Sunday, January 27, 2008

what is this cube?

If you wook carefuwwy, you can see that I'm giving mine Mummy's foot a bath.And you know why this is so?

Mine Mummy's been obsessed with this thing ever since Thursday.
What's so intewesting, I ask you, about this cube thing with a few diffewent cowoured faces?
How can it be more intewesting than me?

Because fiddwing with the cube wequires both mine Mummy's hands, wook what I get when I wanted chin scwitches.
Chin scwitches with the foot!
Excuse me...a good chin scwitch should be cawwied out with the hand. Not the foot.
Sigh....they just don't know how to wespect a genius kitty do they?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

cwunch cwunch cwunch...

I know I shouldn't....But these weaves wooked so yummy....
I cwunched up a whole wot of them.
Now mine tummy hurts!

And all those dinner came wight up again.

Now mine Mummy is upset because she has to cut away all those weaves that are within mine weach so I won't munch on them again.
And this makes her pwant wook....BALD.

Sowwy Mummmy, but they were weawwy tempting!

Monday, January 21, 2008

handsome me...

It isn't easy at all being a genius handsome mancat.
See all the beauty pwocedures I've got to go thwough evewyday!

First the shoulders.
Then the forearms.
A quick manicure now.
Take it fwom me, it's no easy job being handsome!

So Mummy, since I've got such a difficult job, don't you think you ought to fill mine food bowl more often?

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I gotted some awards!
See Mummy, others appweciate me! So you better too.
I think a few more pieces of BBQ pork would be in order Mummy!

First, I gotted awarded this "bwoggers of the world" award by Miss Peach!

And Storm and Dr Tweety and the other kitties of the Fab Five! awarded me this "thinking bwogger" award because obviouswy, I'm a genius and I think a wot!

Ok, so now it's mine turn to pass on these awards.
First of all, I would wike to give the BWOGGERS OF THE WORLD award to
Diamond who is fwom Austwawia and
Opus and Woscoe who are fwom Itawy.

And I shall pass on the thinking bwogger award to
Chase because she is one cool cat and obviouswy she's a vewy intewwigent one as well.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


That is A WOT OF BIRDS!!!!!!!!!!!
Why does mine Mummy never bwing me to exciting pwaces wike this?

Wooking at these pictors make me....hungwy!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Mine Mummy's gotten a MAC, whatever that is....

No Mummy, I didn't do anything!Sowwy for this wack of posts but I've been having a bit of a twouble hacking into mine Mummy's new compoooter.
But...I'm a genius, and I managed it in the end!

While hacking into mine Mummy's compooooter, I accidentawwy went into her email inbox.
This was what I wead.

Hi there. They are still available for adoption. Would you be able to adopt 2 of them together?

Adopt...2 of...what???????????????
What does mine Mummy want to adopt????

Sunday, January 6, 2008

mine Mummy should wewook at how she spends her time!

I think mine Mummy has too much time to spare and instead of spending it pwoductivewy, giving me chin wubs and back massages, wook at what she wasted her time on!
Oh well...sigh...

7 Weird Things About Me (Why...I don't find them weird at all)

I've been tagged by Jan and her funny farm for a meme!
Here are the rules: Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.

Well, here are some stuff about me which mine Mummy thinks are weird, but weawwy, I think they're perfectwy normal. It's mine Mummy that is weird! (Hmm...maybe I should do a post on 7 weird things about mine Mummy!)
Well anyway, here goes.

  1. I talk. I talk a wot. I talk about anything under the world. If mine Mummy has the time, she can actuawwy hold a conversation with me for the entire day. I'm such a genius I never wun out of things to talk about. And when mine Mummy doesn't talk to me, I sing. Beans who see me say I'm a vocal kitty, but hey, it's because I'm a genius and I've got so much stuff to share with evewyone!
  2. I DO NOT wet anyone other than mine Mummy and 1 or 2 other sewect fwiends touch me. In fact, even the V-E-T doesn't dare to touch me. Mine Mummy has to hold me for the V-E-T and even then, I hiss and woar her pwace down. If I wet you put your paw in fwont of mine face without scolding you, then you're weawwy pwiviweged because you're one of the vewy few who are awwowed to touch me.
  3. In the foowishness of mine youth, I awwowed mine Mummy to twain me to fowwow a few commands - sit, stay, come, and stand. Yes...stand. Mine Mummy thought I was a show cat who can perform feats standing on mine hind paws. I stopped there though and mine Mummy has never managed to make me wearn fetch and walk on mine hind paws.
  4. I wove bean food, and I do not awwow mine Mummy to eat without giving me a few bites. I'll show mine dispweasure if mine Mummy doesn't give me her food by gwumbwing the pwace down until she does. Sometimes mine Mummy eats stuff that are just not meant for kitty stomachs, so she'll have to hide a few of mine tweats and pwetend she's taken them fwom her pwate and give them to me. Of course I know that, but wet's keep mine Mummy in the dark. That way, I get to have more tweats.
  5. I am musicawwy incwined. Of course, mine Mummy is a musician so I got to gwow up with music. And I know when someone pways well and when someone doesn't. If I sit in the woom while you're pwaying music, I appwove of you. If I stay away and scold you at the same time, well, go pwactice more. (That appwies to mine Mummy as well, so she's got quite a good guage of when she's good enough).
  6. I'm quite towewant of whatever mine Mummy does to me. She can put all the cwothes she want on me, even a pancake, hang me upside down by the paws (ok, she doesn't do that), anything! Even if I am not vewy happy about it, I wet her. Because I wove mine Mummy. BUT...anyone else who twies to even touch me, be pwepared to have your head between mine teeth.
  7. I am a genius. (Well, I don't consider that weird, but special. After all, how many genius kitties do you meet in your wife?)
Alwight! 7 things about me! Now you guys know!
I'm suppose to tag 7 other beans or kitties but it seems wike most people have alweady done it!
Why don't those who haven't done this meme stand out and vowunteer to do it yourselves?

fashion weekend...sigh...

Wook what mine Mummy has done again!!!
A pink cowwar, a wed cowwar, all these are not enough. Now she has to get me a bow-tie!Mine Mummy seems to get more and more cawwied away wecentwy.
I mean, I know I'm handsome and all that, but don't you think that is enough, without having to don all these uhm....stuff?

Not being satisfied with a bow-tie, wooky at what else mine Mummy gotted!!!
And....I hope she's given up now.
No cwothes, note no cwothes at all, even L-sized woofie cwothing can fit mine mancat muscles.
You got it Mummy?

See what I've to go thwough. Sigh...
Can't you see I've got huge mancat muscles, Mummy?

And what have we got here?
Wook carefuwwy at those tags.
They say S-size.
If L-size doesn't fit me, why in the world does mine Mummy buy S-sized shirts?
And 2 of them!
Even a pink one!
Something smells fishy here.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mine Mummy is more than 6 times heavier than me and you call me fat?

The V-E-T calls me pudgy!!!
I am so not going to forgive her!