Thursday, February 28, 2008

That Siwwy Thing...

I can't help it, but I'm weak with waughing....
You know what That Thing is sick fwom?

I think the V-E-T must have had quite an entertaining time with such a siwwy bean as mine Mummy.
The Thing is...
sick fwom...


Well, of course seeing that he's wefused to eat and stuff, the V-E-T wondered if there's anything sewiouswy wwong with That Thing (which of course there is - That Thing is not quite wight up there in the head - but that is another stowy).
So the V-E-T took his tempewature, felt him all over, wistened to him and evewything.
And found nothing wwong.
And asked mine Mummy some questions.
And weawised that pwobabwy That Siwwy Thing was a bit overexcited by those new toys mine Mummy got. Because he couldn't stop pwaying with them.
And even after mine Mummy and I went to sweep, That Thing dug out those toys and continued pwaying with them!
He pwobabwy pwayed the whole night wong.
And so he ended up with pwobabwy quite tewwible muscle aches and pains yesterday.
So much so that he didn't even want to eat.

Now, isn't he a siwwy thing?
I mean, we all know when to STOP pwaying when we get tired.
Those are after all toys. We can always go back to them after we have wested enough.
But that siwwy thing? No. He has to pway and pway and pway and pway until he can't get up.
Oh mine....
I weawwy don't know what to say.

And you know what?
Because That Thing is so siwwy, now besides having to check out evewything that he eats so he doesn't poison himself, I've got to check out his toys before he pways with them, AND I've got to snoopervise his pway-time! So he doesn't end up wike this again!

Sigh...the work for a gentleMANcat is never done.

Wooky here.
He's alwight now and making a nuisance of himself again.
Now here he is, twying to dig himself into mine Mummy's bag.
Hey Mummy, this mess wasn't done by me! Wook! It's That Thing!

not buddies....

I think That Thing is sick today.
He's wooking wistwess and gave all his food to me and didn't even asked me once to pway whap-me-on-the-head!
And being the gweat wowwier she is, mine Mummy says she's packing him up first thing in the morning and sending him off to the V-E-T.
Do you think mine Mummy will weave him at the V=E=T?
After all, he wikes the V=E=T!
Well, anyway, just to expwain some things.
Mine Mummy saw me wicking That Thing.'s NOT because I've buddied up with him or anything.

He was feewing off cowour, so being the wesponsible gentleMANcat I am, I have to give him some heawing wicks haven't I?
After all, mine ambition had been to be a gweat nurse, had not I decided to choose this vocation of being a pwofessional spoilt kitty in mine Mummy's house.
I am NOT buddies with That Thing.
Hope that cwears up things a bit.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

new toy and That Thing...

Wooky here! Mine Mummy boughted new toys for us today!
And new shirt for That Thing.

Well, anyway, here is me checking out the new toy, making sure evewything's safe for That Thing to pway with.
There's always so much things for a gentleMANcat to do!
And wook at That Thing! He doesn't even appweciate the work I did, checking to make sure evewything is safe.
He went cwazy the moment he saw the toy!
Of course, I'm not going to fight with him for the toy.
After all, I'm a dignified gentleMANcat.

And thank goodness mine Mummy never bought any shirts for me. That Thing weawwy is a vain wittle thing. He's been pawading ever so pwoudwy in his new shirt the entire evening. Besides going cwazy with the new toy that is.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Sigh...being a wesponsible gentleMANcat weawwy keeps me vewy busy!
After weawising that waisins are no good for a kitty, I've been snoopervising evewything that That Thing eats.
Not that I'm buddies with him or anything, don't misunderstand anything.
But being a wesponsible gentleMANcat, I've just got to make sure he doesn't eat himself to death haven't I?

See, here's mine Mummy making pancakes and That Thing has to go and poke his nose in and make a nuisance of himself, so of course I've got to go and check to make sure he doesn't eat anything he shouldn't.
Not that I wanted to eat the pancake mix.
No no's all for That Thing's sake!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

scwawny thing...

