sewious psychowogical issues...
I think That Thing has a wot of psychowogical pwoblems.You know he enjoys whaps on the head. That's not all.
He wikes funny food wike cakes and bwead; and he doesn't wike wonderful kitty food wike shwimps!
And he doesn't wike nip at all!
How weird can he get?
Appawentwy that is not all.
He wikes the V-E-T! And he wikes weawing pink and he thinks he's oh so pwetty.
Well, that is not all!
Do you know That Thing wikes water? He enjoys bathing and he enjoys getting himself wet!
He'll go into the bathwoom and wie down on the wet fwoor!
And I caught him once twying to jump into the toiwet bowl.
Oh my...
But well, that is not all!
That Thing...suckles!!!
He wikes to suckle mine Mummy's bwanket.
Yes, this one.And the weird thing is, he onwy suckles it when mine Mummy is under the bwanket. He doesn't suckle mine Mummy when she doesn't have the bwanket on her; and he doesn't suckle the bwanket when mine Mummy is not under it!
And he doesn't suckle anything else.
Just this bwanket.
Hey Mummy! When did you take this pictor???
I wanted to show That Thing sweeping on the bwanket; you do not have to show evewyone mine beautiful pose when I'm asweep!Well anyway, tell me, if that's not something sewiouswy wwong with him, what is?
I sewiouswy think he needs to work on wesolving all those psychowogical issues.
I've been suggesting to mine Mummy that we send him back to the kitty manufactuwer, you know, perhaps there's a money-back guawantee or something.
I wonder why mine Mummy never fowwow mine good advice.
PS: Mine Mummy wonders if anyone has ever encountered kitties who don't stop suckwing. How can she stop That Thing fwom suckwing?
Of course if she asked me, I would have told her to send him back to the kitty manufactuwer and demand money back.
Thingy is so cute! Well, if Thingy doesn't like shrimp, guess what, that means there is more for you! Yay for Thingy!
Hey Boy, you won't believe this but I am very much like Beet in the Oven! Not only in looks, but I also am not fond of seafood (I prefer beef and chicken), and I also do not mind going to the V E T. AND I do not mind water too much. The bossman and bosslady sometimes quirt me until I am soaked and I do not "stop Cecil!" like they are asking!
We do not have psychological issues, we are just baby cats! Beet is lucky to have a big brother like you to teach him stuff. The bossman won't let the bosslady get me a big brother :(
Oh and suckling is usually a sign of comfort. It reminds us kittens of being tiny babies with our cat-moms. Some cats grow out of it, and some don't. Just know that it is a sign of complete trust and comfort. Just be sure that he didn't ingest any of the fabric, as this can easily be caught in the intestines.
Your kitty has some slightly unusual (but not really strange) habits but small kitties apparently don't react to nip much. SS says that they grow out of suckling - my two kittens did after a while.
Little Beethoven is certainly a character. I think he might still be too young to enjoy catnip. I have to admit that when I was a little baby, I always tried to nurse on my Mommie's neck. But I grew out of that.
Oh ... That's not THAT bad. Sparky Fuzzypants still does that an' he's almost TEN YEARS OLD! He also makes biscuits an' invisa-biscuits on Mom's blankies!
Hey Boy, the surprise party is on March 5 (US time), not Oz time.
Boy, Beethoven is just a little kitten yet. Like Cecil and the others say, the suckling is just a comfort to him.
If it really bothers your Mummy, she could make him stop, or just distract him whenever he starts, but there is no real reason to. Eventually he'll grow out of it. She'll probably miss it when he does.
My miewmie calls it the 'breastfeeding rwootine ' when I does it. I only like to suckle and pad near her armpit when she is in bed. I dont do it all the time only sumtimes.
Are you and Beethoven still not cuddling and wrestling and playing with each other???
He certainly has some weird habits but I wouldn't hold that against him - in the end we all do, right?
About the sucking - maybe he was weaned too early? Hopefully he grows out of it once he gets his real teeth.
Mrs. OZ
We read that when kittens suckle like that its due to being taken from momma before they were ready. Hopefully he will get over it.
Kittens don't react to catnip until they are older, like around 8 months to a year.
Very young kitties do that because it's a holdover from when they were with their momcat. He'll probably outgrow it. Kittens that young shouldn't have catnip.
Yes, many things wrong with that little thing. However, I'm a big suckler myself and I'm a Big Man Cat and 8 years old. I have certainly spent less time suckling as I've gotten older and it drives my AM CRAZY. I don't know, that might just be there to stay.
I dunno ... I think all those things sound sort of sweet. I've also heard the suckling is from being taken away from the mother too soon - my uncle once had a cat that did that.
I think Beethoven is just a little kitty doing kitty stuff :) He might grow out of suckling (or not) Maybe he does it just to drive you crazy,hahahahaha!!
Purrs Mickey
I agree with Mickey...he is just a kitten still. I do like to bath but I do not eat anything but cat food...not even shrimps:)
It is always so nice to see you Boy...
Love Miss Peach
Well, Boy~
I am sure that thing will understand he has to understand sharing~~~
One day he will understand~~~
MomBean likes your belly!
Maybe he needs Dr Phil?
Okay I admit when I first came home at 8 weeks old I use to suckle mom's shirt.He'll probably grow out of it like I did.Yet I can't believe he doesn't like shrimp their delicious.
Dis poor itty-bitty ting. Of course, if he iz takin' your favorite spots on da bed, den he iz not so poor. He seemz quite smart.
Do NOT lets him get da upper hand my frend.
*giggle*, Beethoven sounds like such a cute, funny little fellow! But I sympathize with having an odd little brother -- my little brother, MaoMao, loves to play with water -- he gets in the sink and tries to get in the toilet, and it just perplexes me -- how can he stand it? *shudder*!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Firstly, apologies for not being around much, the bean has been doing that work thing and keeping herself busy! selfish!
Now, my Bean had One Who Went before called Weeble and she used to suckle all the time - but only one particular spot on meowmie's dressing gown. She suckled right up until she went to The Bridge. My Meowmy had to keep the dressing gown for YEARS just so Weeble could suckle!
He is very cute and you are a good big brother to be concerned about him. He is just a kitten though and will probably grow out of some of his strange habits. He might even start liking shrimp when he is older!
dun worry guyz, you'll both get along & truly understand each other one day....
Musings in the myriad of feline, human & philosophy
felinesopher & her gank, meaouwy troops
hmmm, the watur issue, shrimpie issue and the head wacking issue are VARY disturbing. Owr lady says its a condishun called "having pursonality"...this must be a vary intense condishun. Take care of the thingy cause we dont think thares a return policy.
Boy, I wish I could give you some hope about The Thing ... but I'm going on 9 years old and I still like to suckle! I even love to drink kitty milk out of a baby bottle. They tell me it's because I was rescued when I was only 1 day old and my mom raised me on a bottle.
Oh, he's just so cute but then so are you. FAZ
Hahaha~~ Boy~~
I will have a little brother tonight, so, wish me luck~~~
Sounds like he is being a slightly unusual kitten to me.
whoa, he doesn't like shrimp AND loves water? bizarro. The suckling I can deal with, but the water is crazy strange!
You both look cute in that picture on the bed!
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