See guys, I've been working weawwy hard wecentwy, getting all these pictors up!
Mummy took so many pictors, I'm going mad wooking thwough them all.This is the pagoda mentioned earlier, supposedwy built hundweds of years ago.
Wonder how they did it. It's made of wood by the way.
Must admit beans hundweds of years back are pwetty cwever aren't they?
Bet mine Mummy cannot even build a small model of a pagoda!These beans wike to name evewything "Number 1". Here you can see the sign "The First in a Thousand Mountains". Further on, you get to see another "First Mountain", wefewwing to a diffewent mountain.
They aren't vewy cweative with names are they?The West Lake Garden.
Nothing vewy much, just another extwemewy touwisty spot.
Wooky carefuwwy at the sign on the wight side, the wed words white backgwound sign.
It says, "Point for cawwing the powice"
If you were attacked and you needed the powice, do you still have to walk all awound until you find such a point before you can call the powice?
Pwain weird!I don't know if you can see them, but this is the bestest pictor of the wot.
'cos it's pictors of fishes!!
Yummy! ....oops....Nice fewocious kitties!
West Wake.
These are Mummy's fwiends, 3 of them are there wearning together with her, the others are visiting, and one is a teacher who taught Mummy before (not the teachers Mummy went to wearn fwom this time wound).
Mummy's not in the pictor because she's behind the camewa!Watching the stweet Nanyin performance. They've got pwenty over there in Quanzhou.
Mummy and her fwiends went mountain cwimbing earwy in the morning. As in super earwy, as in 3.30am.
If Mummy could wake up so earwy to cwimb mountains, she should be able to wake up at this time to give me mine fishy goodness. I shall get her up at 3.30am tomowwow!
This pwace was where Mummy and her fwiends made tea and had their earwy morning tea before starting on the cwimb.The sun is coming up. Things are getting bwighter.
A wong wong path. Mummy says they cwimbed for hours!
Wooking down at the city of Quanzhou.
And mountain paths.
A westing pwace in the mountains.
See, this is what I meant. "The First Mountain" again!
Can't they think of another name?This is a buddha carved fwom the wock of the mountain. I do think beans hundweds of years ago were much much more ingenius than beans now!
The mountain Mummy cwimbed. "Qingyuan Shan".
Ok, pwobabwy it's onwy a hill. Well, I can't tell the diffewence. All I know is that it's way higher than me and it took Mummy hours to cwimb.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
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Very beautiful photos~!
Wow, look like your mom had a really great trip!
Those are some amazing pictures. My favorite is the giant buddah carved from the rock of the mountain. Oh, and I like those scary dragon cats, too. And that path looks fun to walk on. And the pagoda is pretty.
wow, yur momma is a profeshunal mountain climber now. that is too cool!
yuki & kimiko
Well Boy, you are making up for time now with these wonderful blog entries. Lynettea and I looked up the cities on the Internet to see where they were. We can hardly wait to hear the music if we get the chance. We both love Oriental music.
Those dragoncat pictures are sooo cool. wE would love to have two of those on each side of the driveway to our home.... just to serve as a warning to visitors.
The Buddha is cool too.
Boy, your mommie had a great adventure and these are super wonderful pictures
These are SO incredible. Our Aunt M is from China (she was adopted when she was 1 year old) and I'm going to have to tell her to come here and check out the photos!
Oh how beautiful ... all the photographs are excellent. We are so glad your mummy is home! Hugs and Love and Purrs
deer boy,
i haven't vizited u in so long becuz yer mom wuz in china ... an i missed u ...
so i jus made up fer all da postz i missed an read way back ...
da pikshurz ar awesum.
i'm glad yer mom iz home.
luv--yer frend--jh
Thank you for posting all these wonderful pictures! We want to take the trip too, please!!!
There is a blogoversary to celebrate, come over and check it out!
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