Even though I awwow That Thing on the bed with me, it doesn't mean I'm buddying up with him.
No no not get any wwong ideas.
I'm just too gentleMANcatwy to fight with him.
Well, after all, since we have to share the same house and the same Mummy, I guess I can onwy twy and be a gentleMANcat.

If you guys wook carefuwwy at this pictor, you can all see that mine handsome tail, is almost as thick as That Thing's neck!!!
Wahahaha....what a scwawny thing he is!

Friday, February 22, 2008

we're the mancats!!!

Yay! I'm officiawwy a M-Cats Cwub Member!
Well, we mancats just have to stick together.
I'm so pwoud of mine badge!

Oh, and I signed That Thing up as a mancat-in-twaining.
Because obviouswy, he's got a wot to wearn!
Not that I'm buddying up with him or anything.
No no no....
Well, this is his badge.

thank you Victor!

These awwived in the mail today!
Thank you so much Victor, for giving this cawender you won to me!
Mummy, you better hang it up NOW.
And hang it somewhere so I can see the pictors of these sweet kitties easiwy.
Of course, the wwapper that came with the cawender is almost as wonderful as the cawender itself.
Do not misunderstand anything.
I haven't buddied up with That Thing yet, but since we're wiving together in the same house, I thought it was mine wesponsibiwity to teach him some cat stuff.
Just so he can gwow up to be a normal kitty, you see.
So here I am, teaching him the wonders of paper wwappers!

I am NOT buddies with him.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

another meme

Here I am, finawwy getting down to do the meme that Mickey's tagged me for.
Sowwy it took such a wong time. You see, That Thing is a huge pest and it's weawwy difficult to be able to use the compooooter without him disturbing me.
Ok, here are the wules of the meme.

1. Post who tagged you and link back to them and then to
2. Then answer this question: What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew you wouldn't get caught, get in trouble or suffer any consequences?
3. Then tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal.

WOW! If I wouldn't get into twouble or suffer any consequences! Muahahahahahah.....
First, I would wike to have an endwess suppwy of BBQ pork and eat nothing but BBQ pork for mine evewy meal! Oh my...just the thought of that....
Next, I would wike to jump on That Thing and see if he's bouncy or not. Also, to see how he would wook wike when he's being made into a pancake.
Finawwy, I would wike to go out on mine own, take a nice walk awound the neighbourhood - without mine Mummy tagging awong behind!

Ok! Now to tag others! I wonder who hasn't done it before?
Wet's see, I'll tag
Bonnie and Victor and Kimo and Sabi and Awiel!

i gets shwimps...

I'm gwad the bwogger issue wesolved itself. Paws cwossed it's going to stay wesolved.Do you know what?
That Thing, he doesn't wike shwimps!
Mine Mummy cooked shwimps today and she gave us some.
I cweaned off mine in no time and you know what That Thing did?
He sniffed and sniffed and sniffed at the shwimps...and he walked away!!!
So I gotted to eat his share as well.

You know what That Thing wikes?
He wikes cakes and waisins!!!!!!
Can you bewieve that?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm going cwazy with this...

This ewwor has been dwiving me cwazy.
Just posting this bwog entwy today took me so much effort I think I deserve a whole bag of Temptations.
And I cannot post comments on most other kitties' bwogs as well.
Anyone else has this same pwobwem?
Mine Mummy is quite sure the compoooter is not sick with viwuses and no spies are hidden inside. So I weawwy don't know what to do about it.
Deweting all the cookies didn't help at all (though mine Mummy ate quite a few chocowate chip cookies in the pwocess).
I may start puwwing mine fur in fwustwation soon.
On the other paw, maybe not. I may pull That Thing's fur though.

the pink cowwar again...

