I've been tagged!!! I've been tagged!!!
This is the first time I've been tagged for a meme! I'm soooo fuwwy excited!
And to top it off, I'm being tagged for the same meme by not 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5, but SIX! SIX other cool kitties! YAY!
Ok. Here goes.
FIVE Weasons Why I Bwog:
- I do it just because I can! I found out how to hack into mummy's compoooter one fine day and fwom then on, hohoho.....
- I founded so many other nice kitties in the bwogging world, it's so fun!
- Mummy goes out evewyday and weave me at home, of course I need to do something or this genius kitty will get weawwy bored.
- I wove talking and talking and talking and talking and talking and talking. When mummy is awound, I talk to her. When she isn't I talk to evewyone else who visits mine bwog!
- I can tell the whole world about all the weird and funny things mine mummy does and she won't know! MUahahahahahaha....
I think many kitties have alweady been tagged so I shall open this meme out to anyone in the bwogging world who hasn't been tagged yet and wants to pway! Come on!