Friday, October 26, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Just what do you think you're doing Mummy?????
See what mine Mummy has done!I hate cowwars.
I hate cowwars.
I hate cowwars.
I hate cowwars.
I hate cowwars.
I hate cowwars.
I hate cowwars.
I hate PINK cowwars even more.
I'm a MANcat for goodness sake!
pawed by
10:54 PM
Labels: Big Man Cat, cowwar, hate
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
more awards!
More awards!
Gosh, I'm so overwhelmed.Thank you evewyone for wetting me know you wove mine bwoggy!
This time, Henwy and Mia and Ghost all thought I was sweet!
If I'm as sweet as a candied apple, do you think mine Mummy would wike to wick me?
I shall pass this award on to Dwagonheart because I wove his bwog too and even though we're both MANcats, we can be sweet as candied apples too!
Monday, October 15, 2007
pictor of me!
Just wooky at how cool this is!
Maggy and Zoey made this pictor of me.
And I think they're weawwy cwever because they gave me GWEEN cowour pencils and GWEEN is mine Mummy's favouwite cowour!
Thanks a bunch, Maggy and Zoey!
I gotted an award!
Wow! Just wooky at that! I gotted an award!
Beau Beau and Angie just given me this "I Wove Your Bwog" award!
I'm so happy that kitties and beans and other animals wove mine pwace here!
Now I shall nominate a few other kitties for the award
Skeezix because his bwog is always full of intewesting news and stuff.
Zoowatwy because I think Maggy and Zoey's art are weawwy nice.
And Faz because I do enjoy going over to her bwog.
There are woads of other kitties I think I should pwesent this award too as well because evewyone is just so awesome. Weawwy!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Things to be Thankful for...
Mine one year bwogoversawy came and went and I even forgotted cwean about it.
But I guess there are some things that shouldn't be forgotted even though I must admit I am a bit wate in wemembewing.
Way before I started bwogging, I was alweady a genius cat, but I didn't get to see much of the world. I hated it out there because there were many many nasty wude kitties wiving near mine house. Some of them were stways but a gweat many others bewong to beans. However, those beans never take good care of them or teach them manners. In fact, some of those beans don't even feed them enough and mine Mummy says she sometimes see kitties with their wibs all sticking out because it's been a wong time since they had a square meal. Sometimes mine Mummy would give them a wittle to eat, and sometimes there would be kind beans who feed them as well, but they're still nasty and wude, especiawwy when they come outside mine house and start arguing with me!
But this post isn't about those nasty wude kitties.
This post is about nice things and things to be gwateful and thankful for.
I discovered how to use the compoooter a year back and started mine bwoggy. At first, I just talked. Then I found out that other kitties were bwogging too! And soon I gets to know more and more other NICE kitties. And weawised there is a WHOLE WIDE WORLD out there! In fact, most kitties are not nasty wude kitties! Well, to cut a wong stowy short, I found the most wonderfuwwest community of kitty fwiends and bean fwiends and even NOMSS fwiends awound!
And what makes it so pwecious is that most of us are not wewated - we're fwom all corners of the world! We're of all diffewent cowours - tux, points, cawico, ginger, - some of us have short fur, some wong, some curwy, some even without fur; and we've got meezers, persians, devon wex, sphynx, and also all sorts of mixed up things wike myself; and we may be even of diffewent species - beans, woofies, even wabbits and hamsters.
But evewy single one is nice and we help each other out in our small wittle ways, be it purrs or kittyhugs or words of encouwagement or pwesents for each other, or even some kind action or other for those fortunate enough to wive cwose enough together.
Mine Mummy says she wishes the whole world could be wike us. She says there are many who does nasty things to each other just because they were fwom diffewent pwaces or of a diffewent cowour. But here we have, a whole community of us who do not even bewong to the same species and we could be nice to each other.
Which is why I say, we're geniuses and that beans should worship us.
Mine Mummy told me that I've been thinking a bit too much about mineself and that I should start thinking about something else besides mine wonderful self and stinky goodness and BBQ pork (which are Vewy Important Things).
And so this is what I think about other than the abovementioned Vewy Important Things.
Though to be honest, not as fwequentwy as the abovementioned Vewy Important Things.
Don't you agwee with me these are gweat things to be thankful for?
By the way, I'm going pink for this month for the Bweast Cancer Awareness Month. It will be back to mine normal MANCAT cowours in November!
pawed by
3:47 PM
Labels: bwogging world, bwogoversawy, kitty fwiends, nice, NOMSS fwiend, pink, thankful, worship, wude kitty
Thursday, October 11, 2007
inside this head wesides a genius bwain...
Thursday ThirteenHere are thirteen things a genius thinks about.
- BBQ pork
- stinky goodness
- why mine Mummy isn't there to snuggle with me (I mean, that's her job isn't it?)
- how to get mine Mummy to keep mine pwate filled to the bwim with fishy goodness without having to keep singing for it
- BBQ pork
- why the weather isn't a bit coower for napping
- cwunchy goodness
- how to avoid being used as a piwwow by the wumpy-nosed thing
- BBQ pork
- stinky goodness
- why mine Mummy's bed (aka mine bed) is not next to the compooooter so I could bwog without having to get up fwom it
- stinky goodness
- oh...did I mention BBQ pork?
