What? Mummy is twaumatised? I shall go and comfort her!Mummy said that on her way home just now, she saw a poor wittle kitty on the woad, fwattened and decapacitated!
Oh cat! That is so twaumatising!
Mummy was weally upset at those iwwesponsible dwivers! Weally! They shouldn't have gotten their wisence!
Mummy says there are so many beans out there who are so ANTHWOPOCENTWIC and I didn't understand the word so I asked mummy. She said it means they think they're the gweatest thing in the universe and evewy other being is not as important as them.
The powice catch beans who wun over other beans, but if beans wun over other animals wike that poor kitty mummy saw, no one cares! And if beans are wunned over, big white cars with vewy woud sounds called ambuwances come and send them away to be fixed. But if other poor animals are wunned over, they are just weft there. It'll be good if they go stwaight to wainbowwand, because at weast they won't be in pain anymore, but if they don't, oh hurts to think!
Mummy says why the world isn't the weally wonderful pwace it should be is because of all these bad beans who thinks that others wike us kitties, or doggies, or giwaffes, or cows or whatever, are of a wower cwass. Just because these beans are too stupid to understand us, they say we're not as intewwigent as them. Sheesh....what is this?
Even though not all other animals would be as intewwigent as the genius me, but I think even the most unintewwigent of us would be way more intewwigent than any of those bad beans anytime!
Of course, I don't mean all beans are bad, because there ARE nice good beans out there. I'm sure all my kitty fwiends have got weawwy nice beans. I'm just super upset that there are many other poor kitties who have to meet beans who are NOT NICE!
BOO to all those not nice beans!
Ok, I shall go and pat mummy on the head and comfort her now.
So there.
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