Today today today is the day!!!
Mummy is weaving me for 2 months!!!! than 2 months!
Mummy's coming back onwy on 4th Juwy and that sounds wike many many more days than any numbers I can count up to!
Here's me inspecting Mummy's bag.Mummy's "oldmoons".
I got to check if she wemembered to bwing mine smell awong.Don't ask me what I was doing here.
I cannot wemember!Arh....did Mummy zip her bag up well?
Thank you all mine fwiends who sent me so many wishes and advice on how to get thwough these 2 months.
Even after all mine genius pwanning, Mummy noticed me when I twied to sneak the bed into her bag, so I think mine hopes of stowing away in her bag are gone.
Now I shall just have to stay here and be a bwave kitty and hope that I can switch on the compooooter while the food-bean is not wooking.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
I counted, and today is the 27th!
Which means Mummy is weaving tomowwow!!!!!
Mummy's huge bag, and of course I've got to inspect it for her.
How can I wet her go without all these safety checks by me?
Mummy's going to have to wook after herself for the next 2 months!
Oh dear....I'm so wowwied!Wooky! If it was not for me, Mummy would never have weawised this vishus wibbon in her huge baggy!
Now, wet's see...can I fit mineself in?
Here Mummy, wet the Man of the famiwy wift the bag for you!
Uhm...Mummy, can you wighten up your bag?Honest guys, I don't know if I can still manage to bwog or check out all mine wonderful fwiends on the net. I do so hope the food-bean, who's going to give me mine fishy goodness, will switch on the compooooter for me once in a while.
But just in case I don't get to, don't forget me ya!
I'm going to twy mine best to switch on the compooooter when the food-bean's not wooking.
pawed by
1:27 AM
Labels: bwogging world, China, compoooter, fishy goodness, innernets, kitty fwiends, mummy away, snoopervise
Nora: The Sequel (
Mine idol!
Nowa on the piano!
I hope I can pway wike her soon....
(as soon as I can get the piano wid up...)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wooky at what came into Mummy's woom today!Zoomed in version but bwurred.
I think another kitty must have twied to catch him before.
Wooky at the bwoken off tail!See where the wizard is? It's too small to be cwear, but it's the tiny dot up at the weft corner.
Me stawing at the wizard, twying to hypnotise it to come down.
Stawing stawing stawing....come on....down here...good boy...
Ok, appawentwy mine stare didn't work.
I never wike to impose mine wants on others.
So since he didn't feel wike coming down, I wet him off for tonight.
By the way Daisy, I think the wizard's named....George!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Mummy wead somewhere that kitties that have beans who talk constantwy to them would have a higher IQ than kitties that don't have any beans who talk to them.
Now, Mummy should weawwy thank me.
I talk non-stop to Mummy.
If it wasn't for me, I'm sure Mummy wouldn't be half as intewwigent as she is now!
By the way, wook at mine paws! I think they're vewy BIG MAN CAT paws aren't they?
And they wook just nice for pwaying the piano, don't they?
pawed by
9:14 AM
Labels: Big Man Cat, genius, intewwigent, paw, piano, talk
funny cats
Now we all know beans worship us.
Evewything that we do, they think it's cute! Well, of course we are cute, but....weawwy!
Anyway, enjoy!
Also posted at the *NEW* Tuxedo Gang Hideout.
pawed by
9:10 AM
Labels: *NEW* Tuxedo Gang Hideout, cute, wittle beans, worship
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Someone pwease tell it the 28th yet?
Bweak the news gentwy pwease.
I've been doing wots of pwanning wecentwy.
Of how to be a stowaway in Mummy's bag.
I even made a wist of things to bwing awong, for 2 months is a pwetty wong time without all the things I wove!
Here's the wist, do you think I've weft out anything?
- the wumpy-nosed thing that I sweep with.
- mine bwanket (ok, it's Mummy's but most nights the bwanket's on me)
- mine witterbox (Do you think Mummy will bwing hers?)
- mine foodbowl. The new one with the wittle mousie at the side, wemember?
- mine waterbowl too.
- the piece of stwing I wove to kill.
- mine nice pink box - the one I pway percussion on.
