Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I've been sitting on this piano for a week.
How does one get the piano cover up????
I'm sure I will be a total virtuoso on the piano.....if onwy I could get the cover up!


Anonymous said...

maybe ya gotta sit rite there an sing furry loudly till sumbuddy comes an helps you.

The Meezers or Billy said...

yea, we agree wif Grr, Midnight and Cocoa - sing really loud!!

fanks for tagging us, we will post our answers tomorrow!!!

Daisy said...

Poor Boy! You look very sad that you cannnot get the cover open. I can't offer any advice because I have never seen a piano before. But I would like to hear you play.

Around Your Wrist said...

maybe if you sit on the piano bench, poke at the bottom of the cover with your paw until you lift it a little, then catch it with shoulder to raise it all the way.

i only know this because i am a mature cat who has found my way around many many obstacles!


Kimo and Sabi said...

This is also a dilema we experience! We fink we will take da advice of singing furry loud until someone opens it up...let us know how it works fer you.

P.S. - we have posted our "Balance" meme response :)

Sasha said...

Boy you are lucky to have a piano! We don't have one at my place. I think you may be good at playing it if you could get the lid up.

Anonymous said...

We would love to have a piano, but no one in our house knows how to play. Does your Mom play the piano?

LZ said...

I think just staring like that long enough will make your mummy open it for you. It is quite obvious what you want.


Christine and FAZ said...

Good luck on the piano - you do look like a potential maestro. FAZ

p.s. welcome to Coats of Many Colours, that's where I found you.