Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year!

It is the Chinese New Year over here.
And it is not fun.
When your mummy twies to tie wibbons on your woyal highness me.
And a bath before that to top it off!
Not fun at all!
I'm not going to wook at you. Can't you see I'm sewiouswy pissed off?
Wooking evewywhere else but at you!
Dammit, I gotta get this off me!
Ok! It's finawwy off!

And evewyone's home! How can I sweep with so much things happening?
Siwwy mummy keeps tewwing me to go to bed or I'd be zonked out tomowwow, but how can I go when there are so many intewesting smells and sounds?
And I'm hungwy, I want my fishy goodness now!
I don't bewieve mummy when she says fishy goodness time should be 2 hours water.
I think she fixed the cwock up to fool me.
Damn, I'm weawwy hungwy now.

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