- Mummy's compooooter chair - cos I wove to nap on it.
- Mummy's bed, cos I never sweep anywhere else at night.
- the compoooter, cos I need to bwog and check out how mine fwiends are doing.
- THE PAW, cos you never know when you might just find a piano with a wid that cannot be opened.
- ALL mine toys - I actuawwy wanted to make a wist of the toys I wanted to bwing, until I weawised, 2 months is way too wong to weave some of mine toys back here!
- Oh...and how many cwunchy goodness and kitty tweats and FISHES do you think I need to bwing?
Anyone can help?
pawed by
1:01 AM
Labels: China, help, mummy away
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Mummy has been eating a WHOLE FISH and I sat there and wooked cute and you know what she did?
She continued eating!!!!!
And gave me onwy ONE negwigible mouthful.
How selfish can Mummy get?
I'm twying to stare daggers at Mummy now.
I think she's feewing something.
And do you know...Mummy kept saying I was fat!!!???
I'm onwy 8kg and she says I'm fat?????
You know what Mummy weighs??
She's almost 6 times as heavy as me!
And she calls me fat!!!!!
Mummy!!! You better go on a diet yourself first!
I'm the one who's supposed to eat the entire fish and Mummy should get onwy one mouthful!
Because see...Mummy is soooo much fatter than me!!!!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Ok, I'm turning mine bwoggie PINK here for mine fwiend Wiwwy Wu.
She's feewing fuwwy unwell now so do send her wots of purrs.
Her Mama thinks it may be because of all the wecalled food they've had pwobwems with over there. I think the beans who make the stinky goodness are mean! They should have eated some themselves and if they never fall sick, then they can start selling the food. Don't you think so?
Well anyway, wots of purrs for Wiwwy Wu and hope she gets well fuwwy soon!
pawed by
10:10 AM
Labels: kitty fwiends, sick, stinky goodness
Even though I haven't been mentioning about it, I've still been twying vewy hard to get the piano wid up so I can pwactice to be a virtuoso.
After wots of genius thoughts, I finawwy decided, if I cannot open the wid with mine paw, maybe I should use someone else's paw!
So I wooked awound.
Since Mummy is not helping me at all, I had a hard time twying to find another paw.
Until I wemembered.
This HUGE paw that Mummy gotted!
See...Mine paw and THE PAW!
If I can't open the wid, I'm sure such a huge paw should be able to!
So after all this thinking, I twied to get the paw up the piano, so it can open the wid for me.
But then.....Mummy came back just when I gotted it ONTO the piano!
And Mummy asked, "What is that thing doing on the piano??"
Sheeesh....wike you've got to ask?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Do you all know what Mummy did to me yesterday?
There was a weason I didn't bwog yesterday!
Mummy SHUT ME INTO HER WARDWOBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was in her fweaking wardwobe the entire day!
Wet me tell you, it was her wuck that there was no accidents in the wardwobe although she does so deserve poop on her cwothes!
Now mummy knows I wove to go into her wardwobe when she opens it. Why didn't she check to make sure I was out before swamming the door shut?
And she was out the ENTIRE day!!!
Gwanted, Mummy was extwemewy apowogetic when she heard mine cwies in the wardwobe and I had extwa tweats when she gotted me out. But still......sheeeesh...
But....I do still wike to go into her wardwobe.
So Mummy, you better make sure I'm out before you cwose the wardwobe's door and weave the house ok?
Or better still, weave the door of the wardwobe open ALL THE TIME.
I would definitewy pwefer to be able to go in and out whenever I feel wike it.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Mane Monday
This is Dino.And this is Koko.
Well, I do not have a mane, but I do so want to take part in Mane Monday, so I teweported over to mine cousins' pwace and tooked maney pictors of them.
So here's mine cousin, Dino's Mane Monday wook and Dino's mama, Koko, Mane Monday with zappy eyes wook.
As you can see, Dino wasn't too happy at being woken fwom her nap and Koko seemed to want to zap me away fwom disturbing their naps any further.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Because I'm a genius kitty, I've got to make sure I keep on wearning new things so that I'll keep on being a genius. Here's me just finished surfing the innernets and having wearnt these new things.
