Mine Mummy has been inspired by dear Storm's mama and has decided to check out whether she could get something called insuwances for us.
Well, she checked out this first insuwance company (a huge company in our countwy here though I shall not name names) and they do have insuwance. But their insuwance covers wike $50 for each cwaim.
I mean, mine Mummy wants insuwances for us so that should anything happen to us, she wants to feel fwee to give us the best possible tweatments instead of having to be in a diwemma because she might not be able to afford the tweatments.
$50 would be enough for uhm...some cough and cold medicines?
Of course, to be fair, the pwemiums is weawwy vewy wittle.
But mine Mummy is willing to pay a wittle more for us, just so she could feel at ease to give us whatever is needed. But, they do not have any other choices for us.
So fine, mine Mummy checked out this other insuwance company, which is also a huge name not onwy in our countwy but in other parts of the world too (though I shall not name names too).
Oh gweat! They have good powicies for pets. Which would cover us thwough any unfortunate illnesses and whatnot.
And so mine Mummy inquired further.
And guessed what they said?
They said the insuwance powicy is onwy for PUREBWEED PETS!!!!!
I mean, I may not wemember who mine weal fur mummy or daddy is, but does that mean we aren't awwowed the best possible tweatments avaiwable should we fall sick?
Just because we are not purebweeds????
Oh gosh! If I could sue them for discwimination, I would!
You see mine expwession?
Yes, this is what I think of them!
Are we wess important just because we're not purebweeds???
Well, Mummy, I guess you would have to work harder and save all your marnies in a piggy bank for us instead of getting any insuwances then.