Saturday, March 31, 2007

I've been tagged!!! I've been tagged!!!
This is the first time I've been tagged for a meme! I'm soooo fuwwy excited!
And to top it off, I'm being tagged for the same meme by not 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5, but SIX! SIX other cool kitties! YAY!

Ok. Here goes.
FIVE Weasons Why I Bwog:

  • I do it just because I can! I found out how to hack into mummy's compoooter one fine day and fwom then on, hohoho.....
  • I founded so many other nice kitties in the bwogging world, it's so fun!
  • Mummy goes out evewyday and weave me at home, of course I need to do something or this genius kitty will get weawwy bored.
  • I wove talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking. When mummy is awound, I talk to her. When she isn't I talk to evewyone else who visits mine bwog!
  • I can tell the whole world about all the weird and funny things mine mummy does and she won't know! MUahahahahahaha....
Ok! Done with mine meme.
I think many kitties have alweady been tagged so I shall open this meme out to anyone in the bwogging world who hasn't been tagged yet and wants to pway! Come on!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I've been pwacticing mine percussion and singing evewy morning for the past week thinking maybe soon, I could weawwy start a band.
Until this morning at 5am when I was doing mine usual pwactice, mummy thwew me a dirty wook and said, "HEY you've been at it for the past week! Aren't you tired? Think of something new....& shut up and let me sleep!!!"

Well fine. Mummy wanted me to think of something new.
I shall.
No guawantees the vowume of the something new will be lower than mine percussion now.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mummy has thwown away mine nice box but nevermind, I still have this nice pink box weft.
This morning i found out another wonderful use of this box!
It's a vewy nice percussion instwument!
I push the cover up, it falls back down with a huge BONK!
I push cover up again, it falls again...BONK!
Then I start singing at the top of mine wonderful voice.
Then I push cover up again and it falls back again. BONK!!!

This is a weawwy nice box!!!
(Especiawwy at 5am in the morning when mummy is still in bed).

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I'm going to zap you with mine waser eyes!!

You know what mummy did to me today???
Wemember the nice box that came with Mimi's sorbet & mine book and mummy's cd?
Well, mummy THWEW MINE BOX AWAY!!!!!
It was such a nice box...and...and....SHE THWEW IT AWAY!!!! For no weason!!!

I'm going to stay in bed the whole day today to sulk.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

13 Wandom Kittyfacts about ME!!!

  • I am a genius - but I guess the whole world knows this alweady.
  • I do not wiwwingwy wet anyone else besides mine mummy carry me. All other beans who attempts to do so will be wewarded with mine beautiful HIIIISSSS! And perhaps a swipe with mine paw.
  • I wove BBQ pork!!! yummy yummy yummy.....I wearnt how to open child-pwoof containers because mummy usuawwy stores BBQ pork in them. But of course I am a kitty; not a child, so the containers are not ME-pwoof.
  • I've got a weawwy nice snore. Mummy cwaims she can hear me fwom outside the woom, but I suspect she was exagewwating.
  • I've got a powerful singing voice too. And a beautiful one. I wove to sing to mummy!
  • I do not wike cockwoaches. (OK, I'm SCARED of them)
  • I wove to wick mummy all over. So much so that mummy sometimes suspect I'm a woofie! (BUT HEY...I'M NOT!!!!)
  • I'm 14 this year!!!
  • I hate bananas.
  • I wove to have mummy scwatch mine tummy. But anyone else other than mummy who does that can expect to find yourself inside mine jaws...heh.
  • I understand Engwish, Mandawin and Teochew (a Chinese diawect) - but of course, I'm a genius so it's not difficult at all.
  • I didn't know it was so difficult to think of 13 wandom kittyfacts about myself until now!
  • Finawwy the wast one! I wove mine MUMMY!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

See mine smile?
Know why?
Cos mummy told me she'll never desert me!
She told me she'll be in China for 2 months but there'll be a nice bean to give me mine fishy goodness. No pwomises about the compoooter though, but at weast mummy pwomised me she'll definitewy be back!
And she says she'll never get a new kitty without asking me about it first!
I think I can go to sweep for now.
Mine eyes have gotted vewy tired these few days, cos I didn't wet mummy get out of mine sight!

