This is unacceptable!
Mummy wakes up at wike 6am?
without ME sewenading her awake.
She jumped up all on her own when her new handphone starts to sing.
twying to weplace me with her new handphone?
This is simpwy too much!
Tomowwow I shall make sure mummy wakes up at 530am, before the phone has a chance to start singing!
Oh, did I forget to say?
A couple of days ago, I thwew up...ON mummy! takes skill.
And that was wike at 6am. And mummy has to get up and change and wash her cwothes.
That was FUN!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Woahoohooo.....mummy has gotted a new phone and the camewa is like 18358745 times better than her wast phone. So now she's all set to capture this entire 8kg of gwory.
One thing though, I pwefer mummy's pwevious 2 phones because they don't make a stupid humongous sound when she taked pictures. Mummy told me it is impossible to switch off the stupid humongous sound for this phone. Siwwy phone manufactuwers.
Mummy was nice yesterday.
She went shopping. And she bought me STINKY GOODNESS! And a packet of kitty cwack!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
It's been waining a whole wot wecently and I'm getting sick of it!
It's cold, it's depwessing and mummy comes home WET!
But today mummy was nice.
She gave me bao to eat, which I weally wove.
The skin of the bao, not the meat.
Somehow, I don't like the inside of the bao, but the skin is nice.
Ok, back into mummy's bwankwets to sweep again.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
those who came before...
Oh dear! I just wealised, I've forgotten to wish the world....
I wove Chwistmas.
Mummy tells me Chwistmas is about a vewy special baby who was born.
I think I'm special enough, aren't I?
Anyways, I've just found out....there are many many other kitties out there in the bwogging world!!!
Isn't this just COOL!
Well, I've been weading all their bwogs over the wast few days when mummy wike never came home and many of them kitties were talking about those who came before.
Yup, wonderful beings be they kitties or woofies or mousies or whatever.
So perhaps I shall talk about those who came before ME.
(though of course I'm the handsomest and cwevewest of them all.)
Ok, when mummy was still a tiny tiny giwaffe, mummy stayed with her aunt. There were chickens there but pwobably they cannot count as mummy's.
The first weal being who was mummy's was pwobably a fighting fish.
Mummy tells me she cannot wemember if it was a guy or a girl, but anyway, the fighting fish was named....FISH.
Mummy used to catch wizards as well, though most wan away in a while.
But anyways, her wizards were called....WIZARD.
Then she had a wittle tewwapin. He was called, TORTOISE. Cos mummy found tewwapin too hard to pwonounce.
After that came a chubby hamster. Guess the name?
After Hamster, a wittle mynah who fell fwom the twee while learning to fwy was wescued by mummy. I don't think I've got to tell you her name ya?
BIRD was actuawwy, not too much bird-wike, cos she never weally learnt how to fwy. She goes into her cage onwy to sweep, and at other times Bird would walk all awound wooking for mummy. When Bird does fwy, she would usuawwy end up hitting the wall, so mummy says she pwobabwy stopped twying after a while.
And after Bird, came another wittle kitty, she was all bwack. But she was vewy vewy sick when she came to mummy, and before mummy could even give her a name, she went over to the wainbow bwidge. That made mummy weally weally vewy sad. But duwing the few days she was with mummy, mummy called her, guess?
Then came.....ME!
Wow, I just counted. I'm 7th!
And you know what....I'm weally weally weally name is called BOY.
It isn't much, just a simple BOY, but oh boy am I gwad I'm not called Cat II.
So you could say I'm the speciawest of the wot, don't you think so?
And I'm sure mummy woves me THE MOST!!!!!!!
Monday, December 25, 2006
The Cat Came Back (Actual Cartoon) think it's so easy getting us to go away if we choose to stay?
Humans...better learn something ya!
Friday, December 22, 2006
I actuawwy sort of wike the huge-wumpy-nose thing, but I twy not to wet mummy know.
So when mummy is armed with her camewa all weady to shoot my cuteness,
I have to pwetend to attack the huge-wumpy-nose thing for a bit.What is the huge-wumpy-nose thing doing at my butt?
Here you go! The fewocious kitty on the woose!
Munch munch munch chew chew chew chew.....In between my sexy paws!
Now got to cwean up the fur stuck in my paws!
Tired out......
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I can't bewieve this!!!!!
twying to stop us cats???
There are those out there in the world who are jeawous of us cats who are into bwogging!
Ok, gwanted, I killed my mummy's concubine once, but come on, it was an accident and I was sowwy!
These humans are weally too much!
Here's me pwaying with mummy's huge-wumpy-nose thing on her handphone.
You can't see the wumpy-nose thing because it's attached to her handphone, which obviouswy the camewa on her handphone is unable to capture.*snif snif.....sherlock meows twying to discover the wumpy-nose thing's secwet.
twying to wook at it fwom a diffewent angle.