There you go! Just in case anyone wanted to know what geniuses think about all the time.
Oh, and Bwack Cat was wondewing if the wumpy-nosed thing is a giwaffe.
Uhm...yes...Mine Mummy's got about a squiwwion of them giwaffes all over. I think mine Mummy's got some pwobwems because she seems to think she's a giwaffe herself.
pawed by
1:47 PM
Labels: BBQ pork, cwunchy goodness, genius, nap, stinky goodness, thursday 13, wumpy-nose-thing
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
desktop meme
I've just been tagged for another meme!
And by 3 kitties - Bonnie, Victor, and Tiger Wiwy!
This is fun!
Ok, the wules to this meme are:
Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. Here’s how you can do a screen capture:
1. Go to your desktop and press the Print Screen key (located to the right of the F12 key).
2. Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V). If you wish, you can “edit” the image before saving it.
3. Post the picture on your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop if you want. You can explain why you prefer such a look or why it is full of icons. Things like that.
So here's mine desktop pictor!Isn't mine desktop handsome?
See the wumpy-nose thing twying to use me as a piwwow? I think I'm fuwwy good natured to put up with her!
Mine Mummy hates cwutter on the desktop so she has evewything hidden and onwy the few stuff she's working on appears on the desktop.
4. Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktops as well.
Wow, that's pwetty hard, Cos I think most kitties have alweady doned it. I'll tag Magoo, Smudge, Bella & Dolce (haha...what? that's pwaying cheat? But that's 4!) and Casey! (that makes 5! Yay!)
Have fun!Friday, October 5, 2007
Wude cat
This is a vewy wude kitty.
Mine Mummy saw this kitty sitting in the park behind her studio in this pose.
For about half an hour in this pose!
So mine Mummy wan downstairs with her camewa and twied to take a pictor of him.
And do you know what he did?
He hissed at mine Mummy when she fwashed the cwicky box at him!
He hissed at mine Mummy!
He hissed at mine Mummy!
Now...I do not awwow any nasty kitties to hiss at mine Mummy!
That is weawwy wude!
What a pity I wasn't at mine Mummy's studio.
If I was there, I would definitewy sit on that nasty wude kitty and fwatten him!
He hissed at mine Mummy!
pawed by
11:52 PM
Labels: camewa, mummy, wude kitty
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wooohooo! I've just been tagged by Tiger Wiwy for a meme!
But I think it shouldn't be called a meme because this time, it's not about me! It's about someone else. So it should be called a youyou, don't you think so?
The wules are:
Think of 5 positive things to say about your person or other companion. Not about us, but about the others around you.
Ok, I guess mine Mummy finawwy has the chance to star on mine bwoggy today! (And isn't she wucky? Cos I can onwy say positive things about her - I'm not awwowed to tell you guys how siwwy mine Mummy sometimes get!)
Ok, so here goes.
- Mine Mummy buys BBQ pork for me and even when she's busy with her stuff, she will think of me and top up mine suppwy of BBQ pork if they wun down.
(Though of course she never gives me enough BBQ pork - she says I'm too fat! What fat? How wude! And sometimes when she buys the BBQ pork, she'll forget to bwing it home and they'll all disappear into her cowweagues' and students' tummies.) - Mine Mummy gets up at 530am evewy morning, no matter how tired she is, to give me mine bweakfast because she hears that there's nothing wike a good healthy bweakfast for a healthy happy kitty.
(Of course, I've got to sing evewy morning to get her up - what, you think she'll be so considewate as to wake up on her own?) - Mine Mummy is never too busy to pway chase-you-awound-the-house with me. We take turns, mine Mummy chases me, then I chase mine Mummy and over and over again.
- Mine Mummy buys pwesents for me, wike kitty cwack mousies, the white fuwwy-tail thingey, the huge paw, and so on.
(Though sometimes I suspect she enjoys the toys much more than me!) - Finawwy! The wast one.
Mine Mummy shares her compooooter with me so that I can bwog and get to know all the wonderful kitties out there.
(Before I started bwogging, I thought kitties were mean, nasty things wike those wude kitties outside mine house. Now I know most kitties are not wike them.)
Ok, Mummy, I finished typing them. All nice things. Do I get mine BBQ pork now?
Oei! Mummy! BBQ PORK!
Oh...I forgot! I need to tag others.
Well, I think this is such a nice meme because it says nice things about nice people, I shall tag evewy single kitty and bean who visit mine bwoggy!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
mine bwogoversawy
Oh my oh my oh my!
I've just forgotten mine bwogoversawy! you guys think mine Mummy would give me extwa BBQ pork for mine one year bwogoversawy?
I just weawised that mine magic wasn't too powerful after all.
Appawentwy, I haven't got extwa BBQ pork or sticky goodness even after sending out mine most powerful magical thoughts.
pawed by
12:34 AM
Labels: BBQ pork, bwogging world, bwogoversawy, magic