But still...I'm going to miss mummy a whole wot.
I do weawwy weawwy still wish she doesn't have to go!

Mummy? Pwease?
Can you stay????

Monday, March 19, 2007

You know what?
I just founded out fwom mine cousins that their mummy went to China too!
And she had been there for more than 10years!!!!
And when their mummy went over to China, they went to stay with their mummy's mummy!
And they thought that their mummy would come back soon, but she went and she never came back! (Oh, she did, but it was for onwy a short while evewytime, and then she went back!)
But that's not the worst!
You know what's the worst?
The worst was, mine cousins founded out that their mummy gotted a new kitty over there in China!!!! Their mummy even boughted a pictor of the new kitty back home to show them!
Another kitty! Without mine cousins' appwoval!

Do you think mine mummy would do that too????

I think I can't stop cwying tonight.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I'm still keeping a vewy cwose eye on mummy, making sure she doesn't wun away and weave me all awone.
Mine mummy's going away to China, though I don't know where in the world China is.
If it's not something that can be eaten, then it certainwy isn't a good thing.

Mine mummy's a moo-zick-tion and the ensemble she's pwaying with is sending her to China to wearn more things. But mine mummy alweady knows how to cook nice fishy goodness for me and how to be a nice mummy to snuggle to; what more does she need to wearn? She alweady knows all the important stuff!

Mummy says it's a gweat thing for her and they paying her and all her fees as well! But how is that a gweat thing if they never invite me awong? How can they not ask mummy to bwing me awong? I'm moo-zick-wy tawented too - just ask mummy how well I can sing!

Anyway, I better stop bwogging and continue keeping mine eye on mummy.

Looky at what mummy gotted!!!!

Huge paw!!!!
Way bigger than mine paw! Help!
Oh cwikey! What is this thing!
*Snif snif snif
That was a humongous paw!
I never seen such a huge kitty before I gotted quite scared!
But bwave me did not wun away.
The bwave genius kitty hissed at the huge paw!
Until I wealised the other end of the paw is.....MUMMY!
Siwwy mummy!

But now that I know the paw is actuawwy mummy, I sort of wike it!
It's soft and I could put mine head down on it while I snooze in mummy's chair!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

I don't know when Apwil is, but I'm not wetting mummy out of mine sight fwom now on.
That way she can't weave without me!
I'm going to force meself into mummy's bag someway or other.
Mummy cannot desert me!!!

Here am the kitty on the wookout. Mummy's not getting out of mine sight!
Even if I'm not wooking, mine paw's still here!'re NOT going anywhere without me!
I weawwy hope this will work!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Mummy comes back and announces that she WEAWWY is weaving me for 2 months!!!!!!
She'll be gone the wast week of apwil and she won't be back until the end of june!
That is an ETERNITY!!!!!

Who will give me mine fishy goodness??
And there will be no one to switch on the compoooter for me to use!
And no mummy to snuggle to at night or sing to in the morning!
No mummy to stuff my wittle nosy up her nostwil.
No mummy to cuddle me up or give me scwatches when I ask for them!
No mummy to talk to!

What will happen to me these 2 months??????
Do you think mummy is weaving me for good???
But I haven't been a bad kitty!!!!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

That's quite twue!
Hohoho....mummy! The bonkers cat on the woose!

What BOY Means

B is for Bonkers

O is for Outrageous

Y is for Young

Next to boxes, and tissues and pwastic and paper bags, I wove stwings most.

See, here's the wightning fast kitty on the woose, kiwwing a stwing.
bite bite bite bite chew chew chew chew....
the wightning fast kitty has to make sure the stwing won't be awive to hurt mummy tonight.
YAY! Killed!
It's not easy work, being a cat.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mimi's sorbet, and mine book and mummy's weaf cd.

