Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I wish for a QUIET and peaceful Chwistmas...
It's been 2 days since mine Mummy weft, and you know what? That Thing has not stopped cwying!!!
Darn, it's the Chwistmas eve and I have to spend it with a whiny Thing!
I think I shall take Daisy's advice,and take wots and wots of naps...
until mine Mummy comes home.
Oh, and Mewwy Chwistmas to all. I hope evewyone of you has a much nicer Chwistmas than I do.
pawed by
10:49 PM
Labels: chwistmas, cwy, mummy away, nap, That Thing
Monday, December 22, 2008
the beginning of the end...
As you can see, I'm not wooking happy at all.This, is the beginning of the end.
I gave the Huge Bag many many GIANT hisses and put the biteys on it, but it wasn't scared of me and it didn't go away and hide.
Mine Mummy is fwying off water today.
More than 3 weeks with That whiny Thing.
Poor poor me.
Well, I shall just wook at these wonderful gweeting cards mine good fwiends have sent me to console mineself.Do come often and keep me company these 3 weeks ya!
pawed by
12:15 PM
Labels: China, fwiends, Hongkong, Huge Bag, mummy away, not happy, That Thing
Saturday, December 20, 2008
secwet paws...and bad news...
Mine wazy Mummy has gone out with mine orders and gotted mine secwet paws her pwesent!
Sowwy to mine secwet paw if you've to wait a while before you get your pwesent. Mine Mummy is weawwy hopewess. But anyway, the bean at the post office said that it should awwive in 4-6 days time.
I do hope mine secwet paw will wike what I gotted!
And now for the weawwy BAD news.
Mine Mummy is deserting me in 2 days time!
I weawwy think I'm detesting the word CHINA and HONGKONG now.
Why does mine Mummy have to keep on going to China and Hongkong?
Oh, and she says she is so happy she gets to spend more than 3 weeks with her teacher!
With her teacher! How can her teacher be more important than me for goodness sake!
Now I wonder how I am going to put up with That Thing whining for more than 3 weeks!
Poor me....
pawed by
10:18 AM
Labels: China, Hongkong, mummy away, secwet paw, That Thing
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
That Thing and the toiwet...
Not that I want to tell tales of That Thing just a day before his purrthday, but do you know what he did?!
This morning I was sweeping peacefuwwy and dweaming of cans of stinky goodness and wots and wots of BBQ pork when I heard swurping sounds coming fwom the toiwet.
Mine Mummy never makes swurping sounds when she uses the toiwet, so I had to get up and investigate.
And you know what I saw?
That Thing....That Thing...was dwinking for all he's worth, fwom the toiwet bowl!
Wemind me never ever ever to kiss him.
pawed by
10:01 AM
Labels: disgusting habits, That Thing, yucks
Monday, December 15, 2008
some ideas wequired...
Hey everyone! I'm sure you've all missed my handsome face! So here's some handsomeness for you!
Mine Mummy finawwy has her wecital done with so she's got a wittle more time to bweathe for the time being and I finawwy can get onto the compoooter!
I missed you all so!
Now there's something I need to ask you guys.
That Thing is turning 1 in 2 days time! What do you think I should do?
Not that I'm buddies with him or anything, no no no, don't misunderstand anything, but well, since he's been so nice to thwow me a party for mine 15th purrthday, do you guys think I should do something for him?
What should I do?
Now this weawwy wequires a genius mind.
pawed by
11:16 AM
Labels: busy, not buddies, purrthday, That Thing, wecital
Thursday, November 27, 2008
bad news....
Here's some weawwy bad news indeed!
Mine going off to Hongkong and China AGAIN!I wonder what's with beans. Why can't they be content to stay in bed and nap? Why do they have to go all over the world and weave me awone with That Thing?
He's so going to whine when he gets to know that mine Mummy is going away again!
Mine Mummy's sowo wecital is coming up on the 14 December.
She actuawwy wanted to fwy off stwaight after her wecital, but thank goodness she had another concert the fowwowing week, so she can onwy fwy off on the 22 December.