So I'm shawing them with you all, so you can all be as genius as me!So here goes.
- A litter of kittens is called a kindle, and a group of cats is called a clowder.
- A cat's IQ is only surpassed by that of monkeys and chimps in the world of animals.
- Cats are the only animals that purr. They can purr at around 26 cycles per second, which is the same frequency as an idling diesel engine.
- Purring doesn't necessarily mean a cat is happy. Sometimes cats will purr when they are scared or hurt.
- A cat's nose pad is as unique as a human fingerprint. No two nose prints are identical.
- Petting or stroking a cat has actually been proven to help in lowering one's blood pressure.
- One way a cat shows s/he trusts you is by rolling over on his/her back.
- A cat's hearing is much stronger and more sensitive than a dog's or a human's. Our hearing stops at 20 khz; a cat's at 65 khz.
- Cats have 32 muscles in each ear and can turn their ear very quickly to catch noise. Much faster than a very alert watchdog.
- A cat's sense of smell is about 14 times stronger than ours.
- Cats have five toes on their front paws and four on their back paws. If a cat is polydactyl, s/he has extra toes.
- Cats have over 100 vocals sounds, while dogs have only 10.
- Cats drink liquid from the underside of their tongue, not from the top.
- Cats use their whiskers to determine if the space they are entering is big enough for them.
- To calm a frightened cat put your hand over his/her eyes and forehead or let him/her bury his/her head in your armpit.
- Only about 80% of cats have the gene that allows them to respond to the effects of catnip. The other 20% are not affected by it.
- Domestic cats are the only cats that can hold their tails vertically while they walk. Wild cats hold theirs horizontally or between their legs.
- The only "natural" breed of domestic cat in America is the Main Coon.
- Cats get an average of 16 hours of sleep per day.
I'm going to take a nap now!
Also posted at the *NEW* Tuxedo Gang Hideout.
pawed by
11:35 PM
Labels: *NEW* Tuxedo Gang Hideout, compoooter, genius, innernets, wearn
If Mummy is going to go off and weave me without any innernets to bwog or check out on mine fwiends' bwogs, this is what I'm going to do to her compoooter.
And twust me, I'm such a genius, I'm sure I can do a weal good job with her compoooter.
I'm weawwy gwateful for all you fuwwy good fwiends out there who agwee to wet me teweport over when I feel too wonewy. At weast that makes these 2 months more beawable. But...I weawwy have to twy and settle the innernets pwobwem!
pawed by
11:24 PM
Labels: bwogging world, compoooter, genius, innernets, kitty fwiends, mummy away
Do you guys know, I'm too YOUNG to quawify for the sweet sixteens cwub!
All they did was make me a gwasshopper!
Oh 2+ years' time.
Anyway, I founded out, Mummy is weaving on the 28th.
I shall twy to stow away in her bag when she starts packing. If not, I think I shall teweport to each and evewy single one of mine gweat fwiends' homes until Mummy comes home. Then I won't be so wonewy.
But still, I WILL miss mine Mummy a whole wot!
And, I'm still not sure if I would be able to bwog! Mummy is talking about diswupting her innernet service for 2 months. If she does that, even genius me cannot find any ways to bwog!
Oh NOOOOO....not being able to bwog or check out mine fwiends' bwogs for 2 whole months!!!
This is getting worse and worse!
pawed by
1:17 AM
Labels: bwogging world, China, genius, gwasshopper, kitty fwiends, mummy away, sweet sixteen
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Cat and Dog funny (get out of my bed)
Here's another genius tux!
Siwwy Woofie! He should have known it's best to wet sweeping cats wie.
Also posted at the *NEW* Tuxedo Gang Hideout.
Friday, April 13, 2007
pawed by
11:54 PM
Labels: cwy, mummy away
Thursday, April 12, 2007
This is so fuwwy exciting!
I'm now a contwibutor at the *NEW* Tuxedo Gang hideout!
Do come and visit!
pawed by
10:42 AM
Labels: *NEW* Tuxedo Gang Hideout, bwogging world, contwibutor, exciting
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Ok, one post without mine handsome pictor.
I've decided I shall come down fwom the piano for a while and help mine mummy do a wittle advertising.