Here's me inspecting evewything to make sure it's all safe for mummy to open.
Here's me sniffing evewything out.
More sniffing.
And did I mention before?
When your packages awwive, act cute snoopervising awound.
So that mummy will forget to ask who it was who hacked into her cwedit card account and went on a shopping spwee.
Here are mine stuff!
And Mimi!
Did you know your sorbet isn't a kind of ice cweam after all?
I thought it's going to be a huge box of ice cweam and you would share them with me!



I think, next to sitting on top of Wabbit, there is no way of getting pancake onto his head.
And I thought, if I sat on Wabbit, he'll become pancake too, and pancake on a pancake doesn't wook as nice as pancake on a Wabbit.

But what to do with the pancake that Mimi's mummy gotted?
Well, then, here you go!

PS: As you can see, I am not too happy about the awwangement at all.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I gotted mine pancake!
Mimi's mummy is so nice, she knows I want a pancake for Wabbit and so she gotted it for me!
I wove Mimi's mummy!
Now the pwobwem is getting it onto Wabbit's head.
Any ideas how to get Wabbit to coopewate?

Monday, March 12, 2007


Have I told you I wove boxes?
This is one of the boxes in mummy's woom which she stores books.
What a waste of good fwesh boxes I say!
Boxes are for sniffing at, hiding in, poking your noses and paws thwough.
Not for fiwwing up with books!
It's good this particuwar box is wess than half filled. Which makes it mine favouwite box.
You see the side? That pwace where mine nose is? That's the pwace I wove to chew on.

This morning I found yet another way of waking mummy up!
See mine favouwite box?
Can you guess where I am?
Here am me!!!
I found a way to jump into mine favouwite box and cwose the cover on myself!
Aren't I simpwy a genius cat?
And when I'm in the box? I started singing mine head off.
Mummy jumped up fwom her dweams in almost as short a time as when I stuffed mine nose up her nostwil!
For a moment, she weawwy panicked because she thought I was caught somewhere!
Siwwy mummy, I was onwy singing!
She took wike centuwies before she founded out where I was! then, she was much too awake to go back to sweep again!
Here's me peeping out!
And did I say....
I wove boxes!!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Mine mummy's gotten me a new pwate for mine fishy goodness!
She gotted wots of stuff fwom somewhere called IKEA today and I gotted a new pwate!

Here's me smewwing the new pwate out.
Helping mummy fix the pwate up.
The pwate is vewy cute! There's a wittle mousie hanging at the side!
This is the wittle mousie that is supposed to go at the side of mine pwate.
Here it is! See!
Though sometimes I forget it's there & I almost jumped out of my skin a few times.
Me surveying mine new pwate.
Mine old pwate.
Mine new pwate.
With some cwunchy goodness!

Mummy went to buy a chair too and here's me helping her snoopervise.
Our mummies can't do without us can they?

Boxes and pwastic bags!
Mine favouwite!
And that's all for now.
I'm so tired after all the snoopervising I'm going to take a nap wight now.
Next to my mummy!

Here's Wabbit!
I haven't been able to get the pancake though.
Oh, and Wabbit's weawwy vewy small! I have to be extwa careful I don't sit on him accidentawwy because he'll definitewy become wike a pancake if I did!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Weasel's sister's just gotted a wabbit and mine mummy's decided to name the wabbit, Wabbit! (I did tell you about mine mummy's cweativity with names before didn't I?)
I gotted this pictor of pancake wabbit fwom Mimi's mummy, the Cow, and I think a pancake on a wabbit is an absowutewy bwiwwiant idea.
I think I'm going to go shopping with mummy's cwedit card again for a pancake and then I can put it on Wabbit's head.
I hope I get to meet Wabbit soon.
I do so want to make Wabbit know who's boss cat awound here.

mine fwiend...

