Wednesday, February 18, 2009

one more week before the auction cwoses

Ok there...contwol yourselves.
For the sake of mine Mummy's auction for the kitties, I'm going to do a wittle sacwifice.
I'm showing evewyone in the world how cute I was when I was a wittle kitty just That Thing's age.
Do take note of how swim and swender I was (and still am) and mine shapewy tummy.
I'm not bwagging, but I sure made many wady cats' eyes turn, then and now.
Alwight! So there! Now you guys have seen such a wondwous sight, be sure to go over to mine Mummy's auction site and buy buy buy!
There's still a week weft before the auctions cwose and there's still time for you to think a wittle about some kitties in need and at the same time get something for yourselves. So go take a wook and tell evewyone awound you all about it!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I did more magic again...

Sigh...wemember mine Mummy said she's going to take the huge bag out again on 20th?
That is next week.
And That Thing has been whining and whining away and asks me if we could stop our Mummy fwom going away. me...
Why do I have a Thing which whines non stop?
So to twy and stop his whining, I've decided to give a twy at doing magic again.
I thought and thought vewy hard, twying to make mine Mummy not go away.
And you know what?
It worked again!
I must weawwy have been a vewy powerful magician!

What Mummy, it's not mine magic?
The twip has onwy been postponed and you're still going away, just that it'll be 30th Apwil instead?
No, I don't bewieve you Mummy, I think it's all mine magic!

Well anyway, at weast That Thing has stopped whining for a while.

On the other news, I gotted an award!
Mr Hendwix gave this award to me! Thank you!
I shall pass it on to Miss Peach, Victor, Pwincess, Kawen Jo, Twipper, Poppy, Titus and another Victor!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Buy something and help da kitties!

CWS Logo-Link to us!

Here it is at wast!
Mine Mummy's auctions.
Do go and see if there's anything you weawwy weawwy want because you can help some kittehs this way.
Even if you do not want anything, do help spwead the word, because the more people know about this, the more things will get sold!
Go on! Go on!

Evewything is gone!!

Mine Mummy has taken away all the things!
She's packed evewything up to be sold off!
All mine things are gone!!!
And wook at That Thing still sitting calmwy there.
I hope mine Mummy packs him up and auctions him off too!
Oh, and mine Mummy says thanks for all the advice. She's decided to use the 99auction thing to auction the stuff off.
The pwobwem now is, she too wazy to upwoad pictors and stuff up on the auction site. So that might have to wait a day or two.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Buy something and help da kitties!

If you've wead That Thing's bwog, you'll all know by now that mine Mummy's busy packing stuff and we've been busy snoopervising.And I also happen to know about That Thing posting mine pictors up on his bwog. Just wait til I get some embawassing pictors of That Thing and he shall see!
Ok, but now I'm going to set this feud aside and make an important announcement.

You see, mine Mummy is going to auction the stuff that she doesn't need anymore away.
And whatever marnies that we gets fwom them, we're going to donate it all to the Cat Welfare Society. Go check out mine Mummy's bwoggy for more details.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

oh poor me....

That Thing I've to share mine bed with....stinks!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

That Thing's been here for an entire year alweady!

Wook at That Thing!
Here I am, twying to wwite something nice for That Thing and he can't even sit pwoperwy!

Well anyway, a year ago today, I ended mine onwy-kitty-hood with the awwival of THAT THING.
Yes, today is That Thing's Gotcha Day.
He's been here a year alweady! Gosh! How time fwies!

Ok, besides being the whiny, iwwitating, siwwy thing he is, I'll have to say, he is sometimes quite passable. Though he does keep mine fur gwey, what with his ex-girlfwiend, his beer fume sniffing pwobwem and all his other siwwiness. But I is gwad he came and be mine bwother instead of any other kitteh.

So there you Thing, Happy Gotcha Day and I sort of....wike you.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


What is it again Mummy?What???!!
You are going away on the 20th of this month??!!!!
Not again!!!!!!