Thursday, March 1, 2007

Contwawy to popuwar (wead cow's) bewief, I haven't died fwom starvation yet.
Mummy says I exaggewated too much. It was only a while after I hacked and pooped wike nobody's business and I shouldn't scweam wike I hadn't eaten for centuwies.
But then, 30 mins is hunger, 1000 centuwies is also hunger....I see no diffewence.
Well anyway, here's mine pictor of me eating and wicking my pwate all cwean.
So thanks all you kitties out there for your concern. Mine tummy's fine now.

Well, I hadn't been awound for an entire week cos mummy was super busy and hogging mine compoooter. How inconsidewate can she be!
But being the nice me, I wet her use the compoooter and I didn't even compwain!
Someone pwease hint to my mummy to give me more fishy goodness as a weward ya?
Now she's gone to sweep, I can finawwy come and say hi to all mine fwiends.
Mummy says after tomowwow, she wouldn't have to do anymore eh-says. I hope she means what she says, cos I weawwy miss bwogging and visiting all mine fwiends' bwogs.

Anyway, I founded more fwiends in the bwogging world! How cool can it get!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yup, hungry iz hungry and da beans shood feed us rite away when we say we are hungry! Did yoo figger out why yoor tummy waz hurty? I hope yoo feel bettur.

Spock said...

Oh, I is so furry glad to see you back & to no you am gettin fed!! :)

Daisy said...

Yay, you are back! I am glad. I think your food bowl is very cute.

Kimo and Sabi said...

It is furry nice to meet ya Boy! We learned about ya at Kat's Cat of the Day! We hopes you come visit us sometime - we will add you to our bloggie roll!