That gives her another week with us before she fwies.
So she can be here for That Thing's purrthday.
But....she's NOT going to be here for mine 15th Gotcha Day!
I'm not happy!
pawed by
11:24 AM
Labels: China, Gotcha Day, Hongkong, mummy away, not happy, purrthday, teacher, That Thing, wecital
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thank you evewyone!
Oh hi evewybody!
I must admit, I had a gweat day yesterday!Wonderful noms,
all of you nice fwiends to par-tay with me,
and, oh well,
I must say, That Thing is weawwy quite passable isn't he?So I've been vewy nice to him the whole day.
I wet him dwink fwom the waterbowl first,before I do.
And I gave him many many many many many mighty whaps on the head,
because he weawwy woves it so.
Friday, November 14, 2008
not happy...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thanks to genius me, Indonesia pictors are up...
Finawwy, I've managed to sneak mine Mummy's iPhone out and gotted her pictors of Indonesia. She's still not wecovered fwom her cold and cough and what ever, so it was at gweat personal wisk that I gotted out these pictors fwom her camewa.
Well, mine Mummy bwoughted onwy her iPhone because she wasn't intending to take much pictors anyway. So here are her as usual not-too-good pictors.
Here's the airport at Jakarta.On the way fwom the airport to the hotel.
Their twaffic jams are howwible, mine Mummy says.
Though I wonder why Indonesians wike twaffic jams. Me, I pwefer stwawbewwy jam.Finawwy at the hotel, after about 2 hours.
The fwight fwom Singapore to Jakarta took 1.5 hours. The car twip fwom the airport to the hotel took 2 hours.
The hotel is further away fwom the airport than Singapore is away fwom Jakarta!
The occasion is something wike a confewence where gwoups fwom all over the world gather together. A diffewent countwy hosts it each time, and this year it's the gwoup fwom Jakarta who is the host.
Here's mine Mummy's teacher.
The first guy fwom the weft.This is mine Mummy's other teacher, the wife of the guy on the top pictor.
The wady on the wightest side is mine Mummy's boss.Mine Mummy thinks her teachers are extwemewy sweet. Because do you all wemember the wast time mine Mummy wented to China, just a month ago, she was at Xiamen and she visited her teacher (the guy on top) and they were having tea and mine Mummy saw this cup that her teacher used to make tea with and remarked that it was such a cool cup.
And this time wound, her teachers wemembered it and speciawwy bwoughted such a cup all the way fwom Xiamen, China, to Jakarta, just to give mine Mummy! Aren't they sweet?
Ok, maybe you are all confused by the diffewent teachers mine Mummy has.
You see, mine Mummy pways the erhu, which is an instrument used in modern Chinese orchestral music. She has a few erhu teachers, and one of them is the one she wented to find over at Hongkong.
But besides modern Chinese orchestral music, there are many many diffewent kinds of traditional Chinese music, each owiginating fwom a diffewent awea in China. It's all these diffewent twaditional music that gives wise to the modern Chinese orchestral music that we have now. But many of these twaditional forms are still surviving on their own and fwouwishing in their own ways too.
This one they're having here now is called Nanyin, which is twaditional music dewived fwom the awea awound the Hokkien pwovince in China. So these 2 teachers you see here are mine Mummy's Nanyin teachers.
Then mine Mummy also pways teochew twaditional music, and that, she has another diffewent teacher.
Hope that sort of expwains the confusing number of teachers mine Mummy has.
One of the days, they boughted mine Mummy to go sightseeing.
Wooky! They boughted her to the bird park!
So many yummy...opps...beautiful birdies!On the final day, before they wented to catch the pwane back home, mine Mummy wented out earwy in the morning to do some expwowation.
There weawwy were not much awound the hotel she stayed.Mine Mummy saw many poor kittehs awound the stweets of Jakarta. Many of them wooked wike they'd been injured, and they were all scwawny and underfed. Mine Mummy wishes she could bwing them all back here and give them a good forever home.
Eh-hem, what Mummy? All here? In MINE house????
