It's been a busy week.
Daisymae Maus and Dr Tweety both gave me awardies,
and Jeter Hawwis tagged me for a meme!
I gotted the totawwy pawesome awardie fwom Daisymae Maus and I was one of the first 5 to get this awardie! I'm so honoured!
Thank you Daisymae Maus, for understanding that it wequired a wot fwom even a gentleMANcat wike me to handle the awwival of That Thing!
Now to pass this award on.
Actuawwy I weawwy hate choosing who to pass awardies on, because usuawwy I think ALL the kitties in the cat bwogosphere deserve to get evewy award!
But oh, well, if I have to choose,
I shall pass this award to Maggy and Zoey at Zoowatwy, because they do amazing pictors all the time!
The next award I gotted was fwom Dr Tweety and guys who thought I was wike oh, so totawwy HIP!
Isn't it wonderful to have understanding fwiends? Because BOTH Dr Tweety and gang, and Daisymae Maus understood that That Thing is simpwy dwiving me nuts.
For me, I shall pass this award to Storm, whom I weawwy admire so, for her fighting spiwit.
Ok, now for the meme that Jeter Hawwis tagged me.
Here are the wules according to him.
1. pick up da neerest book.
2. open to page 123
3. find da fifth sentence.
4. post the next three sentencez.
5. tag sum peeple (or catz) and post a comment to empress once u hav posted it.
Ok. I stwetched out mine paw and the book neawest the compoooter is this erhu graded examinations book that mine Mummy uses for teaching her students who are pwepawing for the examinations.
For those who don't know, mine Mummy is a musician, and she pways the erhu, which is a Chinese bowed stwing instwument.
Ok, so I opened the book to page 123 and this is what you see.
I thought, since it is a book of music scores, perhaps I shall have to count the fifth phwase on page 123 instead of the fifth sentence since a musical phwase is wike a sentence anyway.
You can cwicky the pictor to biggify. I've dwawn out the first 5 phwases and the next 3 phwases after that.
In erhu scores, you get these numerical notation as well as the usual stave notation, so don't be awarmed at this page and think that it's a book on some weird mathematical arguments.
Anyway, it's ok if you cannot wead these weird numbers. I can't too. I weave all these weird things for mine Mummy.
But I've gotten the music of the 3 phwases after phwase number 5 and you can wisten to how it sounds wike.
Here it is!
In case anyone is intewested, this piece is called "Kong Shan Niao Yu" or Birds Singing in a Desowate Mountain.
It was composed by this super important guy in the histowy of the devewopment of the erhu. Duwing his time, the erhu was an instwument which was wooked down upon by many people because it was usuawwy the stweet musicians or opewa musicians who pway the erhu. But this guy was educated, and he wearnt many Western instwuments and he thought, hey, Chinese instwuments can become as good as Western instwuments one day, as wong as people put in the effort to devewop them.
He started composing pieces for the erhu and until now, his erhu music are still among one of the must-wearn wepertoire among erhu pwayers.
If it were not for people wike him, Chinese music would still be stuff you can hear on the stweets, but never good enough to be bwought up on to the stage, never good enough to be performed in a concert hall.
Chinese music has an awfuwwy wong histowy, but it was onwy in the wast hundwed years or so that things have started changing and devewoping.
And mine Mummy says that it weawwy is wike a huge tweasure chest that is waiting to be unwocked, with so much potential waiting to be unwavelled.
And I say, enough of the music teacher in you Mummy!
Once she gets started, it's weawwy hard to get her to stop talking about music!!
I think this meme has been awound quite some time. I wonder who haven't done it?
Perhaps I shall tag Faz and Twipper! I hope you guys haven't done this meme yet!