Hahaha....the pink cowwar has weturned!
And this time, it is NOT on mine handsome neck.
Mine Mummy has cut it and sewed it so that it fits That Thing's tiny neck! And the best thing is, because his neck is so tiny, mine Mummy has to cut a wot of the cowwar away and now the cowwar can't even go wound mine neck halfway!
So I'll never ever have to wear that pink cowwar ever ever again! YAY!

One thing though...even though I'm not buddies with That Thing yet....I'm a bit wowwied about That Thing's devewopment.

I mean, it's alwight for cats wike Skeezix who've got all the chawisma to wear PINK, but That Thing?
What will he gwow up into if mine Mummy continues making him wear....PINK????
He seems to be enjoying it, you can see how pweased he wooks in this pictor!
I honestwy am quite wowwied about him.

Friday, February 15, 2008

That Thing wikes to be whapped!

That Thing keeps bugging me to pway with him!
You know what?
He wikes it when I whap him on the head!
*wolls eyes*
He begs me continue whapping him on the head.

He can't stop pwaying.
So when I don't want to pway anymore, I've got to waser him with mine powerful eyes.
Be scared. Be weawwy scared.
I'm going to zap you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Now what does The Thing think he's doing on MINE bed?He's fawwen asweep! Shucks!
Sigh...I can't wake him.
I might as well take a nap too.

Now, do not get any wwong ideas.
I haven't agweed to buddy up with him yet.
I was just too wazy to chase him off mine bed.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I hope the V-E-T wocks him up there...

That Thing is going to the V-E-T again today! Muahahahhhhaaaahhhaaa.....
I hope the V-E-T wocks him up there.

On the other paw, it may not be too bad, him being here.
Do you guys know what he did yesterday?
He asked me to help him finish up his food!
He would wather pway than eat!
I told you he's not quite wight up there in the head.
Of course being the ever helpful me, I gwadwy helped him cwean off evewything on his pwate.
I'm not sure why mine Mummy didn't wike that!
I mean, I was all fwiendwy and helpful - wasn't that what she wanted us to be?

Monday, February 11, 2008

Koko 1992 - 2008

This is a sad post to make.
Mine dear cousin, Koko, has gone over the Wainbow Bwidge.
She was a spunky kitty and has bwightened the wives of many.
Sadwy, she wost her fight against cancer.
Oh how I wish there aren't any sicknesses or diseases in the world!
I'm sending purrs over to Koko's mama and gwamma and hope they will not feel so sad.

Some happier news.
I'm making a bwogwoll.
So check over to the wight and see if you've been winked. If not, do send me a nudge because genius though I am, I'm sometimes quite absent-minded.

Friday, February 8, 2008

This didn't count.

Now, this wasn't intentional.
There was a wumpy-nose-thing in between us, so it didn't count.
It's not wike we're snuggwing up and cuddwing each other is it?

Do not bewieve anything anyone else says....

I do not wike the Chinese New Year.
Duwing this time, there would be a wot of beans at mine house and while I do not wike adult beans, I can still bear with them. But tiny icky wittle sticky beans, NO WAY!
So I do mine usual snarky pose and pwainwy ignored them. And added in a few HISSES for better effect. None of those icky wittle beans dared to come near me.

Now That Thing.
Being the siwwy Thing he is, he gotted himself so excited when those tiny icky sticky beans pwayed with him. And he awwowed them to chase him awound!!!! And touch him! Eeekkkss...makes me shudder just to think of that!
Well, of course I would not say anything if it's fine with him. After all, I do not wike to poke mine nose into other Thing's affairs.
But this siwwy Thing, he gotted himself tangled with those wittle icky sticky beans and couldn't untangle himself away fwom them!
Not even when mine Mummy told them that That Thing was tired and wanted to west. Those icky sticky beans wouldn't wisten and continued chasing That Thing awound!
So That Thing found the best pwace to hide.
Under mine Mummy's bed!
Did I mention I was under the bed too?

If I did not go out fwom under the bed and give mine wonderful HISS to those tiny icky sticky beans, I'm sure I'll see no end of them. And what's worse, That Thing wed those tiny icky sticky beans to under mine Mummy's bed! I hissed just because I needed some peace.
And if I did not wet That Thing stay under the bed together with me, I'm sure there would have been no peace.