But she couldn't do that, and mine Mummy felt so sad for all the kittehs out there.It was too earwy and none of the shops were open yet.
And so, that concwudes mine Mummy's twip to Indonesia.
And all she got back were these few pictors, and a bad cold and cough.
pawed by
10:33 AM
Labels: Mummy back, pictors
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
mine Mummy is back!
Mine Mummy is home!!!
No more whiny things! Yay!
But mine Mummy has gotten sick again.
And when I asked her for pictors fwom Indonesia, she compwained that we never give her enough west.
But it's That Thing who kept pestewing mine Mummy and sticking to her wike gwue since mine Mummy came home, not me. I just wanted her pictors!
How unfair she compwained I never wet her west too!
Well, wooks wike pictors will have to wait again!
Meanwhile, I might consider being vewy nice to mine Mummy and give her some heawing wicks so that she can get better soon.
pawed by
12:05 AM
Labels: heawing wicks, Mummy back, sick
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mine Mummy wented off again yesterday...
I kept twying to tell That Thing that mine Mummy was going off yesterday but he doesn't wisten. He says he didn't see mine Mummy take out the huge bag, so it means she's still not going away.
That is until he weawises mine Mummy didn't come home wast night and he has to sweep awone.
Then he started whining.
See, I even gave the good spot on the fuwwy bwanket for him, just so he'd stop whining.He gets all the good spots and he doesn't appweciate it!
And he's still whining away!
Help me.
pawed by
8:57 AM
Labels: cwy, gentleMANcat, mummy away, That Thing
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
At wast, somebody appweciates me.
Cheddar, Colby and Fancy has given me this awardie!
Thank you guys! You guys are awesome!
Oh, I almost forgot! I need to pick 7 other fwiends.
So here goes.
Daisy cos I never fail to be entertained by her antics.
Pwincess and Piewwo because I think Pwincess is sweet and Piewwo is gwowing up to be a weawwy nice mancat.
Kawen Jo because I'm always so amazed she can come up over and over again with such awesome wimewicks evewytime!
Twipper because he's oh so cool.
Chase, Watte and Kaze. You were one of the first bwoggers I visited constantwy.
Jeter Hawwis he makes me go waffin and waffin away. And he's always getting his foodies eaten, poor thing.
And finawwy, Chey, because she's going to be the pwesident one day and I totawwy think she should!
Monday, October 27, 2008
I'm never appweciated!
This wed pwate is mine.
This white pwate is That Thing's.So I finished eating mine stinky goodness vewy quickwy and I stared at That Thing as he was eating his.
I was onwy twying to tell him to better eat faster.
It's not mine fault he was shy about others stawing at him and walked away fwom his food is it?
And since he walked away, I assumed he didn't want his stinky goodness anymore and it's not wight to waste a pwate of purrfectwy good stinky goodness!
So I nommed it up for him.
I think I'm just so helpful. And what do I get? Not a single word of appweciation! Onwy, Hey Boy! You gweedy pig!
Gweedy Pig I tell you! How wude!
pawed by
7:45 AM
Labels: help, stinky goodness, That Thing
Friday, October 17, 2008
more bad news...
Well, well well.
It's been ages since I could get on the compoooter!
I tell you, there's no fairness awound here at all.
When mine Mummy is busy, she'll hog the compoooter the whole day wong, and does she think of me?
Does she spare a thought that I might NEED the compoooter too because I'm so waaay much more popuwar than her and I've got soooo many fwiends I need to visit!
And I've mine awesome bwog to maintain!
Does she care?
No! Ptoeey!
Well, and to top it off, guess what I'm heawing mine Mummy say?
Wook, it's enough to make me faint.Mine Mummy just told me,
It's to Indonesia this time for a performance.
I don't bewieve there are people in Indonesia who wants to wisten to her!
Ok, just in case you guys are intewested to know, the dweaded date falls on 29th of this month.