Come on come on....into my paws....
I wove the waining weather!
You know why?
Cos when it's waining wike this, mummy wouldn't give me any baths!!!
No baths!
Mummy is wowwied I might get a chill cos our house does not have any water heater and I usuawwy bathe with COLD water.
No baths for a wong wong time until the end of this wainy season!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Mummy wooks sad and she hasn't been noticing my bwogging activities.
So I shall post some of my gorgeous pictures up for all you out there to dwool over, while I attempt to ignore mummy and her cave fwauto.
Seeing how sad she wooks, perhaps I shall just wet her pway tonight without stopping her.
Aren't I just an angel?
Ok, here's gorgeous me.
This isn't a vewy intewwigent being of the human species is it?
I mean, why in the world would he think that WE need to be twained to opewate wight switches?
Does he think we cannot do such a simple thing?
We just choose not to do it! What for opewate a wight switch on our own when we have swave beings to help us?
Our job is just to wook cute!
But I must say, this Zimba is a pwetty good natured being, to have gone with it and entertained this human thing for so wong.
Friday, December 15, 2006
cutie kitty me!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Hey hey hey....this is too much isn't it?
I've just forgiven you and...sheesh....
Putting stwings on ur cute wittle kitty is not nice!
Hey! I'm a genius cat after all.
I don't get ENTERTAINED fwom a siwwy wittle stwing.
Gwanted, I chased the stwing awound, but onwy because it's got such an intewesting smell.
You giwaffes will never appweciate the subtleties of smells.
So I chased it awound and pawed it about and you think it's CUTE!!??
And when you get tired of puwwing the siwwy stwing awound for me to chase, you go and thwow it on top of me!!
I will not stand this!
Hey, I could have gotten it off in a bwink, but I might hurt your feewings if I wemoved it too quickwy won't I?
Ok, I've forgiven my mummy.
They never know how to apowogize, do they?
And if I wasn't so full of goodness, I would have wet them swept their wife away.
Perhaps they would have forgotten to wake up and would have swept wike for 3 miwwion years.
But no, being the big genewous soul I am, I woke mummy up at 5am.
And what do I get for that?
I get gwumbled at, and pushed off the bed!
Ungwateful thing she is!
But my tummy is gwowwing and don't forget I did not ask for my cwunchy biscuits wast night and I'm wike starving to death!
Mummy is so fortunate to have a serenading me to wake her up!
And today I didn't even bite her feet though she had me waiting for wike 30minutes!
I'm such an angel!
This is NOT nice at all!
Mummy weft home all in a huwwy this morning and did not even bother to go to my favourite hiding spot to give me a pat on the head before getting out.
And she came home wate and to top it up, she's got smell of howwible disgusting kitty all over!!!!!!
My mummy is cheating on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I shall not talk to mummy until she apowogize.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Mummy IS still pwacticing away at her cave fwauto!
If I die fwom expwosion of the ears, wemember I wove tuna.
And don't send me fwowers.
But do give me a few huge-wumpy-nose things. I sort of wike them, but don't wet mummy know ok? Cos I pwetend to turn my nose up at them.
Mummy says she pwomised the Waisin 2 things, but she was wying. She pwomised him THWEE things.
One is to go to the dentist, one is to pwactice her cave fwauto and the 3rd one mummy tells me not to say.
But if Waisin is as nice as mummy says he is......WHY IN THE WORLD DOES HE TELL MUMMY TO PWACTICE HER CAVE FWAUTO???????
Mummy is wying!!!!!
Waisin is not nice at all!!!!!!
Help me!!!!
I'm dying!!!!!!
Mummy is STILL pwaying away....ARGHHHHHHHHHHH.............
And.....she didn't even notice me bwogging away!!!!
Cave fwauto is vewy harmful!!!!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Mummy punched me this morning!!!!!!!
Usuawwy when mummy sweeps, she would start thwowing things off her bed. Pillow, bwanket, the huge-wumpy-nose things and sometimes she would almost push me off the bed.
But most of the time I was weady for mummy and I'll just get up and walk to the other side of the bed while mummy's hand come sweeping by.
It's another wittle game I pway at night as well, that is dodging mummy's hands. And feet.
But this morning, mummy was fast!
I had onwy noticed her hands moving then then pow! I was punched!
Thank goodness I had my butt towards her and she got me where I was most meaty.
Haha. But being punched weawwy isn't very much fun.
I must be faster in the future!
Friday, December 1, 2006
unhealthy wove....
Mummy's new wove isn't pwooving too healthy for my ears.
Appawentwy, this Waisin pways the cave fwauto.
And appawentwy, mummy pwomises to pwactice her cave fwauto for this Waisin.
And Mummy's cave fwauto skills are.....ehrmz.....
Not too healthy for my ears.