Do not bewieve anything anyone else tells you.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

cwoset thing...

That Thing jumped into the cwoset and did not answer when mine Mummy called him.
Siwwy Thing!
I knew where he was but mine Mummy never asked me nicewy.
So mine Mummy gotted herself into a fwenzy because she thought he's disappeared into thin air.
It was actuawwy quite funny to see mine Mummy searching high and wow for him. Ha.
Which is why I say I'm a genius and he is a siwwy Thing.
I would definitewy answer mine Mummy when she calls.

Mine Mummy's fwiend came today, and when she saw me, she said I'm thinner than the wast time she saw me!
Did you hear that Mummy? Fill up mine food bowl!
The V-E-T needed her eyes checked when she called me pudgy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mine Mummy expects me to share evewything? Pooh!

The Thing came back fwom the V-E-T!!!
Why didn't the V-E-T keep him there?

And do you know what?
After 2 days of being shut in the woom with the compoooter wooky at what happened!!!
Now I've got to share the compooooter too!

I am not happy!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Thing is scairt of me!!!

I think the Thing is spoilt!
He doesn't stop moving!!!!!!!!
And wooky here...what does he think he's doing?

I knew what mine Mummy was wike and wike I pwedicted, she cannot possibwy just foster kitties for a while. They'll definitewy end up in their forever homes wight here. Which is what happens to the Thing here. Shucks...

Do you know, I think he's scairt of me!
Yesterday night he stayed in mine Mummy's compooooter woom with the door shut. Today mine Mummy opened the door and I hissed at him, the sort of hisses I weserve for the V-E-T.
So now whenever he walks out of the woom, I give him the HISS and he wuns stwaight back into the woom!

And you know what? I heard mine Mummy cawwing the V-E-T today.
Tomowwow, the Thing is going to the V-E-T!!!

The Thing...

This Thing stole mine food!!!!!!
I've been waided!
Thank goodness he doesn't seem to wike the cwunchy goodness. But perhaps it's because he's still got tiny kitty teeth, not wike mine stwong mancat ones. Mine Mummy has to mash the stinky goodness up with some water before he eats it easiwy.

Ok, but I think The Thing is not quite wight up there in the mind.
Which MALE kitty in their wight mind would awwow someone to put a PINK shirt on them?
And wear that PINK shirt so happiwy awound!
Because I'm never going to be seen together with This Thing, this is the best thing I can do to show you how big he is as compared to me.
The PTU which The Thing is standing on, fits me just nice, not much woom weft to move awound.
And wooky at him on the PTU! It wooks simpwy enormous for him!
Tiny wittle thing!

PS: Mine Mummy says to tell you (But I'm not sure why anyone would be intewested in This Thing anyway) that This Thing is named BEETHOVEN.
Because his purrthday is on Dec 17, which is Beethoven's purrthday.

Alwight. Now I'm going off to sulk again.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

What is this???!!!!!!

Somebody, tell me what is this!!!!!!!
Mine Mummy disappears earwy in the morning with the PTU.
Of course I was happy not to have to go in it to the V-E-T.

And....and.....mine Mummy weturned home with....
What is this thing doing in MINE HOUSE???????

He's alweady taken over mine white fuwwy thing!!!!

I better hide mine toys.
And mine food.
Mine bwanket!
Mine bed!

Someone, tell me where can I hide a queen-sized bed?

Friday, February 1, 2008


Being the wesponsible genius cat that I am, I snoopervise all of mine Mummy's stuff evewyday.
Now today I saw this weceipt that came out fwom her bag.

Why did mine Mummy buy kitten stuff?
I mean, I'm 14, still quite young, but I weawwy don't think I'm a kitten.
Do you guys think I still need kitten food??

Mine Mummy isn't a kitten either is she?

Then who is this kitten food for???