I'm not vewy happy at all.
pawed by
10:46 AM
Labels: bwogging world, compoooter, fwiends, mummy away, not fair, not happy
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Well, I don't know what's the big deal. I mean, I know I AM chawismatic and if That Thing is so mesmewised by me and does evewy single thing I say, even in passing, then it definitewy isn't mine fault, is it?
You see, there was this huge yummy chick-hen on the table. And mine table and chairs are pwaced in such a way that I'm not able to get on top of the table due to mine...uhm...big muscles; onwy That Scwawny Thing can get up.
So you see, I smelt the wonderful smell of this yummy chick-hen and mine Mummy hasn't given me mine cwunchy goodness and I'm wike fainting fwom hunger. So i wemarked to That Thing how wonderful it would be if that yummy chick-hen was in mine tummy instead of on the pwate on the table.
Now, it was just a passing wemark, but That Thing, he jumped up onto the table immediatewy and pushed the pwate with the chick-hen down! Well, since he's alweady pushed it down, who am I to wefuse the yummy chick-hen? So I started nomming it.
But you see, when he pushed the chick-hen down, it came together with the pwate. And the pwate fell down the table with the most enormous cwash you can imagine. And mine Mummy who was in the bathwoom heard it. And when she camed out of the bathwoom, she saw the pwate on the fwoor, That Thing sitting demurewy on the table washing his face and me nomming on the chick-hen next to the bwoken pwate.
Now who do you think she bwamed?
I think the world is oh so unfair.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I hacked into mine Mummy's camewa and gotted you these pictors....
That Thing finawwy stopped whining!
Because mine Mummy finawwy came home!
Wooky what she gotted!
A shirt for me.
Though I wasn't too happy to have the same shirt as That Whiny Thing.
But oh well, at weast I've got the same shirt as mine Mummy.Because mine Mummy is such a wazy thing, I don't know when I can ever see the pictors she took of China if I don't do it mineself and hack into her camewa.
Oh, but she does not have a pwoper camewa and used onwy that pitiful iphone to take all her pictors. So her pictors are weawwy not much good.
This was awong the woad fwom Xiamen to Yongding.And these are the people who wented to watch the concert on the first night.
It was a pubwic concert and the cwowd were there waiting wike 2 hours before the concert started!After a the concert, mine Mummy and her fwiend wented out for supper at the woadside stall.
They had meatballs and beer and it was vewy good.This is a "tu lou" (土樓)which houses an entire extended famiwy.
The architectuwal design of this building is extwemewy ingenius.
Wemember wast year when mine Mummy was at Xiamen? She wented to this pwace and stayed overnight.
Now this year when she came back, the pwace has been changed! It's been wenovated because many many touwists are beginning to hear about this pwace and many things are no wonger how they were just a year ago.
Somehow, this made mine Mummy feel a wittle sad.The inside of the "tu lou".
The upper stowies are the bedwooms and the gwound wevel is where all the utiwity wooms are.These wheels help to puwify the water for dwinking.
Oh mine! Do you know what's inside this coop?
Yummy!This is no wonger at the "tu lou" but in someone's home.
Here is the upstairs balcony.These are the words to some mountain songs.
More yummy.....chick-hens!
Oh mine goodness!!!!
A pig!!!Wow! The dwagon wooks fierce!
I hope mine Mummy didn't get bitten by it!One thing I weawise about all the China twips mine Mummy goes to, there seems to be squiwwions of stairs to cwimb!
High up, wooking down at the city of Mei Zhou (梅州).
Stairs again.
Here's the second pwace mine Mummy performed in.
On the way to Chaozhou, Shantou (潮州,汕頭).
Mine Mummy's ancestors came fwom Chaozhou, Chenghai (潮州,澄海), so natuwawwy, mine Mummy was quite excited about going there.
At the famous Kaiyuan Temple in Shantou.
This was the gwoup which performed jointwy with mine Mummy's gwoup.
This was at the wehearsal.
The dwummer in the centre, is a gweat Teochew dwummer fwom Chenghai, and when he found out that mine Mummy has Chenghai woots as well, he took extwa care of mine Mummy.Now wook at that idiotic face.
