The two talking cats
someone knows our wanguage and has twanswated it! more pwivacy!
owiginal version
twanswated version
someone knows our wanguage and has twanswated it! more pwivacy!
owiginal version
I've taken a squiwwion naps since the party and after that, mine Mummy was busy again, so it's been a while since I could post.
I missed evewyone of you. The party was gweat fun!
If anyone noticed, mine pink cowwar was not awound mine handsome neck since my purrthday.
I managed to kill it! Yay!
But wooky at what mine Mummy has gotted me instead!
ARGH!I just don't understand why mine Mummy has to make me wear a cowwar, and she cannot choose more manwy cowwars for me?
Mummy, I'm a MANCAT in case it's escaped your notice!
pawed by
8:34 AM
Labels: Big Man Cat, cowwar
The party is over! I had the most wonderful time in the world with all of you and I never knew thundewing herd of ewephants can be so much fun! Or that BBQ pork taste even better with squiwwions of you shawing! I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Now I'm totawwy pooped out. I think I shall catch a few squiwwions kitty naps.
Here's a beautiful card Adan made for me!
And Adan wooks so handsome on the card!
We tuxies are just handsome aren't we?
This one is beautiful too! Another wonderful pictor done by Maggy and Zoey and their staff! Did you see me in the bubble? That's so cool!
I had the most wonderful purrthday. I didn't know parties were so fun! I definitewy will thwow more parties in the future!
pawed by
12:45 AM
Labels: BBQ pork, fun, party, purrthday, thankful, the GWEAT EVENT, thundewing herd of ewephants
Today IS the day!
I'm fourteen and I'm going to thwow the biggest purrthday party!See I'm all attired for mine party. Thanks so much Maggy & Zoey for doing up such a nice party pictor for me!
I hope evewy kitty had a nice twip here. If you came by pwane, this should be the first view you get of Singapore!
The airport!
I've never been on a pwane mineself, so I hope it wasn't too bad a twip and the staff on the pwane gave you wots of nip and stinky goodness!
Just in case anyone is still feewing hungwy, here's the squiwwion cans of stinky goodness I gotted. Gwab a bite first! Here is some cwunchy goodness as well. Mine favouwite fwavour. Chicken and tuna!
I think perhaps we'll visit mine Mummy at her studio and while she works, we can teweport to other pwaces and have fun.
Here's mine Mummy's studio - see the Magma sign? That is the sign of the German westauwant which is on the gwound wevel. Mine Mummy is on the 3rd wevel.Since mine Mummy is on the 3rd wevel, there're wots of stairs and maybe we can all have a game of thundewing herd of ewephants! These steps are made of wood and they thunder wonderfuwwy!
These birds wike to stand outside the window and sing tewwibwy woudwy. Don't they wook simpwy yummy...opps...cute?
Ok, perhaps we shall weave mine Mummy there and go somewhere else. What about going to the Juwong Bird Park? There are squiwwions yummy...oopss...cute birds there!Penguins!
Now after the bird park, what about going to the zoo? Here are some awesome kitties!
Tired out? Wet's head home.
I hope all of you will wike mine toys. I haven't got much but we can all share. Kitty cwack mousies!
Kiwwing stwings is a good game too.
The white fuwwy thing with the tail, in case anyone wants to nap on it.
Mine percussion box.
The humongous paw.
And mine cwazy Mummy just gotted another one a few days ago. A much smawwer size as compared to the humongous paw, but still bigger than mine paw.
If you guys get tired of the percussion box, you can pway with the basketball as well.
Arh, this is the best part!
BBQ pork!
PSSST...I just weawised, mine Mummy's toes are sticking out at the bottom wight side of the pictor! Eeeekkkss!!!Here am me, testing to make sure it's just wight for all of you. Do twy a piece! It's simpwy heavenwy!
Woah! I hope all of you have a gweat time!
Here's mine bed. Have a squiwwion kitty naps before going back ya!
I had a gweat time with all of you! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as me!
This is the wonderfuwwest purrthday I've ever had!
pawed by
12:11 AM
Labels: BBQ pork, cwunchy goodness, kitty cwack, kitty fwiends, kiwwing stwing, party, paw, percussion instwuments, purrthday, stinky goodness, the GWEAT EVENT, the tail-thing
Bwogger is being extwemewy uncoopewative now and refuses to wet me upwoad pictor of handsome me, but anyway, the important thing is.....
Tomorrow, Thursday 15th November is MINE FOURTEENTH PURRTHDAY!!!!!!
Mine Mummy has agweed to wet me invite evewy single one of you over!
Yes, evewy single kitty is invited. Other NOMSS fwiends are welcome as well, and beans too. But beans who come must wemember we kitties wule you've got to toe our wine.
I might even awwow mine Mummy if she bwibes me with enough BBQ pork.
