Finawwy, I've managed to sneak mine Mummy's iPhone out and gotted her pictors of Indonesia. She's still not wecovered fwom her cold and cough and what ever, so it was at gweat personal wisk that I gotted out these pictors fwom her camewa.
Well, mine Mummy bwoughted onwy her iPhone because she wasn't intending to take much pictors anyway. So here are her as usual not-too-good pictors.
Here's the airport at Jakarta.
On the way fwom the airport to the hotel.
Their twaffic jams are howwible, mine Mummy says.
Though I wonder why Indonesians wike twaffic jams. Me, I pwefer stwawbewwy jam.

Finawwy at the hotel, after about 2 hours.
The fwight fwom Singapore to Jakarta took 1.5 hours. The car twip fwom the airport to the hotel took 2 hours.
The hotel is further away fwom the airport than Singapore is away fwom Jakarta!

The occasion is something wike a confewence where gwoups fwom all over the world gather together. A diffewent countwy hosts it each time, and this year it's the gwoup fwom Jakarta who is the host.
Here's mine Mummy's teacher.
The first guy fwom the weft.
This is mine Mummy's other teacher, the wife of the guy on the top pictor.
The wady on the wightest side is mine Mummy's boss.
Mine Mummy thinks her teachers are extwemewy sweet. Because do you all wemember the wast time mine Mummy wented to China, just a month ago, she was at Xiamen and she visited her teacher (the guy on top) and they were having tea and mine Mummy saw this cup that her teacher used to make tea with and remarked that it was such a cool cup.
And this time wound, her teachers wemembered it and speciawwy bwoughted such a cup all the way fwom Xiamen, China, to Jakarta, just to give mine Mummy! Aren't they sweet?
Ok, maybe you are all confused by the diffewent teachers mine Mummy has.
You see, mine Mummy pways the erhu, which is an instrument used in modern Chinese orchestral music. She has a few erhu teachers, and one of them is the one she wented to find over at Hongkong.
But besides modern Chinese orchestral music, there are many many diffewent kinds of traditional Chinese music, each owiginating fwom a diffewent awea in China. It's all these diffewent twaditional music that gives wise to the modern Chinese orchestral music that we have now. But many of these twaditional forms are still surviving on their own and fwouwishing in their own ways too.
This one they're having here now is called Nanyin, which is twaditional music dewived fwom the awea awound the Hokkien pwovince in China. So these 2 teachers you see here are mine Mummy's Nanyin teachers.
Then mine Mummy also pways teochew twaditional music, and that, she has another diffewent teacher.
Hope that sort of expwains the confusing number of teachers mine Mummy has.
One of the days, they boughted mine Mummy to go sightseeing.
Wooky! They boughted her to the bird park!
So many yummy...opps...beautiful birdies!

On the final day, before they wented to catch the pwane back home, mine Mummy wented out earwy in the morning to do some expwowation.
There weawwy were not much awound the hotel she stayed.
Mine Mummy saw many poor kittehs awound the stweets of Jakarta. Many of them wooked wike they'd been injured, and they were all scwawny and underfed. Mine Mummy wishes she could bwing them all back here and give them a good forever home.
Eh-hem, what Mummy? All here? In MINE house????
But she couldn't do that, and mine Mummy felt so sad for all the kittehs out there.
It was too earwy and none of the shops were open yet.

And so, that concwudes mine Mummy's twip to Indonesia.
And all she got back were these few pictors, and a bad cold and cough.