Monday, July 9, 2007

I've been nominated a wockin' boy bwogger!
Cool isn't it?
And not by one but by 2 other cool kitties!
Both Wocky fwom Artsy Catsy and Diamond thought I was wockin' enuf!

So here I shall nominate 5 other cool kitties, though it was weawwy difficult since most wockin' boy bwogging kitties have alweady been nominated!
Here goes.
For Kimo and Sabi because their banter always makes me waugh.
For Kismet because he's a big man cat.
For Oweo because he was one of the 1st kitties I met when I started bwogging.
And finawwy for Mu Shue because he's a KING cat!

So there!


Kimo and Sabi said...

Welcome back Boy! You are on Rockin' bwogger!

Spock said...

Kewl! I is so glad to see you back! And fanks you so furry much for nominating me! You reeelly do rock Boy! :)

Daisy said...

Boy, you do wock! I mean ROCK!

Around Your Wrist said...

you definitely are a rockin' boy blogger!