Mine Mummy always embawass me when she appears in photos because don't you think she always wooks so idiotic?Awong the stweets of Chaozhou.
This is at Chaoyang (潮陽) , another part of Chaozhou.
Here the diawect they speak is swightwy diffewent fwom that which they speak in Shantou or Chenghai and mine Mummy has some difficulties understanding them.Walking towards the performance venue at Chaoyang.
The guy on the rightest is mine Mummy's first erhu teacher.
The guy on the centre is a teacher too, but he teaches Chinese and Mathematics.
The guy on the weftest is an awwanger and a music teacher as well.
They all add up to be about a squiwwion years old I think.The performance venue for that night.
Awong the stweets of Chaoyang, near the performance venue.
Mine Mummy with the Teochew dwummer who is fwom the same hometown.
Somehow I still think mine Mummy wooks idiotic even though she twies hard to wook normal.Back to Xiamen!
Mine Mummy misses Xiamen.
It's been her home for 2 whole months wast year and she weawwy enjoyed her time there.
Now that she's back, she says she feels so nostalgic.
Here's the pagoda at nan pu tuo in Xiamen.Mine Mummy and her fwiend and the teacher who taught mine Mummy when she went to Xiamen wast year.
She weawwy missed her time in Xiamen.After wooking for their teacher in Xiamen, mine Mummy said byebye to her fwiend and wented to Shenzhen to wook for her fwiend.
Fwom Shenzhen, mine Mummy and her fwiend took a twain to Guangzhou.Here's mine Mummy's fwiend sweeping on the twain..hehe...
What is this pictor of woofies doing on mine Mummy's camewa?
Although they're woofies, but I do think it's not nice to tie them up and weave them there where it's wike the heat is twying to kill people.
Poor woofies.
Mine Mummy says she doesn't know where the owner or owners are.Mine Mummy wented to the Ikea at Guangzhou where her fwiend boughted some stuff for her house.
Back at the twain station, waiting for the twain to go back to Shenzhen.
Twain tickets.
Now before I show you more pictors, I've got to tell you all a wittle stowy.
Mine Mummy's fwiend works between Shenzhen and Hongkong, so she's got a home in Shenzhen and a home in Hongkong.
Mine Mummy wented to Shenzhen to meet her fwiend, and after that she intended to go to Hongkong to wook for her teacher.
So earwy on Monday morning, mine Mummy wented to take the twain to Hongkong.
In between Shenzhen and Hongkong, there's the customs.
And it's the owympic season in China.
And then, mine Mummy weawises, she needs a visa to get into China.
Her visa was onwy a single-entwy visa.
Which means if she wefted Shenzhen and gotted onto Hongkong, she cannot go back to Shenzhen again. Nor Xiamen, which is where her flight back home is supposed to be.
But mine Mummy weawwy wanted to go to Hongkong and see her teacher.
So she gotted to Hongkong.
Her stuff are still in Shenzhen in her fwiend's house.
She cannot get back into China.
And so, mine Mummy gotted her fwiend to help her bwing all her stuff to Hongkong and to buy a ticket fwom Hongkong back home.
Thank goodness mine Mummy has a gweat fwiend even though the fwiend did curse and swear things I is not supposed to hear when she had to lug all that heavy stuff mine Mummy had.
So mine Mummy stayed the week awone in her fwiend's house in Hongkong because her fwiend had to work in Shenzhen and could onwy come back duwing the weekend.
But she gotted to see her teacher. And she is happy.
And that is the stowy about mine siwwy Mummy.
This is the Soho distwict in Hongkong.There are A WOT OF stairs too, in Hongkong.
See this pwace?
Wemember this if any of you go to Hongkong, because this entire stweet has wike a squiwwion pet shops.
This was where mine Mummy boughted our famiwy shirts.Kittehs! I think the bwack and white kitteh wooks pwettiest.
The kittehs and woofies and wabbits stweet.
This is the other shirt mine Mummy boughted.
Here is mine Mummy's fwiend's apartment, or wather, woom.