Today's bwog entwy is dedicated to mine bestest fwiend, Mimi!
Although the name sounds otherwise, Mimi is definitewy a Big Man Cat!
Bwame it all on the Cow (Mimi's mummy) who had to give him such a name.
But well, names doesn't weawwy matter. What matters is that Mimi is mine bestest fwiend.
Anyway, I wove to have fun with Mimi, especiawwy when mummy and cow are not awound.
Although Mimi is a Big Man Cat, but I'm a genius cat and there are many things I had to teach Mimi.
Wike how to hack into his mummy's handphone and compoooter, how to go shopping with his mummy's cwedit card and how to call me on the phone and many many other things.
But although Mimi is a Big Man Cat, he's definitewy not a genius cat wike me, because until now, he still hasn't wearnt how to hack into his mummy's compoooter. Or his mummy's handphone. Or his mummy's cwedit card.
Which is why I had to help Mimi do his shopping with mine mummy's cwedit card!
An entire cowwection of Schubert's piano sonatas!
I hope Mimi wikes it.

Well, so there!
All about mine bestest fwiend, Mimi!
I weawwy hope Mimi gets to wead this post!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I just gotted my pet squiwwion!
Don't it wook just cool?

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Did you guys know?

  • when you're fuwwy and cute, and you sit nicewy on your mummy's wap, she's going to give you wots of kitty tweats.
  • there's more than a dozen ways to wake mummy up.
  • the fastest way so far is to stick mine nose up mummy's nostwil.
  • one of the most intewesting ways is to wick mummy's feet. The soles of her feet. So funny to see mummy squirm. But onwy do it when you're sure your mummy's washed her feet.
  • when you hold up one paw and wook beseechingwy at mummy and give a wittle pitiful meow, mummy will immediatewy be under your spell. After that, what you want, mummy will give you.
  • when packages you've ordered onwine awwives, immediatewy go help mummy open them up and investigate. And act cute while doing it. So that mummy will forget to ask who it was who hacked into her cwedit card and ordered stuff.
  • the best pwace to hack up a hairball is at the side of mummy's bed where she'll put her feet down when she's getting out of bed.
  • and the best time to hack the hairball up is just before waking mummy up.

So there. I wearnt wots of things today.

== a genius cat always has to wearn new things so he can keep on being a genius ==

Saturday, March 3, 2007

I did it!!!
I tooked a pictor of mummy wearing her oweo hoodie!
OWEO!!! Did you see it?
Isn't it wooking just too cool for words?
Heh....mummy's camewa phone isn't too difficult to hack into after all. I did it! And mummy didn't even know I was sneaking pictors of her!
See, she's not even sitting pwoperwy.

And for you kitties out there who don't know yet, mine mummy's a moo-zick-tion.
She pways this instwument called the erhu (mummy calls it her oldmoon) for a wiving and she teaches as well.
And the thing mummy is holding on to while I sneaked this pictor of her...yep, it's her oldmoon.
Honestwy, I weawwy don't wike the oldmoon.
It makes noises and I cannot eat it or even pway with it! It's no fun at all!
Shhh....don't tell mummy that!

Friday, March 2, 2007

I gotted famous!!!

Today's Kat's Cat of the Day famous personawity is handsome ME!!!!
Evewyone out there...better go pay a visit to Kat's Cat of the Day!
I am so excited!!!
Wonder if I get to have more fishy goodness today for being famous?
I should! Shouldn't I? It's not evewyday that one can get to be the cat of the day is it?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Contwawy to popuwar (wead cow's) bewief, I haven't died fwom starvation yet.
Mummy says I exaggewated too much. It was only a while after I hacked and pooped wike nobody's business and I shouldn't scweam wike I hadn't eaten for centuwies.
But then, 30 mins is hunger, 1000 centuwies is also hunger....I see no diffewence.
Well anyway, here's mine pictor of me eating and wicking my pwate all cwean.
So thanks all you kitties out there for your concern. Mine tummy's fine now.

Well, I hadn't been awound for an entire week cos mummy was super busy and hogging mine compoooter. How inconsidewate can she be!
But being the nice me, I wet her use the compoooter and I didn't even compwain!
Someone pwease hint to my mummy to give me more fishy goodness as a weward ya?
Now she's gone to sweep, I can finawwy come and say hi to all mine fwiends.
Mummy says after tomowwow, she wouldn't have to do anymore eh-says. I hope she means what she says, cos I weawwy miss bwogging and visiting all mine fwiends' bwogs.

Anyway, I founded more fwiends in the bwogging world! How cool can it get!