Mine mummy has this gwoup of weawwy BIG-hearted Vietnamese fwiends. And one of them spends ALL her time (so much so that mummy wonders if she sleeps at all) helping the not-so-fortunate childwen in Vietnam. Mummy used to go with these gwoup of nice beans to an orphanage and bwing all sorts of stuff for the wittle beans there.
Well, now this nice bean has another pwoject going on.
You see, although many parts of Vietnam are alweady devewoping vewy fast, there are still parts of it which are extwemely poor. And in these vewy poor parts of Vietnam, many of the wittle beans can't even have enough to fill their tummies, not to say wearn to wead and wwite.
And without ever wearning how to wead and wwite, it will take a vewy wong time for them, even after they gwow up, to impwove their circumstances.
So Mummy's fwiend is twying to find sponsors to help these poor wittle beans go to school, and stay in school.
You see, sometimes they may be so poor that even with fwee schoowing, their famiwies might want them to stay away fwom school because they could then help with earning money wather than spend so much time in fwont of books. They may earn enough to feed the famiwy at this point in time, but in the wong wun, this is definitewy not going to help them.
So, Mummy says it costs 100USD to sponsor one wittle bean and if there are any kind souls out there wiwwing to help them?
If 100USD is too much, Mummy's fwiend says you can just donate whatever amount feels ok and she'll pool the money together. Then more than one bean may sponsor one wittle bean.
So any guys out there want to help?
OK, end of advertisment for mine Mummy.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Sorry guys, haven't been bwogging for the past few days because mine mummy was busy fiddwing with the compoooter. Now our compoooter has been fitted with a new bwain and can store much much much much more handsome pictors of me!
Mummy took such a wong time just to do all that. I never give mine advice if no one asked, but had I done it, genius me wouldn't have taken as wong as mummy!
Well...sheeesh...Well, I've been tagged again! How cool can it get! So now after this wong hiatus, me am back to answer these gweat questions again.
So here goes...
How do you achieve balance in your life?
Bawance is a vewy dewicate thing. To bawance well, you've got to first find a nice fwat pancake. And if the Wabbit the pancake was supposed to be for wefused to coopewate, you've got no choice but to bawance the pancake on yourself. As you can see fwom mine handsome (though not so happy) pictor above, I know all about bawancing. See, the pancake was about to fall off but I held mine ears at an angle to pwevent it swiding off. Thus I achieved bawance.
What is your biggest challenge in balancing your life?
The biggest chawwange was of course, that it didn't feel too comfortable with a pancake up on mine handsome head. But of course, I had to sacwifice and bear with the discomfort for a while.
What are your priorities?
Mine pwiowities are of course, to pwevent mummy fwom eating the pancake before I managed to get it bawanced on mine head. The other pwiowity was to wook weawwy handsome while the pancake was up on mine head so I could take a pictor and show all of you.
How have your priorities changed over time and why?
Mine pwiowities have changed now that I've gotted nice handsome pictors of mineself with a pancake. Because now the new pwiowities would be
1. To get the pancake up on Wabbit's head
2. To pwevent the pancake fwom getting up on mine head again.
What advice can you share to help all of us balance our own lives?
Bawance our own wives? Oh...I wouldn't know that!
I can onwy tell you how to bawance a pancake on the head. Not wives.
Yay! Done!
Now's mine turn to tag 5 others. I hope not too many kitties have done this! I go!
I tag....Buddah, All the staff fwom Artsy Catsy, Kimo AND Sabi and Sammy AND Miles!
Opps! more than 5 kitties!
Nevermind. It's fun, so the more kitties who do it, the more fun!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Mummy wants me to stop pwacticing mine percussion and think of something new.
I thought weawwy hard for the past few days and finawwy, I've decided I shall focus mine genius on pwaying the piano.
As you can see fwom the pictor above (although it's not vewy cwear), I've found how to get ONTO the piano.
Now the next step would be to OPEN the piano cover.
Why in the world does mummy cwose the cover??? Doesn't she know that even if she's not pwaying the piano, someone else (a.k.a ME) would wike to pway?
Now...that's weawwy hard....opening the piano cover.
No wonder they say it's difficult pwaying the piano.