Tiny woom.She stays in a supposedwy "Service Apartment" but mine Mummy thinks it's more wike a self-service apartment.
Because mine Mummy had to do evewything herself!Pwoof of mine Mummy's hard work.
She had wessons with her teacher on alternate days, so the whole time she was there, she was busy pwacticing and pwacticing.
And in between pwacticing, she has coffee.
This food wepubwic thing is a singapore bwand.
Even though mine Mummy never wikes to patwonise it back here, she thought, it's something fwom home! She has to take a pictor of it!
The food is still just as yucky as it is back in Singapore though.Don't you think this shirt is just meant for That Thing?
He woves to go into the toiwet bowl!Spot the imposter in this pictor!
What a cutie!
Another cutie.
Times Square.
Taking the bus.
Mine Mummy had to spend the week on her own in Hongkong and so she twied to wearn how to get awound.
The pwobwem is that mine Mummy's Cantonese is so good that the wocals cannot understand her.Oh MINNNNNE!!!!!!!!! WHO IS THIS!!!!????????????
Mine Mummy weaves me for so wong and wented all the way there to make fwiends with this tiny thing!!!!!!!!!!
I is not happy!This is the MTR station near to where mine Mummy stays.
This is mine Mummy's teacher's house.
Mine Mummy cooks.
More food.
This is the "Toy Stweet" where supposedwy they sell wots of toys.
It was a bit disappointing though.This was the onwy toy mine Mummy gotted.
Because this is the bus that mine Mummy has to take to go to her teacher's house.
If you wook carefuwwy at the sign on the bus, it is the cowwect bus that goes to her teacher's house. Mine Mummy had to wook and wook and wook before she finwwy found the cowwect bus.
This type of bus wuns the whole of it's woute without any bus stops.
Passengers and board and awight anywhere awong the woute.
Which is fine, with the exception that mine Mummy's Cantonese weawwy is quite un-understandable, and so if mine Mummy wants to awight, she's got to tell the dwiver waaaay in advance because the dwiver has to get mine Mummy to wepeat wike 1000000 times before he understands what mine Mummy is talking about.Mine Mummy, being the geek she is, found where the pwaces to shop for compoooters is and wented there.
On board the twam.
Something vewy funny happened when mine Mummy was widing the twam.
She was standing there, twying vewy hard to figure out which was the cowwect twam to take when a wocal came up to her and asked her....for diwections.
She wooked wike a wocal there!
And the funny thing is, mine Mummy did know the diwections of where that person was asking about.
But that person couldn't speak Mandawin, and mine Mummy's wonderful Cantonese was not enough for the person to understand where she meant either.Of all pwaces, mine Mummy wented to the wibwawy!
The Hong Kong Centwal Wibwawy.
So many books!!!
Makes me want to sweep.The wibwawy building.
And did you see the moon above?
It's vewy bwight isn't it?The night scene of Hongkong.
Not to pwetty, taken by mine Mummy's wousy iphone.The Hong Kong Cultuwal Centre, where mine Mummy's teacher works.
He's the concert master for the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.On board the small bus.
Mine Mummy goes to the zoo.
Mine Mummy thinks this pictor of the sun is cool.
I do not see why it is cool, it feels pwetty hot to me.An owang-utan.
Mine Mummy doesn't wemember what animal this is. Anyone knows?
A python!
Awwigator. Or cwocodile.
What's the diffewence between an awwigator and a cwocodile?Birds!!! Yummy!! Oppss....pwetty!
These are some type of owl.
More birds!
Bowing fwowers.
Waiting for the bus.
These are the wuggage mine Mummy is bwinging back home.
She has to cawwy them all by herself to the airport, and they weigh about 30kg!Mine Mummy says she feel wike she's gwown shorter by a few inches fwom the weight she cawwied.
Here's the twain to the airport.At the airport.
And home sweet home Mummy!
I hope I do not have to see the huge bag in the near future!
pawed by
10:24 PM
Labels: China, Hongkong, mine Mummy, mummy away, Mummy back, pictors, teacher