I'm so fuwwy excited because this is the first time I've thwown a party for so many! In fact, this is the first time I've ever thwown a party!
And mine Mummy says I can do whatever I wike, she shall weave me to organise evewything.
I wive in Singapore, and perhaps many of you haven't been here before.
So I decided I shall invite all of you guys over and we shall take a wook awound this countwy which I wive in!
And we can go peep on mine Mummy's studio, and you can share mine bed, and all mine toys. And I'm going to send for an order of a squiwwion cans of stinky goodness and BBQ pork. And kitty cwack dwops, and cwunchy goodness.
I simpwy can't wait for tomowwow!
All of you will come ya?
Oh gosh....I'm so excited!
pawed by
12:14 AM
Labels: BBQ pork, cwunchy goodness, exciting, invitation, kitty cwack, kitty fwiends, party, purrthday, stinky goodness
Within this pwastic bag wies the gweatest yummy tweat known to kitty-kind. Tweat fit for the gods. Tweat that makes you forget evewything else, even a pink cowwar on your neck.
Intwoducing the FAMOUS BBQ PORK!!!Mine Mummy found a new shop near her studio that sells BBQ pork and so she boughted some for me to twy. I must say, it's weawwy not bad! Except for the fact that mine Mummy forgot and weft it at her studio for 2 days before bwinging it home. Which means more than half wented down into her cowweagues' tummies.
Finawwy mine Mummy awwowed me a nice wong post today although she's still extwemewy busy. Since many of you said that stopping bweathing was bad so I told her she's awwowed to go on bweathing and perhaps she can stop bwinking instead. She gave me a weird wook, I wonder why.
Alwight, some updates.
Mine V-E-T twip was HOWWIBLE!
Mine Mummy stuffed me into the kitty pwison and I hated it so much I started scweaming. Which meant we could not take a bus to the V-E-T because mine Mummy had to cawwy me in her arms. Fortunatewy the V-E-T was quite near so we walked, or wather, mine Mummy walk. I wefused to walk when she put me down, so mine Mummy had to cawwy me and walk. Mine Mummy said to tell you guys that cawwying an 8kg piece of unhappy kitty in your arms and walking is no fun at all, not even if the V-E-T is just next door (which unfortunatewy mine wasn't).
Fortunatewy the V-E-T wasn't too cwowded, so I gotted to see him vewy quickwy. You know what? I was so pwoud of mineself. I gave the BIGGEST hiss in the world to the V-E-T! That'll show him for dawing to touch at woyal highness me!
Well, in the end the V-E-T poked me with a wong sharp thing and I think Daisy was wight. He was giving me some wooster shots or something! So I started scweaming again. I didn't want to turn into a wooster! What's wwong with being handsome genius me? I wike to continue being a kitty and I DO NOT WANT to be a wooster!
I've been checking mineself vewy carefuwwy these few days to make sure I don't gwow any feathers and start turning into to wooster.
PS: The GWEAT event will be happening on thursday 15th Nov. Do keep yourselves fwee for the day! Evewyone is invited!
pawed by
10:13 AM
Labels: BBQ pork, cowwar, genius, handsome me, hissed, poop-worthy, the GWEAT EVENT, V-E-T, wooster shots, yummy
Mine Mummy says she's so busy she hardwy has time to bweathe again.
Once more genius me says, why bother to bweathe since she's so busy. She should just stop bweathing and use the time she's saved on bweathing to switch on the compoooter for me to bwog.
Well anyway, she never wistens to me and so I onwy have time for a short post today.
I've ever so many things to tell evewyone of you but I can onwy tell you one of them today. See these pictors bewow!Yeap! Mine Mummy boughted him speciawwy for me!
His name is called Moo-in-G#-major but I think I shall just call him Moo.
Obviouswy mine Mummy wasn't the one to name him or he'd simpwy be known as Fish.
Mine vewy own Moo!
I'm so fuwwy excited I think I can't sweep tonight!
And do you know why mine Mummy gotted him for me?
Wet me tell you a secwet.
A vewy important event is coming up in 5 days' time!
Can anyone guess what it is?
I'm going to make sure mine Mummy stops being so busy in 5 days' time and we're going to do something fuwwy exciting! Do stay posted because I want to invite all of you guys!
This sounds ominous!
I hear V-E-T popping out of mine Mummy's mouth!
Why in the world would I need to go to the V-E-T?
I don't think I've got a cold or a cough or anything that escaped mine notice.
On the other paw, wooky at this photo.
You almost cannot make out the PINK COWWAR can you?
Ha. Even though mine Mummy insists on putting a PINK COWWAR on me, it takes a genius wike me to keep it out of sight!
I actuawwy have extwemewy thick fur awound mine neck which covers up the cowwar when I turn mine head in the cowwect angle.
Mine Mummy says I've got a double chin but HEY, it's onwy mine thick mane ok?