very odd.
OH MY! I can't believe he loves the bath!!
Woofie took 2 baths. Yuk. Who likes baths!
I cannoy believe it either!!! I mean,water is for drinking!!!!! Bath? In water? YUCK!!!!!!!!!
Beethoven is weird ;)
Purrs Mickey
Your brother is weird - actually LIKES bathing??????
Better the woofie get a bath than you, so there must be something good about him, right?
Smelling like a woofie? Two baths in one day and he likes it? Stepping in pooh? Maybe Beethoven should join the Smelly Cats Club. He is also rather weird. I have known cats who liked to go for a swim when it is hot, but never one who liked baths.
A CAT that likes getting a bath????
Beethoven might just be a dog after all!
Wowie kazowie -- that's purretty amazin! Little Beethoven sounds like a super laid back li'l feller. Could he be a woofie in a kitty suit???
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Gracious, Beethoven is quite easygoing, isn't he? I am easygoing... but NOT when it comes to water, perish the thought! I simply cannot tolerate even the notion of getting so much as a *shudder* water molecule on my paw.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Hahahahaha - it seems Beethoven and Baby Mao could become good friends, hahahahahahaha.
Or maybe he just stepped in his poop so he can get another bath!
At first I thought you were just exaggerating but now I have to agree. He is a tad weird.
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